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I got braces..

They hurt..Fml.

Thank you all so much for 2k reads! I can't believe this at all, I'm dying.


~ 1 month later ~ {September}

You think in one month everything will the same, well for me, no. People would think, that it will be a Fairytale, well no it's cliché. You want me to tell you what happened during that time?

Well, here goes nothing.

1. Connor and Bethany are dating, that's good right? He always told me he liked her.

2. Andrea and Jason are dating, that's nice they both deserve each other that's for sure.

3. I've hit....4 million subscribers on YouTube!

4. I've written a song! It's called fire n gold.

{Yeah I know Bea Millers song, but just pretend and pretend she doesn't exist. I'm rude}

5. I've gotten to know Lauren and Arden!

6. Jack and Jenn are dating, they are so cute together.

7. April is pregnant! Jeremy and her didn't waste time at all ;)

8. I'm going on tour!

9. I've gotten closer with my mum and my sister, turns out I've missed a lot! My sister is depressed, and my mom is the manger of Jones Soda company which means, Jones everyday.

10. Um this is sad-- you will find out what happened.

I was right now, leaving the studio because I'm making a new song! Yeah, I know I'm a huge procrastinator but yeah.

My phone was ringing and without thinking, I answered it.




"Hey. What's up?"

"Oh um uh nothing at all! How about you?"

"Uh just missing you"

"Well Kian, how do you think I feel?"

"I'm sorry! She doesn't do this ever! She usually likes the girls I date, but you? I don't get it. I'm so so so so so sorry Mere"

"Kian, you can explain how she doesn't like me and all but--"

"But nothing Meredith. How about we don't tell her that we are dating!" he said.

"Nope! I promised her and I'm not a person to break promises"

"Oh really?"

"Kian..I still have it on" I said admiring the promise ring, it was actually a little pink diamond on it "And I still love you"

"Me to Mere" He said "Kian!!" I heard from his end "Ugh got to go Mere" he said "Alright okay bye Kian"

"I love you" he said

I love you too" I replied.

I put back my phone in my pocket and went home, oh this place gives me shivers, a lot. Like, a lot. A lot.


I was eating ice cream and watching Orange Is The New Black. It's actually a pretty good show, so far.

I was getting a call, but I was focus on the show and I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered with ice cream in my mouth.

"Meredith?" Oh shit, Kian's mom.

I quickly swallowed my ice cream "Hi"

"I need to tell you something"

Okay I'm confused "Okay, what is it?"

"Kian. He's not doing so well"

"Oh. Is he sick?"

"Uh no he's--"

"I'm pretty sure he's sick!"

"No Meredith he's--"

"Please listen. He is just sick! Alright okay? Bye" I said and hung up. Look, I'm not trying to be a bitch, but couldn't she call someone else?

I finished my ice and cream and was getting a call.



"Yeah. Thanks for not coming, if you did, she would scold you and blah blah."

"And say stay away from you"

"Yeah..." He said quietly "Mere...I miss you a lot!"

"Kian...I miss you a lot too!" I said frowning.

"Wait I will be right back" He said.

"Uh okay?" I said and then there was a knock at the door. I answered and oh my fucking gosh.


"Oh my fucking gosh! Andrea, Jenn, Lia, Lauren, and Arden!!!" I said hugging them.

"Hey girl hey!" They said

"Come in!" I said opening the door wider.

They all laughed and came in and sat on the couch. I grabbed my phone to notice Kian hung up on me. Huh, sad face.


So the girls ended up sleeping over and saying how I would need them. Strange right? But whatever, I like their company.

Jenn didn't go to sleep, which was annoying but really funny. I sang to her, and she fell asleep, she's too funny.

I was going to my spot and I saw my phone lit up. It was from Jc. It's like 5am why would he text me now?

Jc: Sorry Mere. Don't cry. We did everything we could to try and stop him but we couldn't :('

Wait what? I read on,

Mere, we are so so so sorry. We didn't know he would end up like this. You don't know what's happening but bad stuff Mere. Keep the girls near you though this time, and you can talk to Kian later. Alright?'

and that's it and it had a picture of Kian kissing a girl. Damn.


I wish I get amnesia and forgot this.

why me?

I guess it's not a Fairytale for me or a cliché life for me.

huh. alright.

but I need to talk to him before I go and act like a bitch to him.



OMFG! My chapter didn't save!

anyways what's Kian's problem?

It's sadddd...

But yeah!

Stay beautiful.

Bye love you!

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now