Chapter 24

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Tris POV (sorry so much Tris):

"Tonight were going speed dating" Christina says. "You'll sit and get a couple minutes with each man to talk to them, and then which ever one you like you can go on a second date with, etc." she explains. "So, since I'm seeing a lot of men, can I get some new clothes" I say looking down at the baggy shorts. "YASSS! Lets go shopping!" She yells.

Uriah runs in, Tobias lurking behind. His eyes widen when he sees me-probably because the tight cami- and then he quickly looks away. "I heard screams! Are you ok... Wait we're you talking about shopping again?" Uriah says. "Ya sorry to scare you baby, were gonna have a girls day." Christina says. "Ok, we'll have a guys day." Uriah says with his goofy smile. "Wanna meet up later?" He asks. "Oh me and tris were-" she looks at me and I signal for her to stop talking. She smirks and continues. "Were doing some speed dating" she says. I put my hand on my face. I don't need people knowing. "Oh ok, we'll bye" he says. He walks out and I see Tobias sad face as he follows. What have I done?

Christina brings me to a clothing store. I pick out a couple black tees, jackets and camis-since I realized black looks good on me from dauntless-and one or two blue jeans. I get a few white shirts and a dress. Then Christina comes up with a skirt.

"You are NOT getting me in that, I only wear pants and dresses, that's IT!" I say. "Fine" she says and puts it back.

We go back to her apartment and decide what I should wear. I decide to wear the white dress. It goes down right above my knees, and it's strapless. It's tight at the top, but loose near my legs. I put the black jacket over it. Christina gives me some black flats I can't feel when she puts them on me.

Christina brings me to some place where I sit at a table. There's an empty chair on the other side.

Christina hands me a paper. "Ask these questions if you have trouble" she says. I look:

What's your name?

What are your hobbies?

Why did you come?

Do I look good?

I frown and keep reading:

Do you like Dauntless cake?

What is your career?

We're you originally in a faction or from Bureau?

Are you a virgin?

Ok I'm done with this list. I fold it and put it in my pocket.

Guys start flooding in. I ask each simple questions, but none of them seem nice, or smart at all. One says he's none me all my life-creepy. Another's name is Bobby Strisan. Ok... They keep coming and coming.

Then a man walks in. He looks like erudite, blue shirt, blue tie. His hair looks somewhat like my brothers. He's tall, but not that tall, so I don't feel like a kid. He sits, looking uncomfortable.

"Hi " I say. "Hi" he says avoiding eye contact. "I'm Beatrice, but my friends call me Tris" I say. "Daniel" he says. I notice he has some kind of accent, but I'm not sure what. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yes I'm fine, I just, didn't really want to come, my friend forced me." He says. I recognize the accent as British. I've never heard one in person. Only in videos. It's kinda cute. "Same." I say. "Oh? My friend Mathew said he knew you that's why he made me come, do you know him?" He asks. "Ya! I know him! So are you from Bureau?" I ask. "Yes, when everyone's memory was wiped, Mathew helped me by giving me the inoculation thing, and I went with him." He answers.

We start talking for a while. He now works as a scientist, creating and testing new medicines, specifically for cancer. He's 22, but short for his age-like me. He loves chocolate but has never had a dauntless cake.

"No! Really?" I say. "No, never. The few time I look at the screens in Bureau I saw it but never had it." He says. Christina walks over. "It's been a few minutes, do you want me to send the next guy?" She asks. I almost forgot what I was doing. "I think I'm good for tonight. Daniel has never had Dauntless cake! We need to get him some now!" I say.

Christina comes back with cake that was supposed to be for me after I was done. "Here try this" I say. He takes a fork and scoops up a small piece. He puts it in his mouth and his eyes light up. "This is..." He starts. "There are no words to describe its glory!" He says. "How about delicious" I say taking a piece. "Hey!" He says. I laugh. Then he begins to laugh too.

We talk more and I learn he's an only child. Then I go home.

We scheduled another date for next week.

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