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Dayum. Chapter 15 and we have 1K reads!! Thank you all so much from reading and voting and commenting!! Love you all.

S and I were fan girling and was creaking out that we have 1K reads!! Thank you thank you!!

Okay on to da storyyyy!


"Thank you so much Kian for an awesome day!" I said kissing him in the cheek.

Right now, Kian decided we should go to the pier, it was sorta sun setting but not right now. Kian had his arm slugged around on my shoulder and I had my arms wrapped around his waist.

"Well your welcome" He said.

"Oh and thanks for your dress choices" I said.

He started to blush "You know babe, I wanted to see you in the pink dress. Like really" he said and continued "But you still looked hot in the other ones" he said.

"Wow Kian. Your such a boy." I said

"Mere...Of course I'm a boy! Every boyfriend would like to see his girlfriend in a really short dress" he said smirking.

"Well too bad" I said "Oh my fucking gosh!! Cotton candy!!" I said letting go of Kian and running to the cotton candy place.

"Hi what would you like?" The dude behind the thing said "Cotton candy!!!" I said

He laughed "Okay go take one. Don't worry you don't have to pay" he said

I grabbed it "Wait why?"

"Because. I've never seen anyone so excited for cotton candy" he said

I blushed "Ahaha thanks."

"Your welcome anytime" he said "But I think you should get to your boyfriend" he said looking behind me. I looked behind me and saw Kian glaring at the dude.

"Eh don't worry about him. My name is Meredith"

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" He said "My name is Cole" he said {REMEMBER HIM!! REMEMBER COLE!!}

"Well Cole, mind if I get your number?" I said

"Shouldn't I be asking you?" He laughed and smiled "But sure why not" he said giving me his phone.

"Thanks Cole, see you around" I said

"Bye Mere!" he said.

I skipped back to Kian. I literally skipped back to him, I opened up my cotton candy and started to eat it.

"Why were your flirting with him?" Kian said mad.

"Oh Kian. I wasn't flirting and he wasn't flirting. It was called being nice" I said

"Ugh, Mere he was all over you!" He said

"Kian. He wasn't. Looks like he has a girlfriend anyways plus, I know he's gonna be a good friend" I said looking at Cole that was with his girlfriend.

"Oh" Kian managed to say.

"Yeah. Oh" I said.


I was sitting on my bed, watching tv. But who watches tv anymore? I was just by myself. Alone.

I opened my dresser to reveal something that was with me during throughout middle school and high school. My dairy.

I grabbed it and started flipping though the pages.

{ Y'all this is gonna get emotional, I think}

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now