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Heyy guyss S here

Do you think Mere and Kian really lost feelings for eachother?


----Mere's Pov----

I woke up fairly early, Brandon was still sleeping so I decided to stare.

"Your staring again." He said with his eyes shut.

"Once again, I'm gazing not staring!" I said.

"It's creepy." He said with a smile on his face.

"It's romantic." I also smiled.

(------A/N I'm sorry! I took that from tvd! I just had to!--------)

He caught be off guard by giving me a good morning kiss, "your beautiful." He said. "You're not so bad either." I said playfully. I was about to go to the bathroom to brush when he grabbed my wrist, "stay a few more minutes? I wanna cuddle." He sais with that cute look. I rolled my eyes and got back into bed, and we cuddled a few minutes.

"Can I go brush now?" I asked. He nodded. I went to the bathroom and picked up his brush, "Brandon! I'm using your brush!" I called. "Okay!" He called back. I love how he never cares when I use his things. After I finished brushing I left the bathroom as Brandon got up to brush. "Wait." I said. He stopped in his tracks. I wrapped my arms around him and planted a kiss on him. "I love you." I he said breathing on my neck, then leaving to the bathroom.

Wow, I had goose bumps. His voice is so husky in the morning, gosh it's hot. I heard the shower turn on, I guess he was taking a shower too. I went on my phone and checked my instagram, I started stalking Brandon's instagram. I went all the way down to when we used to date there were millions of pictures of us, awe.

He came out of the bathroom shirtless, with grey sweatpants. You don't even know how much I'm drooling right now. He's so hot. I smiled at him as I entered the bathroom. I undressed and showered, When. I was done I put back on my crop top and my high waisted shorts. I opened my hair and went back into his bedroom.

As soon as I got out brandon grabbed me by the waist and dipped me, "you know I brought those clothes yesterday because I knew you would look hot in them." He winked. I bit my lip as he put me back up. I was as red as a tomato right now. He's way better then Kian, Kian would never do that.

We both headed downstairs. "What do you want for breakfast?" Brandon asked. "Um pancakes!" I said. He got out the stuff to make the pancakes. "Your not making them alone!" I said. "You wanna help?" He asked. I nodded. We ended up getting flour all over our faces.

"We're really good at cooking" he laughed. "Very good." I said. After we made the pancakes, we put maple syrup on them. Brandon brought some from Canada. Then we ate. "These are surprisingly good." I said. I looked out the back window to find out that he had a pool. "Brandon you have a pool!" I said. "Aha yeah wanna swim?" He asked. "I need to get my bikini, mind if I stay the week?" I asked. "Sure no problem." He smiled. "Okay we need to go get my stuff."

We got into Brandon's car and drove to my apartment. I grabbed all the stuff I needed and we headed back. "Let's go get changed." He said. I got changed in the bathroom upstairs, he got changed in the one downstairs. We both met outside.

As I was looking at the water he pushed me in. "BRANDON! NOT COOL!" I yelled. Memories came back from when me and kian went to the beach. Brandon jumped in too. He was laughing like crazy. We kept splashing eachother. Soon we took a break from that and we somehow ended up kissing underwater.

"Can we take a picture of us kissing underwater? Please?" I begged. "Sure, I have a waterproof case let me go get it." He said. He brought back his phone with a blue and green case. I smiled. He jumped back into the water and we took the picture, "awe you look so cute." I said to him, after seeing the picture. "Your cuter." He said. "No you are!" And that's how we argued.

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