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So I'm going to say something right now,




*2 months later*

"So guys, I hoped you like that video!" I said and did a little dance, I laughed at myself "So if you enjoyed this video give it a hugeee thumbs up! And if you want to see more of me! Click that subscribe button down below. Anyways I love you guys and see you all next week!" I said and did a funny face and covered the camera.

Now I was kind of bored. I mean, I have nothing to do right now. I don't want to edit my video right now, that's for sure. I want to do something fun! I mean I'm nineteen, I'm so close to being an adult and my teenage days are gone, which sucks. Plus, the problem is everyone is busy with their lives. Cue sigh *sighs*.

"What do you want to Meredith?" I asked myself.

"I don't know! I'm so bored!" I twirled and plopped onto my bed

Okay, so you might wonder. What the hell happened with you and Kian?! Well, we uh broke up, and that's it. We don't talk often. But like whatever, I don't care. Yeah, I will admit I miss him a lot but I just want to be his friend, that's all nothing at all!

I got back up and chose a outfit.

It was a white crop top and a white ripped high wasted shorts and black vans. I have a lot of vans, just saying.

I put all of that on and did my normal makeup. I changed it up lil bit, I used this blue/grey eyeshadow to bring out my eyes and then pink/nude lipstick. I was impressed.

I walked down stairs and grabbed my phone, which was on charge. I checked the time.

2:37 pm

Wednesday, November 17

Holy! It's almost Christmas! Well sort of..I just want presents, don't judge me, I'm still five and not nineteen. Gosh I want to be seventeen again, where did time go?

My phone started ringing.

So it was Jenn.

"Hey hey hey" she said.

"Sup bruh" I said grabbing my keys.

"Ew don't say 'Bruh'" she laughed and continued "So can you come to the o2l house?"

This took me sometime. I haven't been to the o2l house in forever, since Kian and me broke up. If they wanted to collaborate they needed to come to my place.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Great!" She said "We are having a party!"

I'm so lost "For what?"

"We all are going on tour!!" Oh really now. "Since like we are the 'hipsters' of Youtube, we all get to go!"

"Sooooo" I dragged out the 'o' "Who is coming? Do you know?" I asked.

She didn't reply, all I heard was muffling on the other side of the line. It was like she was talking to someone and moving around furniture. What the hell. Then i heard Kian's voice

"Jenn! Who are you talking to!" He said.

She was quiet, "..Mere" She whispered.

"Oh, well um is she going to come?" He asked.

"Yeah..Dont bug her."

"I said this before, I just want to talk to her." He wants to talk to me? How come he didn't tell me?

"Fine fine"

"You know what Jenn? Tell me when it starts and I will be there! I promise, I got to go" I said.

I heard a sigh at the other end and I heard the muffling again. "Okay! Sure! I'll text you okay? And I'll see you later"

"Okay. Bye Jenn!" I said.

"Bye, Mere. See you later" And with that, I hung up.


So all I was doing right now was just enjoying the day. Jenn told me that the party starts at 6:00 so right now it's, 3:00 so that gives me two hours.

I just grabbed some fro-yo this is where Kian took me on a date..


I smiled at the memory, I still wished that was here and I still had it. But I don't have it anymore.

I wonder, if Kian meant to kiss that girl. I wonder did he do it on accident, cause you know him. I wonder if I can get a second chance with Kian's mom, to make things right.

See now, I was thinking about the 'wonders' not the 'what if's'.

I was throwing out my fro-yo, I didn't get a lot because I wasn't hungry but then someone bumped into me.

"What the fuck?! Watch where your going!" A girl said in a annoying voice.

"You bumped into me!" I said.

"No! You bumped into me!"

"What are you?"

She looked confused

"Oh irrelevant!" I said and walked away.

God, I hate people like that.


Hi! So um this is such a bad update :((

Soo today is my birthday!!! (September 21) And omggg!

Okay bye.

Xoxo -K

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now