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I woke up with people surrounding me, the first person I saw. "Hailey?" "Hey lil sis." She smiled. "W-where am I?" I asked. I looked around to find the girls, Brandon and o2l, even Kian.
"Your in a hospital, you had a car crash." Brandon said sitting next to me. A nurse came in. "Just to inform you guys she won't remember what happened before the car crash." She said. Kian frowned. "She will be released tomorrow." The nurse said. "Can we have time when her alone? Each and everyone of us?" Kian asked. "Um, sure."

Brandon stayed while everyone else left the room. "Hey are you feeling alright?" He said putting his hand on my forehead. I nodded. "Good I missed you, you've been out for a few days." He kissed my cheek and I smilied. "It hurts to see you like this." He frowned and got up. I'll talk to you later okay?" He left the room.

Next all the o2l boys came. "Hey." Ricky said touching my forehead. "Hi." I smiled. "Get well soon, okay?" Ricky said along with the rest of the boys. "Can I have a minute with her?" Kian said nervously. The guys left the room. "Hey." He said scratching the back of his head. "Hey.." I said looking away.

"Listen I don't think you remember the text I sent you and I just want you to read it, and I'm sorry. I didn't know you were driving. You went to check your phone and suddenly you crashed the car. I-" I cut him off, "it's okay." He nodded and left the room. I'll check the text later.

Next the girls came in, (Andrea, Jenn, Rebecca, and April) we all talked for abit. After they left Hailey came in. She smiled at me. "Listen I know I haven't been there for you..at times but I wanna start hanging out with you and stuff!" She said. "I've wanted that for the longest time." I said. She then hugged me. "Okay so get me caught up with all this stuff, your back with Brandon?" I nodded eagerly and told her about everything that's happened with Kian and how I ended up with Brandon. "Wow, that's a lot you went through. Brandon's apparently staying here over night with me and you. Oh snd mom's flying here from Minnesota to see you." She said. "Mom?" I asked. "Yep."


I woke up in the morning to find Brandon staring. "Well now look who's staring!" I said. "Aha I thought it was romantic." He smirked. "It is." He came over and gave me a kiss. "Hello, I'm still here." Hailey said. We laughed.

I heard a familiar voice from outside my door. "This room? Oh, yeah. No problem, okay." My mom walked through the door. "Mom!" I said excitedly. "My baby! Oh my gosh are you okay?" I nodded as she hugged me. "How are you?" She asked. "Good." I said. She then turned to Brandon as he stood up and hugged her. "Hello Brandon, what a fine man you've become. It's so good to see you." She said, as I laughed. "Hi Mrs. Carters, thank you it's always good to see you." He smiled. As she pulled him in for a hug.

The nurse walked in, "ms. Carters you are free to go home." She said. "Mom I was staying with Brandon for the week.." I said. "Oh that's okay I was gonna stay at Hailey's anyways." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed out with Hailey. "Bye sis." She called.

"Shall we?" Brandon asked. "We shall." We held hands and walked out of the hospital. "It feels good to be out of there." I said. "Yep, it's scary in there." He said. He started driving the car. "Ughh I still need to shower, the first thing I'm gonna do when I get home is shower." I said. "Nuh uh first we have to cuddle, remember?" He said smirking. Oh my gosh them dimples. I poked one of his dimples. "I love your dimples." I said. He laughed.

As we arrived home I ran up to his room and ran onto his bed. "I missed you." I hugged the bed. "Awe not me?" Brandon asked. "Oh don't get jealous we all know that I love you the most." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a kiss. "I missed this." He said in between the kiss. He's the only person that can make me blush this much. We were interrupted by my phone ringing. As we pulled away I saw him roll his eyes. I laughed. It was Jenn.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now