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Hey! S here, sorry if you found the last chapter a bit rushed 😬


Kian came back to my apartment with his clothes.

"Listen I wanna talk." I said

"Sure about what?" He asked

"You know what happened.."

"Oh um yeah." There was so much tension in the air.

"I want to apoligize, really. I just left without letting you explain and yeah.."

"It's fine really."

I smiled as I got into bed.

"I'm happy that we're together again, I mean together." I said.

"Ricky's gonna kill me." He said.


"He told me to stay away from you."

"Oh.." I dialled Ricky's number


"Don't kill Kian!"

"Wait, what?"

"We're together and I like it this way, it wasn't his fault before. I appreciate you looking out for me Ricky, I really do but it's okay."

"Wow um okay."

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too, bye."

I hung up

"As simple as that!" I said as he kissed my cheek. "Oh shoot April's wedding is next week! Oh my gosh I need you to meet my mom, and my sister! Gosh okay tomorrow." I was talking really fast.

"Mere calm down, and I would love to meet your sister and mom, and your dad I suppose?"

I shredded a tear. "Oh, um Mere I'm so sorry I didn't mean-" I cut him off, "he didn't die , he left us when I was 11. He used to hit us and-and." I broke out crying.

Half my childhood was ruined because of him, "Ricky was the one that helped me through it." He cupped my cheek. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's fine really, besides you should be happy your the only man I truly love. Plus you don't have to worry about him hating you." I said. He gave me a brief laugh.

"Let me text my mom, we can go to my sister's tomorrow." He nodded.

Me: Hey mom, me and Brandon broke up. I'm with Kian now we're coming to Hailey's tomorrow so you can meet him.

Mom: sure sweetie, are you feeling better?

Me: yeah I'm just a little sore

Mom: use an ice pack

Me: mom it's not that bad

Mom: It's for your own good!

Me: but mom!

Mom: fine have it your way

Me: I love you mom :)

Mom: love you too sweetie see you tomorrow!

With that I turned off my phone, "night Kian."

"Night Mere bear." He wrapped himself around me.


I woke up with the noise to knocking on my door, "I'm coming jeez!" I said sleepily. I opened the door to see a familiar face. I rubbed my eyes my eyes to make sure it was him.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now