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--Meredith's POV--

I woke up coughing, which woke Kian up. "Mere you okay?" He asked. I continued coughing but I managed to say, "I feel sick." "Let me go get you some medicine." He got up right away and went running down the stairs. Wow he really cares for me. Thoughts rushed into my head. Why did he say we can't be together? Why was he ignoring me anyways? I'm gonna have to ask him...when I get better. I saw him rush through the door, he had a tablet in his hand and water. He fed me the tablet then gave me the water. He sat down on the bed. I moved into his lap, he was stroking my hair. I felt my eyes get heavy, I was soon asleep.

--Kian's POV--

Mere was sleeping in my lap, she's so cute when she sleeps, and she's an amazing kisser! I saw ricky passing by my room. I left my door open oops. He came back and came into my room. "Kian, out, now!" I slowly took Mere off my lap and went into Ricky's room. "Yea?" I said casually. I was actually really scared.

"Your supposed to stay away from her!"

"Come on Ricky! Don't be like that she got sick!"

"I mean why is she sleeping in your room and why is she on your lap."

"Well last night she was about to leave and Con told me to go for her so I did and then we had an argument and then, and then we kissed again. Wow her lips are soft and she's such a good kisser and she said she likes me and," I took a breath, "I really, really like her. I think she's the one!" I was talking really fast.

"Well Kian what you also don't know is that Mere's been hurt before, and I don't want that happening to her again!"

"I understand that your just looking out for her but, I'm not gonna hurt her!" I said. "Your saying that now, and what if you do in the future?" He asked. "I just really, really like her! If anyones heart is gonna be broken it's gonna be mine not hers!" I said. "I trust that you won't hurt her, you better not." He said. "I won't."


I went back into my room, she was awake. "Where did you go?" She asked. "Oh I just went downstairs for a little bit." I said. "Listen we'll go on the date on Friday, okay? Your sick and I want you to get better." She nodded in reply. "I wanna go home, can you drop me off?" She asked. "Sure just grab your stuff." She picked up all her stuff and we headed downstairs, where she said goodbye to the guys and gave them hugs.

We headed into the car, just as I was about to drive Meredith asked for Lia's number. I gave it to her. "Thanks." She said. As we got to her building I went with her upto her door. "Can I have a kiss?" I asked. "Kian I'm sick!!" She said. "It's okay." I smiled. She gave me a peck on my lips. Bye, she hugged me and smiled as she closed the door. Man I love her. I headed back home.

--Meredith's POV--

I slept for atleast 4 hours, it was about 6 now.

I dialled Lia's number.

Lia: "Hello?"

Me: "hey!"

Lia: "Mere! Hey what's up?"

Me: "well actually I was wondering if you would come over I need a girl to hang out with."

Lia: "period?"

Me: "yeah," I laughed. "I get really sick when I have mine."

Lia: "I'll be right over! What's ur adress?"

I gave her my address then hung up, she's a good friend. She arrived at my door half an hour later. "Hey! Sorry it took so long I went to the store an bought ice cream." She pulled out a huge tub of chocolate ice cream from behind her back. "Lia! You shouldn't have!!" I said. "It's okay!" She put the ice cream down and gave me a hug. We went and sat on my couch.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now