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I have nothing to really say sooo



"I don't know Kian.."

"Come on! You can't just say that, you made me miss you even more last night!" He said.

"Last night?" I asked.

"Fuck, I thought you'd remember!" He stood up.


"You were drunk Mere, I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't."

"I was drunk Kian.."

He sat down again, "why did you kiss that girl?" I asked.

"The same reason why you made out with me." He answered.

"We made out?"

He nodded, "okay whatever forget that. I wanna know why you kissed her." I told him.

He frowned, "I already told you I was drunk.."

"You were at a club..why? Can you please tell me properly?" I argued.

"I was just really stressed out, I hated not being with you! I barely ever got to see you, my mom was just being a bitch and talking shit about you so I went out, I don't even know why I was just really stressed," a tear escaped my eye. "And then I had one too many drinks and I don't know what was even going through my mind..I ended up kissing her."

"Just because you're mom hated me?"

He nodded in response.

"You only kissed her right?"

"I don't really remember anything else from that night.."

"Why didn't you talk to me about it?"

"I don't know Mere, I don't know!" He put his hands through his hair.

My eyes were puffed up and red.

"I love you Kian, I really do."

"Then come back to me, please.." He moved closer.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back, "I don't know..you've been screwing up a lot lately."

"I'll try not to! I promise, I'll do anything you want, just take me back!"

"I want to start over." I wiped away my tears.

He walked out my door, closed it and knocked. What is he doing? I stood up and opened the door.

"Hi, my name is Kian." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Listen, I've seen you around before..and I just think you're really beautiful." He smiled, trying to hide his sadness.

I raised my hand for him to shake, surprising him. "I'm Meredith, I've seen you around before too actually."

"I brought you something." He told me, pulling out a little box. I looked up at him in confusion as he led himself inside, closing the door. We both sat down as he opened the box. It was a necklace.

"Wow." Was all that could come out of my mouth.

"May I?" He asked, I nodded and turned around. He moved my hair away and put it on me.

"It's beautiful, thank you." I looked straight into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Kiss me already?" He leaned in. I accepted his offer.

Our lips met. I missed this. I missed him. I moved my hands up to his neck. He pushed me onto the sofa softly, he was hovering over me, kissing me passionately.

He broke the kiss, we were both breathless. I sat up and sat in his lap.

"I'm in love with you Kian Lawley." I confirmed.

"I'm in love with you too, Meredith Carter's. I missed you so much."

"Me too."

"Don't ever do that to me, ever again." I continued.

"I won't," he pressed his forehead onto mine.

"What if I take you to dinner tonight?" He offered. I nodded eagerly. "I'll pick you up at 7:30." He told me.

He placed a kiss onto my lips and left with a smile plastered on his face. I looked over at the time. It was 6:00 right now. Maybe I should start getting ready?

I had a nice long shower, I chose to wear a white dress, up to my knees with golden rhinestones on it. I slipped into the dress.

Should I curl my hair? I wanna look good today, maybe I should. I curled my hair and applied my makeup. I grabbed my black pumps and went to the living room to wait for Kian.

It was still early, there was 20 minutes left. I decided to text the girls on our group chat and tell them about Kian and I.

Me: girls..

Lia: what happened?

Andrea: what?

Me: me and kian got back together!

Jenn: oh my gosh!

Lauren: maybe he changed you're opinion in his room at the party the other night ;)

Me: Lauren!

Arden: what did I miss?

Lia: oh nothing..Kian and Mere got back together!

Andrea: how tho?

Me: he came to my apartment and now he's taking me to dinner!

Lauren: oooooooo

Me: Lauren shut up -.-

Lauren: haha, you love me :)

There were a few knocks at my door.

Me: he's here! Bye guys!

I turned off my phone and went to open the door.


Well that was a sappy chapter, haha

Sorry if it was short ://

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The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now