Chapter 25

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Tobias POV:

Me and Uriah meet with Zeke and go to a bar. I don't really feel like drinking, so I watch tv. A football game is on.

After a while I think I see a girl that looks like Tris. It's not her. I can't believe Tris left me and then moved on just like that! "If it makes you feel better, Christina set Tris up on speed dating, it wasn't Tris' idea. She didn't want to, but Chris gave her cake and..." Uriah starts. At least now I know she didn't want to. But that doesn't matter. She still could've found someone better than me.

"Why don't you try finding someone else" zeke says. " I don't want anyone else." I say. "But you gotta show Tris your not still hung up on her." Uriah says. "I don't want to meet anyone new." I say. "You don't have to, we can make you a fake date with one of our old friends. " zeke says. "What old friend would want to go on a fake date with me?" I ask. Zeke and Uriah exchange looks and zeke picks up his phone. He dials a number and puts the phone to his ear. " hey! Can you do me a favor? Can you go on a fake date with four? Cool! Thanks! Bye." He hangs up. Whoever it is still calls me Four, because Zeke calls me Tobias now.

For the rest of the night Zeke is constantly texting someone-probably my fake date. Uriah keeps texting Christina. "Alright time to meet your date." Zeke says.

We drive back to my apartment. I'm unlocking the door when there, coming around the corner is Tris. She's in a strapless white dress that goes down to her knees. She has a jacket around her back, but her arms aren't in it. Her hair is curled, and she has makeup on, but not a lot. She looks gorgeous.

I stare wide-eyed. Then I feel a jerk and I'm pulled into my apartment. Zeke shuts the door. "What was that?" He says. "What?" I ask. "You were staring at her!" Uriah says. "I couldn't help it, she was beautiful." I say. "Seriously? You have to show her your over her. You have to move on." With that I hear a knock on the door. "Aw, she's here." Zeke says. "Who?" I ask. "You'll see" he says. He cracks the door open and slides through before I see who's out there. Then he comes back in. He walks over to the side of the room and, where he was just standing, is a girl-no woman. She's tall, but still shorter than me. She's wearing black shorts and a black shirt with spaghetti straps. She has blonde hair. Then I recognize her.


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