Chapter 17

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(A/N sorry I haven't posted in a while! Please forgive me! Ill spam you with as many chapters as I can today!)

Tris POV:

We went back to Tobias' apartment. Everyone came over-Christina, Uriah, Zeke, Caleb, Mathew, even new, nice, Peter. Uriah brought beer. We all started talking and laughing and having a good time.

"So, Uriah, your death was faked, like Tris'" Tobias asks. "Ya, you didn't blow me up!" Uriah says. We all laugh. "It's creepy, there's people that were so desperate to have us they killed people who looked just like us. But it was smart, you guys never thought to look for us!" I say. "Ya, I can't believe that smart idea was made by, Al! Then again he was brilliant enough to fake his own suicide!" Christina says. "Wait you didn't tell me Al was in charge!" I say. "We'll, no offense, but you were pretty stupid at the time" Uriah says. "You kissed me for gods sake!" Tobias punches him in the arm, a little too hard. "Ow! I knew it! He's JEALOUS that no memory Tris liked me! I don't blame her, I do look pretty good when you don't know who I am!" Uriah says. I punch his other arm. "Hey! You did it not me!" He says. "Oh SHUTUP, will you?" I say and push him a little. "See! She cant keep her hands off me!" He says. "Really?" I say. Everyone is laughing.

Hopefully Uriah and Christina were drunk, because they ended up making out. It got kind of awkward, I was the only girl left, and I wasn't planning on making out with anyone. Sooner or later I had some beer myself.

"We should play spin the bottle!" Uriah says. "Unless your gonna get jealous again Tobias!" "I'm not jealous! It's just weird that my girlfriend kissed you! And I don't think I want to play, I'm not really into kissing people." Tobias says. "Your obviously into kissing Tris!" Zeke says. "Well ya, she's my girlfriend, but no one else." He says. "Then kiss her!" Uriah says. "Why? What do I have to prove, I like kissing?" Tobias answers. "Prove your a good kisser!" Christina says. "Fine!" Tobias says. He pulls my face to his and kisses me. Then he lets go. "How was it?" Christina asks. "Fine?" I say. "No, you gotta do it longer!" Zeke says. "How about you go kiss Shauna in front of all of us!" Tobias says. "Can we just play candor or dauntless instead?" Says Christina. "If you pick candor, you answer the question truthfully. If dauntless, you HAVE to do what they say!" She explains. "Or else you have to remove an article of clothing, NOT shoes or socks" she says raising an eyebrow.

Everyone nods and says ok almost in unison.

"Candor or Dauntless, Tris" Christina says. "Candor" I say. I've already spilled my secrets to Candor, what more can I say. "Umm... When and where was your first kiss, and with who?" She asks. "Well" I say and glance at Tobias. Even drunk he looks uncomfortable. I don't blame him. "It was with Tobias-" I start. "Wait you NEVER kissed someone until him!" Christina blurts out. "Well I was from Abnegation." I answer. "Anyways, it was near the chasm." I finish. "Was it like a make-out or just a kiss or a kiss on the cheek?" She asks. "Ummm...." I say. "I think that's enough questions." Tobias says. I give him a thankful look. "Ok, Candor or Dauntless Uriah" I say. I glance at Tobias, who is trying to hide a scowl. "Candor" Uriah says. "Who would you date in this room?" I ask. "Well, since your memory is back now, I'd say Christina. Also she's the only other girl." He says. Tobias still looks mad. He's jealous, but I kind of like it, he's so protective of me. "Candor or Dauntless, Tobias" Uriah asks. "Candor" Tobias answers. "Oh come on, no ones picked dauntless!" Christina says. "Because he's the one picking it!" Tobias says. "Ok, ummm, do you think you'll get married, and if so, how soon?" He asks. My heart sinks. I might be the one he marries, or I might not. "Ya Ill get married, but I'm not sure I'm ready just yet." He answers. I'm not sure what to feel, relief, or maybe offended he's not ready to marry. "Candor or Dauntless, Zeke" Tobias says. "Dauntless" Zeke answers. Christina whispers something to Tobias and he smiles. "I dare you to kiss the person to your right" he says. I almost forgot, Caleb was asleep next to him. "But he's a guy!" Zeke says. Christina makes chicken noises "someone's chicken!" She says in between clucks. "Fine!" Zeke says. "On the lips!" Tobias says. "For a minute!" Christina adds.

He bends down, gives a disgusted face, and kisses him. After 30 seconds, Caleb wakes up. Christina holds him down so he won't move. After another 30 seconds, Christina lets go and Zeke stops, wiping his mouth with his hand. "What was that!" Caleb asks. "A hilarious dare!" Christina says.

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