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I'm honestly so happy, and sad, one because this book is so awesome, two it's our first book!

Okay enjoy..!

Might get emotional, but it's whatever, right?

~ Years Passed By ~

Meredith' P.O.V

"Justin! Isabelle! Evan! Get down stairs right now!" I yelled.

I can hear voices saying 'its your fault!' and 'no! it's your fault', then I finally see all of my kids come down the steps.

"Well?" I said.

"Mom, it's not what it looks like!" Justin cried.

"No,no,no,no. Justin, hun. I love you to death, but what the hell is wrong with you?!" I said.

Okay here's what happened, Kian and I were spending time with the gang and we let Justin be in charge of Isabelle, Evan. So we gave them a couple of hundreds for food and more food. Then we come back to a messy, discussing, horrible, house. Which means, Justin had a party.

"Why? Why Justin?" I touching his

blonde hair.

"I-I don't know. I just wanted to seem c-cool." He stuttered.

He just wants to be cool? He is a star hockey, football and soccer player, and yet he's not cool?! He's so popular at school, yet he wants to be cool.

"Justin, you are cool. Better yet, your awesome! Why?"

"To impress the gang"

Ah, the gang.

He has his gang which is: Amanda (Jc' Kid), Nick (Ricky' Kid), Jessica (Connor' Kid), Jay (Trevor' Kid), Jade (Sam' Kid). It was only the O2L boys, kids.

"Justin, they are mind blown at what you can do! They think your cool! They think you are more than cool! So stop, trying to impress people, because I don't want you waking up to impress everyone. Am I clear?" I stated.

"Yeah.." Justin mumbled.

"Butttttt Mommmmmm! Why are we in trouble?!" Isabelle and Evan whined.

"Because, I can tell that you guys helped your big brother out."

With that, they threw themselves onto the ground and started making un-human noises. Me and Justin started to laugh.

Kian came downstairs, and made his way over to me and kissed me.

"Oh gross! Ew dad. Why couldn't you do that later?!" Isabelle said, only thirteen and acting this way.

"Well, Belle. I couldn't really do it when I was younger" Kian explained.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because, your father, spent most of his teenage years chasing after me" I stated and walked away.

"Aw, how cute. I want a boy to do that to me" I overhead Isabelle say. Kian chuckled at her "But, Belle, don't let him waste your mascara, because that's what I did to your mom, let him waste your lipstick" He said and clearly walked away, because after he said that, he came into the kitchen and hugged me. Very tightly.

"I'm so sorry Mere" He said into my hair.

"For what Kian?" I asked him.

He shouldn't be sorry for anything.

He moved his hands from my waist to my thighs, signalling me to jump up, and I did that.

"I'm sorry for, well you heard what I said to Isabelle." He said.

I ran my hands through his hands, admiring his brown hair. Strange how all the kids got my blonde and not his brown.

"Kian, you don't have to be sorry about anything, Okay? I love you so much. Yes, we had some rough times, but look were we are! We are married and have three gorgeous kids, that you gave me! So you shouldn't be sorry"

He frowned "But-But I wasted you, and-and I screwed up and, shit, how do you love me?" He asked.

"I love you because, even though you screwed up, a billion times! You still tried for me, actually you tried way to hard, but it was cute."


"Oh my gosh! That was the funniest movie ever!" Isabelle said, when we were coming out the movie theater.

So we just finished watching Neighbors and it was a funny movie but, it was inappropriate because we had Evan with us, but he didn't seem to mind.

"I need to get that movie on Netflix, well when it comes on Netflix" Justin said.

"Wooooooooooow! You're such a girl, no wait. You're such a white girl! Omg Netflix and Starbucks, holy shit Zac Efron is so fricken hot omg" Evan mocked Justin.

I went over to Evan "That's funny Evan but that's not nice" I said smiling at him.

"Mom! He deserves it though!" He exclaimed.

I just shook my head and laughed.

"Hey look frozen yogurt!!! Yaaaaaasss! Let's get some!" Isabelle said getting Justin and Evan and running off.

Kian came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He planted a kiss on my head and said "We raised good kids". I smiled "Yeah, we did". He gave me another kiss but on my forehead,

"I love you"

I smiled.

"I love you too."








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