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Wooooow Chapter 23...

That's a lot of chapters!

This book is also going by very fast.


Meredith's POV (woo)

I woke up with a wall next to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and waited till my eyes adjusted.

All I can hear was music and loud talking. Also, I have a huge ass headache, this is the worst pain.

I turned my head to see Kian. What the hell happened? I went over him and went to my phone, it was 3am. All I remember is drinking a lot and then doing something with Kian, and we probably went to sleep at eight, but for my look at it looks like that we did nothing.

I looked at the clothes I was wearing. They were Kian' clothes and they smell just like him, oh I love how he smel- Wait Meredith calm down!

I opened the door to reveal a lot of people making out, laughing and smiling and being drunk as hell. It's not even legal for teenagers to drink in America, so what's their deal?

I shut Kian' door so people don't just wander in and start frick fracking on the ground. I needed to push my way through the people that crowded the whole top floor. How many people did they invite?

I made my way to the stairs, and made my way down them. I needed to find someone I knew. I was pushing through everyone.

Right now, I would have been eating something and on the internet. But no, I had to come here!

I made my way to the living room and still couldn't find anyone.

"Mere!!" I heard someone yell.

"Mere!! Over here!!" I snapped my head and saw Sam making his way towards me.

"Where were you?" He yells over the loud music.

"I was upstairs!!" I yelled back.

He smirked "Your going in the pool" He said but I couldn't hear him. All he did was picked me up and throw me over his shoulder.

"Sam!! Put me down!" I said laughing, yes yes all those girls would be screaming and banging their backs, but I find this funny.

"She's going in the pool!" Sam laughed and told some of his friends I guess. They all have him a thumbs up.

He finally threw me in the pool. I quickly made my way up to the surface and quickly got out. I was so wet and my clothes were wet and sticking to me.

Sam was laughing so hard. I glared at him "Your going down Pottorff" I said.

"Sure like I'm going down"

I smiled at him and pushed him in the pool. His face! His reactions! Oh my gosh, you needed to see his face.


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Aye Swag (jkjk)


So I finally got home by seven am. I know I was suppose to leave but after I went into the pool I dried off, and I found Jenn, Andrea, Lauren, Arden, Rebecca and Lia.

We just started dancing and having fun like normal teenagers would. We started playing truth or date and it was funny! We dared Sam to, go to a neighbours house and when they opened the door he had to crack an egg on their face. It was so funny!

I went upstairs and closed my curtains, because I want to sleep and I dont want daylight. So after that, I changed into my comfy pyjamas and it was a top that said 'i love you' and these cute red plaid pants Andrea and I are twins, cause we have the same thing.

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