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I'm so sick, and I have homework.

Life sucks.



I walked away in annoyance, I got in my car and left home. I had enough time to shower before getting dressed. I got into the shower, the water was warm. It relaxed me. I got so caught up in being relaxed that I forgot that I had somewhere to be.

I quickly got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, I went to my closet to choose what to wear. What am I even supposed to wear? I pulled out my phone and called Jenn.

"Hello?" I heard Kian say.

"Um, hey..can you give the phone to Jenn?" I asked.

"Uh yeah." I sensed the sadness in his tone.

"Hello?" Jenn's voice boomed through the phone.

"Hey, what do I wear??"

"It's a party Mere, wear a dress."

"Do I have to?" I pouted.

"Yes! Oh and bring a swimming suit, we're gonna go in the pool."


I hung up and pulled out a black party dress with rhinestones on it, it was strapless and just above my knees. I slipped it on and put on a few bracelets, along with my favorite ring..the one that Kian gave me. I curled my hair and did my makeup, I then grabbed my black pumps. I nearly forgot to grab my bikini but I did. I put it in a bag and got into my car.

When I got there, there was loud music and people outside holding red cups, wow. I left my swim suit in my car, and went inside. There were a couple of guys I didn't recognize staring at me. I then started quickly walking to find Andrea and Jenn. The first person I spotted was Lauren. I rushed over to her.

"Hey Laur!" I said loudly so she could hear me.

"Hey!" She hugged me and handed me a cup.

"Later." I rejected her offer, she nodded.

"Come on," she took me to Andrea, Jenn and the boys. To my surprise I found Jason there.

"Jason!" I ran into his arms.

"Hey Mere!" He smiled hugged me back. I saw Kian from the corner of my eye.

"Hey guys." I said to the boys.

Kian began to drink from his cup, pretending I wasn't there. I frowned.

"You're finally here!" Jenn's voice interrupted my thoughts. "You look gorgeous!"

"Thanks, so do you!" I told her.

Jack came up beside Jenn and pecked her lips.

"I knew jackXpenn would happen one day!" I said as Jenn playfully punched my shoulder.

There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.


"Yeah?" I said nervously.

"I wanna talk.." Kian said awkwardly.

"Yeah sure.." I followed him upto his room. There were so many couple's kissing, it made my heart drop.

We walked into his room and he closed the door.

"I miss you." He told me.

"I-uh..I-" I couldn't find any words.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now