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Im so tired I've been studying for a test all day

Ugh school

Ew people

Lol jks


It was 2 in the afternoon. I was bored out of my mind. The girl's left my apartment this morning and now I have nothing to do, I wish me and Kian were 'actually' dating. We're in between being together and being broken up. It's really confusing actually. I was getting a phone call from him, I still had all my heart emoji's beside his contact name..oops. I decided to answer.

"Hey?" I said to him.

"Oh hey um I was wondering you know if you wanted to come over to get on my mom's good side?"

"Yeah I don't think that's a good idea, she's probably already planning a party because we brok- we're not together at the time." I stumbled on my words.

"Mere I'm serious."

"Kian stop trying you know she's gonna hate me forever!" I nearly yelled at him, he was getting annoying.


"Fuck! Fine!"

"Woah easy there tiger." I could see him smiling through my phone.

"bye." I cut the phone before he would make me say I love you. I don't want to tell him I love him, not right now at least. It would be weird if I said it because not together.

As much as I don't want to go I have to. I hate my life right now. I grabbed my car keys and got into the elevator. There was a lady with her little girl that kept looking up at me. "Uhm hi." She was making me uncomfortable.

"Hi!" She replied to me eagerly.

"What's on you're face?" She was referring to my makeup.

"It's makeup."

"Oh, it looks funny! Do you work in the circus?" She laughed.

"Lily!" Her mom scolded her.

I coughed uncomfortably. Don't get me wrong I love kids, just not annoying one's..

I was relived when the elevator opened. I literally ran out of the door and into my car. Yay I'm safe. I started driving.


When I got to the O2L house, I parked in the driveway and waited there a few minutes preparing myself. I gathered up some courage and made my way to the front door, before I could even ring the doorbell the door opened to expose Kian shirtless. "Meredith." He smiled and pulled me in for a hug, I awkwardly hugged him back.

"Mere Mere Mere Mere!" Ricky and Connor came out of no where. "Hey guys." I have them proper hugs. I noticed Kian frowning.

I went deeper into the house to find Kian's mom in the kitchen. Crap. Okay time to go, "Meredith." She called my name. Fuck. I turned around. "Oh heyyy!" I waved at her. She looked at me disapprovingly from bottom to top. I came wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt.

"You didn't even come dressed properly to come make a good impression on you're boyfriend's mom?" I choked on her words. Kian make in, "mom." He gave her a look.

"Oh save it Kian I'm just saying! Who wear's sweatpants to come make they're boyfriend's mom like her?" She insulted me again.

"I'll wear what I want." I spit at her. Kian looked at me surpirsed. "What?" I whispered to him.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now