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Sorry for the late update we've been really busy :/

And my chapter got deleted idek how but anyways lets get onto the story now!


I woke up feeling nice, I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Oh yeah April's wedding! I'm so excited!!

I went to my kitchen and poured myself some cereal and put it in the microwave to warm. While I was waiting I decided to text Kian goodmorning. I went to my room and unplugged my phone from charging to see that he had already texted me goodmorning, I went back to the kitchen and took my cereal out of the microwave and started to eat.

Kian: Good morning babe ;) ❤️

Me: Kian! I was supposed to text you good morning first!

Kian: there's always next time!

Me: ughh

Kian: I'll pick you up at 5:45?

Me: yea sounds good

Kian: can't wait to see how gorgeous you look today ;) 😏

Me: and I can't wait to see how you look in a tux lol

Kian: aha

Me: I'll text you later, bye I love you!

Kian: bye love you too

I turned off my phone and finished up my cereal, I washed the spoon and bowl I ate with and went on my laptop. I haven't been on here in a long time wow. I went on youtube and decided to watch Kian's video's, I'm such a stalker haha. I searched up superkian13 and clicked on his channel. I started watching some of his video's, he's so cute. I just wish he was with me right now, my phone started ringing. Kian.

"Heyy!" I said.

"Hey, I suggest you start getting ready now," he laughed.

"I don't need 4 hours to get ready!" I giggled.

"You're a girl of course you need 4 hours."

"You're so sexist! Holy"

"I was just saying!" He defended. "Plus you have nothing else to do."

"Actually I do, I was just watching you're video's!" I said.


I'm an idiot, I wasn't supposed to say that!

"You were?" He asked.


"Aw Mere, it's okay I turn on you're videos to hear you sing sometimes." I was blushing.

"You know I am actually gonna start getting ready." I laughed dodging what he said.

"Okay, be ready by 5 take no longer." He joked as I cut the phone.

We don't take that long to get ready, do we? By now it was 2:30, I have 3 hours and 30 minutes to get ready. I went into the bathroom and decided to wash my hair, but before I did, I grabbed my stereo from my room and plugged it into the bathroom so I could listen to music while showering. Wow I'm weird. I got undressed and went into the shower. Once I was done I put on a baggy shirt and some sweatpants. I'm gonna have to change into the dress later on.

By now it was 3:04. I take really long showers, woah. I blow dried my hair and wrapped a towel around it. I think I should do my makeup now. I applied some water proof mascara, and a thin line of eyeliner. I covered up my blemishes with some concealer, and applied some blush on my cheeks. I reached for my eyeshadow. "Haven't used you in a long time." I spoke to myself. I put on the eyeshadow. "This will do." I said.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now