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Hi guys! S heree! Hows the story so far? Leave us some comments :)

Oh and there were changes made to the last chapter

I woke up to the noise of my phone ringing, it was my cousin April. Wow I haven't talked to her in a long time.

"Hey, April what's up!" I said.

"Heyy Mere! Listen I have big news" she sounded really excited.

"What is it?!"

"Well Jeremy proposed.. AND WE'RE GETTING MARRIEDDDD!!!"

Jeremy is April's boyfriend, they had it coming they've been together for the longest time.

"Seriously?! When's the wedding?" I asked in excitment.

"Actually I called to invite you to it! It's next month, bring a date!"

A smile spread across my face when she told me to bring a date, I was thinking about Kian when she interuppted my thoughts.


"Oh uh yeah I'll be there."

"I'll text you the rest of the details, anyways I want you to come dress shopping with me!"

"Oh yeah sure."

"Bring friends if you want, they can come to the wedding too."

"Yeah I have alot of friends now..so how many can I invite?"

"It's gonna be on a beach so there's gonna be lot's of space."

I was now counting all the friends I was gonna invite, all the o2l guys, the fab 5, andrea, and lia. That's 13.

"There's 13 I hope that's not too much!"

"Oh that's okay."

"Which ones are you bringing dress shopping?"

"Oh I'll bring the girls there are 4."

"Okay we'll go a week from now." She said.

"Okay! Bye I love you!"

"Love you too kiddo take care." She hung up.

Okay so since I have nothing better to do I'll go to the o2l house, invite the guys, and ask Kian to be my date.

I took a shower and put on a floral dress that came just above my knees. I applied eye liner and some mascara and put concealer on my blemishes. I decided to wear flats. Before I left to my car I made myself some coffee and took it along with me. I got into my car and I started to make my way to the o2l house.

I rang the bell, Connor opened the door. "Hey Mere!" He hugged me. "Hi!" I wrapped my arms around him. Kian came running down the stairs. A smile spread across both of our faces. We shared a hug. I greeted the Jc and Ricky, and Lia. Yes Lia was there. I wanted to invite them to the wedding after I asked Kian to be my date. As soon as I was done saying hi Kian dragged me up to his room. He closed the door and I felt his lips attack mine. A tingle went through my spine. I've never been kissed the way he kisses me. Wow. I pulled away with a smile, "wanna go get pizza?" I asked. "We can eat in the car." "Sure." He replied.

We went downstairs and told everyone that we were going to go out to eat. We hopped into his car and I instantly started to debate in my head, whether or whether not to ask him to be my date right now. I decided to tell him after, we arrived at the pizza place and we got 1 box of cheese pizza. We then started making our way back to the car, I started to remember when I tripped and Kian saved me.

The Boy Behind The Camera - KianLawleyWhere stories live. Discover now