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Heyy S here! Did you check out or Shawn Mendes fanfic yet? If you didn't go do it!! Well after you read this chapter aha

Oh and we also made an instagram! Go check us out! Longliveidiots


okay now you can read the story 😂


I woke up in the middle of the night, I shot up as soon as I awoke. "Mere?" Kian said half asleep. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing..I just I'm scared.." I said. "Don't be, come here." He gestured for me to lay down and scoot closer, I did as he asked. He then wrapped both his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "I'm here."

I smiled and shifted myself so I was facing him. "Sorry for waking you up." I said quietly. "I don't mind, I'd rather talk to you then sleep." A smile appeared on his face. "You have no idea how much I love you." I said. He then took his arm off my waist and put it behind my head and crashed his lips onto mine. He was exploring my mouth with his tongue. I pulled away. "I think we should go back to sleep." I chuckled, as he nodded and out his arm back around my waist.


I woke up feeling nice, remembering last night. I slowly slid Kians arm off me and grabbed his keys to go put mines and his stuff in the truck. When I got out of the tent Jack and Jenn were there talking. "Oh my gosh so the rumours are true." I smirked "JackXPenn foreverr!" I teased. "Oh stop it." Jack said. "Where are you going?" Jenn asked. "To the car I'm putting our stuff back I'm not staying here I'm showering at home. Plus April's wedding is the day after tomorrow and I still need to pick out my dress!" I said. "Oh true, I already got my dress." She said. "We are going tomorrow, well I'm gonna go now." They both said bye as I left.

I unlocked the truck and put our stuff in there, I then texted Kian to come so we could leave. He wouldn't reply so I went back to the tent. "Kian wake up! I said jumping onto him."

"OWWW!" He screamed.

"Sorry" I giggled.

He immediately got up and started tickling me.

"Kian-Oh-my-gosh-stop!" I said while laughing.

"What was that for?" He said in his husky morning voice.

"I love you voice in the morning." I said sitting on top of him.

He smiled, "now tell me what you woke me up for."

"We're leaving!" I announced.

"What why?" He asked.

"Because." I smirked.

"Fine, I don't wanna stay here anyways." He said getting up.

"We'll tell Jenn and Jack to bring the tent back." I said. He nodded and we left.

"April's wedding is the day after tomorrow!" I said excitedly. "You're gonna have to dance with me." He smirked. "I know, I want to." "Well that's a relief."

We pulled up into the parking lot And I ran out of the car, grabbing my bags. I felt so dirty I just have to go. I ran into my apartment and into my room, I grabbed pink v-neck and jeans and ran into the bathroom. I first brushed my teeth, then I got into the shower. Okay now I can relax for a few minutes. Once I was done showering I took my time to get ready and put my makeup on. Once I was done that I went back into my bedroom looking fresh.

Kian passed by me and went into the bathroom, while he was getting ready I decided to call April.

"Hello?" She said.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now