Chapter 3

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Tobias POV:
After my haircut I walk around before doing the rest of my errands. I walk to the old Dauntless Headquarters. They use it for police training. I think about all the fear landscapes. All the initiates squirming in their chairs trying to brush off spiders or smack clowns. It makes me sort of laugh about my own fears, but that doesn't mean I'm any less afraid.

I walk to my old apartment, now a rookies apartment, probably. It's locked, but I don't thing I was planning on going in anyways. I walk down to the initiates room and find Tris' bunk, Christina's, Al's, Wills, Peters. I wonder how they would've ended up if the attack on Abnegation never happened.

Tris would be with me, maybe. She would probably be a Dauntless leader, or trainor. Christina would probably live with Will and scare the hell out of new initiates, like I probably did. Al died before the attack. Peter would probably stab more people, be arrested (I they even cared) and live a hopeless life. But maybe, just maybe, he would change, and lead a happy life.

I decide to walk to the Abnegation sector, now taken over by mixed faction people. These days it's harder to tell who was in what faction. I guess it doesn't really matter now.
• I walk corner after corner, looking at the newly painted houses, which use to be gray. Some streets look more abandoned than others, probably because they are. I go down one that hasn't been cleaned as much. I just stare at the ground, avoiding broken glass, paper, and puddles. I finally look up, but then I freeze in the middle of my step.

I rub my eyes. No, it's still there, SHE'S still there. I blink a few times. She's not going away. But that's impossible. I can't be in a simulation, those were destroyed for the most part. I just stand. She runs over, wrapping her small pale arms around me, but I don't move. "Tobias" is all she says. Then I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her close.


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