Chapter 20

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Tris POV:

I wake up. I'm not sure how long it's been. A nurse walks in with a wheelchair. Behind her is Christina. "Alright, your good to go Miss Prior" the nurse says. She and Christina lift me into the wheelchair. Where's Tobias? I need to talk to him.

They wheel me out to the lobby. Tobias sits in one of the chairs. When he sees me he gets up and runs to us. He doesn't say anything. They take me to the apartment building.

"Chris. Can I go to your place for a little while. Just to talk." I say. She exchanges a look with Tobias. He nods. "Sure why not" she says.

We get to her apartment. "So what'd you want to talk about?" She asks. "I feel like" I pause and think of how to word what I want to say."I feel like I cause everyone pain. I'm always someone's target, and I'm constantly getting hurt and doing stupid things and-" "Tris you do NOT cause anyone pain!" She says. "Well you guys get sad when something happens to me. Your lives would be better if I wasn't here, if you never even met me." I say. "Tris, your my best friend, my life would be terrible without you!" She says. "We'll you'd still have Will! See! I ruin everyone's life!" I yell. She looks stunned. I feel a little bad for bringing up Will, but its true. "And Tobias would be fine without me, everyone would." I finish quieter. "Tris, Will wasn't your fault, you had to do what you had to do." She says almost in a whisper.

"We'll I'm sure your lives would be better than now if I wasn't here." "That's not true"

"Yes it is! You'd still have will, Tobias wouldn't have had to be in grief for 2 years and-"

"Tris look at me" she says. I just stare, tears rolling down my face, like they are trying to escape the monster inside me.

"You saved Al from having knives thrown at him."

"We'll Al's de-"

"And you helped Four threw his fear landscape, and you were always there for me! And everyone! You stopped the simulation, you recovered vital information from Erudite, you even tried to risk your life to save our city from being-restarted! Tris, I don't know why you think that a little injury makes everyone's life a pain, but you've done so much for us, we couldn't have lived without you!" She says.

She's just saying that. I still don't believe her, but I nod. I need to get away, where I can't hurt anyone.

But I can't hurt anyone before I leave either. I need things to end.

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