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So my chapter got deleted...

Awesome! Just effing awesome.

I wrote so much, now it's gone!

Kms rn brb...


> Unedited <

Meredith's Pov

I walked to the door and opened it and thinking it was Kian it wasn't. It was Sam! I'm kind of confused, I thought Kian was coming but apparently not..

"Hello Meredith" Sam said.

"Hi sam.."

"Here is clue one" He said giving me a card that had a sparkly number one on it. I opened it, but before I can I asked Sam a question.

"What is this about?"

He smiled and then it look liked he gave up "Okay okay, I can't do this. Mere, your going to get fifteen or ten clues from somebody that you know, and once your done you will reach your stop" He said.

"Really? Okay"

"Good, so I've got to go! Good luck and don't get lost" He said and hugged me then left.

I opened the clue and it said:

Dear Mere,

This is clue number one! This is kind of creepy but just listen to these clues and it will all make sense.

So since it's fall and this is every girls favourite thing to get during fall.

Hint: It's at your favourite coffee shop :)

Bye! See you at clue number two.

And that's it, well. Okay my favourite coffee shop, and every girls favourite thing to get during fall. What..? Oh! It's StarBucks and its Pumpkin Spice Latte!

I went out of my door and locked it and I went downstairs to outside. I walked to the nearest StarBucks and I walked in.

I saw Jc and I went up to him.

"Yay Mere you got your first clue! Congrats!" He said and I laughed "So here's your first clue" He handed me a card and instead it had a sparkly red number two.

"Well I've got to go, I'll see you later! Good luck!" He said and left StarBucks.

I opened it and it said.

Hi Mere,

So you made your way to Starbucks I see ;) well haha you were right, and sorry I didn't know how to get you here so that's why I have you a hint and also sorry you don't get a pumpkin spice latte!

So Mere this one is tricky but even though your a girl but you sure like to get messy when you eat ;)

Good luck and no hint this time! And also don't get lost..

Bye! See you at clue number three!

And that's it, this one was tricky, really really tricky.

When I eat and it get messy? That makes no sense and I mean the only food I eat and get myself messy is in-out burger.

Waitttt! It should be there then right?

I went out of Starbucks and now it was getting real cold but not shivering cold, just a cold breeze. I needed to find myself the nearest in-out burger. Like right now.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now