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This is the last chapter..I don't think there will be a sequel.

Thanks to those who have stuck with us the whole time and read until the end, we really appreciate it!

Anyways sorry :/ hope you enjoy the chapter!


~~~ years later ~~~

"Oh come on." I got out of bed frustrated to see that there was no one laying next to me. I ran to Isabelle's room. She was waving her arms in the air, crying. "No baby, don't cry! Mommy's here. It's okay." I picked her up, patting her back.

Her cries transformed into sniffles. I decided to check if Justin was still asleep. I opened his door, making sure it wasn't creaking. He was sound asleep. I quickly shut the door and took Isabelle to my room. I put her on my bed and covered her with the blanket and got into bed next to her.


My alarm clock began to beep. I tried finding the alarm with my hand, not wanting to wake up. But I had to. I slowly opened my eyes and closed it, making sure Isabelle was still asleep. I heard barking coming from downstairs. "I'm coming Hazel!" I called down.

I went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I then made my way downstairs and let Hazel out of her cage. "Hey Hazel." I greeted her. She started jumping on me. I brought her into my arms and petted her for a few seconds, then put her down.

I headed to the kitchen and made myself some cereal. Chocolate cereal. I guess I'm still a kid. I laughed to myself. I glanced at the time, it was nearly 7. I rushed to finish my cereal, and ran upstairs. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower then put on my clothes. I then put my hair into a messy bun and put on some mascara. As soon as I was done that I rushed to Justin's room.

I tapped him, "Justin, wake up! You have to get ready for school!"
"5 more minutes." He groaned.
"You say that every morning and then you end up getting late, come on get up!" I commanded.
"Fine." He rolled out of bed.

He lazily walked to the bathroom as I picked out his clothes for the day. I laid his clothes on his bed and went to wake up Isabelle.

"Isabelle, you have to wake up now!" I whispered. She didn't move an inch. I picked her up and said to her again, "Isabelle wake up." This time she slowly opened her eyes. I smiled at her and took her to the bathrooom. I helped her brush her teeth then I gave her a bath. I put a dress on her and tied her hair into a pony tail.

"All set." I smiled. I carried her to Justin's room where I found him packing his back pack. "Come downstairs when you're done okay?" He nodded in response. I took Isabelle downstairs with me. I set her down on the sofa and turned the t.v on for her. I then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Soon Justin came running down the stairs. "Ready." He announced. I gave him a plate with pancakes on them. "Here you go." While Justin ate I fed Isabelle. I realized we were getting late. "Come on, time to go guys!" I grabbed my purse and walked them to the door. We put on our shoes and headed outside.

Justin sat in the car and I put Isabelle in her car seat. I then got into the drivers seat and drove to Justin's school. "Bye Justin!" I waved him goodbye as he got out of the car. He smiled and ran up to his group of friends.

My next destination was the grocery store. It was my day off...I guess it's my job to get the groceries on my day off. I drove to the grocery store and took Isabelle out of the car. I sat her in the trolley and went into the store. As I was walking around someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, "Andrea? Hi oh my god!" I hugged her tight.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now