Chapter 4

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Tobias POV:

"But... H-" I start but she just puts her fingers to my lips and says "I have a lot of explaining. What did you think happened" " I thought you went in the weapons room and got killed by David" I explain in shock. "Well, me too, until I woke up." She says. Then I look down at her limp body. I notice she is clinging to me for support, she probably can barely stand.

Her clothes are the ones she was wearing when she supposedly died. However there aren't holes where he was shot. Or was she shot? There a blood stains and small rips all over, but besides bruises and cuts, she doesn't look like she broke anything, or hurt anything too bad. I look at her feet, her shoes so worn away she's pretty much barefoot.

I look back up at her face. Her eyes look bloodshot. There are bags under them, like she hasn't slept for days, maybe weeks. Her lips are dry, cut a little. Other than looking skinnier, she looks more mature. I'm not exactly sure what, maybe just because I haven't seen her in 3 years. Whatever it is, it is noticeable-to me at least-and makes her look beautiful, despite her poor condition.

I take her back to my new apartment. Evelyn doesn't know that she's alive. And even if she knew, she doesn't know we're still dating, or whatever is going on. I'm not really sure sine an hour ago I was fighting off years because I thought she was dead, and 3 years ago I was collapsed on the floor crying because of her. I'm not sure if I should feel-besides happy-awkward or joyful?

I unlock the door and lead her to my bedroom. Evelyn isn't here- good. I have too much to ask Tris to talk to Evelyn right now.

"So explain to me how your alive please?" I ask trying not to sound angry. I'm not, I'm just confused. Angry that I don't know answers, but not at her. "You are real, right?" I pop out, not really thinking if it would offend her. "Of course, ask me anything, but you shouldn't have to." She says a little tense. "Ok, what faction were you from?" I ask, the word 'faction' hissing out like a snake. I haven't said it out loud in a while. "Abnegation with Natalie, Andrew and Caleb Prior. I transformed to Dauntless where I got the nickname Tris (my original name was Beatrice). I climbed a Ferris Wheel, almost got thrown in the chasm" She goes into a summary of her entire life since the choosing ceremony. All I asked was her faction, but I know if its Tris, she is desperate to know I believe her.

"Ok sorry, so what do you mean you thought you died?" I ask. "We'll it's a LONG story, but pretty much, I was..." She pauses, like if she says the next word she might choke herself to death.


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