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Meredith's POV

I woke up to the sounds of birds and the sun shining.

I got out of bed and did my normal morning routine. You know.. Wash my face, brush my teeth, take a shower, etc.

Then I remembered I was going to go shopping with Lia. I went back into the washroom and did my makeup and hair.

Eh, I look decent. I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. I decided to turn on the TV to past the time until Lia gets here.


After a couple of minutes of watching TV I heard a knock at my door. That must be Lia.

I swung the door open and it wasn't who I was I thought it was.


"Oh my god! Kian!!" I yelled and hugged him.

I've missed Kian I haven't been able to spend time with him.

"Okay come in" I said opening my door a bit more.

"So why do you come?" I asked because I needed to. He sat down on my couch and I sat down beside him. "Well..." he said "Well...? What" I say "Maybe because I missed you" he said and I blushed and he continued "And because I wanted to check on you" he said smiling. "Oh okay but Kian you don't need to" I said blushing again "Well that's what bestfriend's do!" he said

Then there was a knock at my door "Wait let me get it" I said getting up, I heard him mumble an okay. I walked to the door and I opened it. "Lia!!!" I said "Mere Bear!!!" she said. "Ready to go shopping?" She said. Oh, Kian was here. "Uh yeah the thing Kian is here" I said looking down. "Ooo, why did he come?" she said "To check up on me?" I blushed "Awe he is so cute! He can come with us, because Jc is downstairs anyways so they can be together while we shop" she smiled "Okay let me get Kian" I said running back into the living "Kian!! Come on were are going shopping with Lia and Jc!!" I said pulling him up.

"Okayyyy" he said. We both walked to the front door and I locked it behind me. I hope today goes well.


We finally were here! I love the grove, I go here all the time but sometimes I get my clothing online.

I got out the car and shut it behind me. Lia came to my side. "Okay guys Mere and I are going shopping together, you to can hang out together or call the guys if you want we don't care! Were going shopping" she said "Well don't I get a kiss goodbye?" Jc said to Lia with puppy eyes "Jc!!" She said blushing "We will be back!!" she diss grabbing my hand and running to the stores.

We entered Forever 21 (I don't know I if it is in California! don't hate me) and we walked looking for stuff. "Hey Mere, don't you need an outfit for yours and Kian's date?" she said. Oh my god, that totally slipped my mind! "I do!!" I said "Well let's look gurl" she said.


So we finally found the perfect outfit for mines and Kian's date!

It was a black skater skirt and a crop top that was strapless and crosses at the back and then I have these grey ankle boots and black stockings. With the perfect hair and makeup I would say I maybe would look....hot?

"Okay I'm paying!" Lia said

"No! I'm paying" I fought back.

We kept fight until the line was getting longer and the cashier lady to hurry up, so Lia was about to pay but I slapped Lia's arm, and I quickly paid. I always win, Lia should have saw that.

After many hours of shopping, we finally dropped. Like I'm not even joking we dropped to the ground.

So now we just got some Starbucks, because I mean we're white girls. I got a Passion Fruit Tea and a Cotton Candy Frap and Lia got a regular Green Tea Frap and a Vanilla Bean Frap. Talk about yum-my, like yaass!

"Hey there you are" I heard a voice say.

I turned around to see Kian. My smile grew "Hey Kian" I said getting up, and hugging him. He hugged me back. "So you shopped?" I said looking at his bags "Oh and you called the boys up!" I said looking at Sam, Connor, Ricky and Trevor. They all looked at me. "Don't look at me! Give me hugs!" I said opening my arms.

I hugged all of them. "Girl, you a shopaholic!" Trevor said all sassy "Girl, you already know" I said, causing him to laugh. We all went back to talking until Ricky pulled my arm.

"Hey Ricky...whats up" I said. "Uh nothing....but how are you and Kian? has he hurt you yet? Did he make you cry?" He said. "Ricky! Calm yourself!! Kian hasn't done that...yet." I said "Oh, had he asked you to be his girlfriend?" He said. I blushed I don't know why, but thinking about if Kian did ask me out "No, not yet. I hoping he would" I said "Okay, sorry Mere. Just looking out for you" He said. I smiled because Ricky would always looked out for me when it comes to boy. "Don't worry Ricky I'm going to be fine" I said and I walked back to the group and stood beside Kian, were he put his arm around my waist. I notice Jenn, Andrea, Jack, Anthony, Rebecca, and Andrew. "Hey!" I said smiling at them.

"Hi! I love your videos" Jenn said "Omg your my favourite youtuber! I have all of your covers" Andrea said "Your so pretty" Recbecca said. Wow these girls look like they can be my best friends. "I love your style" Jack said "Your my queen literally, your so gorgeous and just so beautiful I love you so much" Anthony said "Your so talented and funny!" Andrew said.

I smiled and blushed "Thanks you guys, hey can I have all of your guys numbers so we can stay in touch?" I said. They all said 'Yas' and pulled out there phones.


We all hanged out that night. We did some videos and played truth or dare and played some pranks and penny boarded. Let's just say today was very funny.

It was about 1:30 am, and I'm pretty sleepy right, plus everyone was getting sleepy and going home. "Hey Andy can you take me home?" I asked Andrea, I call her Andy I don't know why but I find it funny. "Sure! Come on" She said grabbing my hand.

"Wait I'll be back I think I forgot something" I said going back into the house "Okay we will wait for you" she smiled at me and went into Jenn's Car.

I went back inside and saw Kian. He smiled at me. "I think you forgot something Mere" he said smirking "I know what I forgot" I said smirking. I went up to him and went onto my tip-toes. I kissed him. Just like always I felt the fireworks go off. I pulled away "I need to go now." I said "Bye" I said and left.


We pulled up to my apartment. Jenn and Andrea got out. "You guys don't have to come in you know what right?" I said to them "Mere we live here!' Jenn laughed. My eyes grew "Omg! We all are going to be bffs!" Andrea said. Making all of us laugh. "Okay let's go up before I pass out on the ground" I smiled and yawned. "Yeah we better we don't want you to pass out because we will either drag you or just leave you" Jenn said jokingly.


When I said my good byes to them. I went upstairs, yes I have stairs in my apartment, deal with it! I live in the penthouse though.

I plopped myself on my bed. "I can't wait for mines and Kian's date and I can't believe I just made best friends today" I say to myself and then change into my pyjamas and drift into a sleep.


So so so so so so so so so so sorry!

This is so short! We will make it up next chapter promise.

Yay! Jenn, Andrea, Rebecca, Jack, Andrew and Anthony were in here! The fab five and Andrea.

Okay bai

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