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Heyy guysss!

So school has started and me and K may not update as often!


Onto the storyyyy


I woke up in the morning to find out that I cried myself to sleep. Lia was the only one awake.

"Mere? What happened?" She questioned me. I grabbed my phone and showed her the texts Jc sent me, and the picture. I handed her my phone and ran to the bathroom.

Let's just say I wasn't thinking,

One for his mom hating me..

One for him kissing another girl..

One for me being an idiot and not listening to Ricky..

One for everything that's happening.

Why me? Why is it alway's me? I broke into tears looking at myself in the mirror, I sat

down in front of the door, and decided to have my break down there.

"Mere?" There was banging on the door.


"I'M SERIOUS!" I heard voices calling my name.

I opened the door, my head was spinning. Arden rushed through the door with water, "here!" She held the water up to my mouth making me drink it.

"Thanks." I said weekly.

"He isn't good for you." Lauren frowned.

"Do you want me to call some one?" Andrea asked.

"Do you need anything?"

Voices were booming in my head.

"I want some alone time. I want it to be quiet." My voice finally broke out of me.

They nodded and left the room. I grabbed my phone and texted Ricky,

Me: you were right

Ricky: mere.. Don't say that you love him

Me: I did

Ricky: Mere you haven't even talked to him yet to see what's happening.

Me: :/

Ricky: I understand how you're feeling but give him a chance

Me: so while I'm not around he kisses another girl? And then someone takes a picture and he doesn't even care? He hasn't even texted me Ricky!

Ricky: Mere calm down

I put down my phone, I was laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I had that burning feeling on my wrist. I took a look at it. The cuts were sort of bleeding. I went to the bathroom and washed off the blood. I put my hair into a messy bun. I then went to where the girls were, I was a mess. Andrea spotted my cuts.

"Oh my god....Mere are you out of you're mind? What were you thinking!" She yelled at me. I ignored her and took my car keys. I simply walked out the door. "Where are you going?" Lia ran after me.

"Away." I replied.

She frowned, "Mere." She put her hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"I'm fine." I shook off her hand and left her standing there.

I got into my car and took out my phone, I dialled Connor's number.

"Hello?" He called through the phone.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now