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When I went back into the car, I was smiling like a kid in a candy store.

He started the car and started to drive. We were sitting in a comfortable silence. Of course Kian  broke that silence.

"So, um, did you have, uh.. fun?" Kian asked awkwardly. He's literally so damn awkward it's cute.

I smiled at him. "Of course! You didn't have to take me Kian."

He looked at me and smiled back, "If I didn't, I probably would've regretted it."

With that, we fell back into the comfortable silence.

I started to hum to this song that was stuck in my head. Then again, alot of songs are stuck in my head.



He was about to say it, and then he sighed. "It's nothing. Don't worry." He said and focused back onto the road. 

"No. no, no, no, no, now you have to tell me"

Then he looked at me. How can one be so beautiful? "Well, I, uh"

"Kian, breathe." I said, laughing a little bit.

He took a breath, "Meredith, will you go on a date with me?"

"I'm so sorry Kian," He looked disappointed, "I would love to go on a date with you"

He laughed, "Jesus Christ, don't ever do that shit again" I laughed.

Kian's POV

I guess it's pretty damn obvious that I like Meredith. If you didn't know that, did you just skip the part where I asked her on a date?

But, when she said, "I'm so sorry Kian". I didn't joke what do to. Then she said, "I would love to go on a date with you". Don't even with me.


We finally got to the house and I knew Meredith was staying over cause I could hear Ricky through the phone so yeah.

I got out of my side quickly and helped out Meredith. "Thank you Kian" she said grabbing my hand. "Anytime" I said smiling at her. She returned one smile back, okay I'm going to melt, I sound like a girly girl! I must wonder if this is how girls feel?

She shut the door and got her bags. She patiently waited for me to open the door.

"WERE HOME!" I yelled.

"Yay!" Ricky said coming towards us.

"I'm going to change into my pyjamas" Meredith said to me.

"Okay. I will be in my room then" I said but wait! She was going upstairs and I was going upstairs. So I took her hand and lead her upstairs. I went into my room and she went into the bathroom.

I say down on my bed wondering. How could a girl like Meredith like me? I mean, I'm just a boy behind a camera..but what if I ask her out? Would she say yes, I mean she said yes with me going on a date and she kissed me back so I guess she likes me? I don't maybe she didn't it to spare my feelings? I don't know! Girls are harddddd!

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and tweeted out.

@KianLawley: Was hanging out with my bestie! She's my girlfriend everyone! No I'm joking but she is my best friend though. New video coming your way :) @MeredithCarters

Then I linked a picture of Meredith and I. I really hope Meredith doesn't get hate. Cause that would be wrong mhm.

I saw my notifications blow up. Then I saw a mention from Meredith.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now