No Man Left Behind, At Least That Was The Plan

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A scream suddenly shot through the air and I jolted upright into a sitting position. I looked around and realized that I was laying on top of a magnificent bed. I looked down and noticed that I was wearing an extremely revealing basically lingerie type of outfit.

I got down from my bed after realizing that Mike must've knocked me out and approached the door. After a deep breath I opened the door and was greeted by a long hallway. Another god awful scream echoed throughout the hallway down and that's when I started to sprint down the hallway and finally down a staircase that led me to a wide open cement room where I was blessed to see Cassie and Chance.

"I love you so much." Cassie cried into my shoulder as we embraced each other in a bear hug.

"I know, we'll make it out. We'll be okay." I cried back.

"Do you hear the screaming too?" Chance asked.

"Yeah. Oh god where's Taylor?" I asked, completely panicked.

"He's with Kuza." Cassie whispered.

"Kuza's here too." I moaned, really starting to feel my luck get shot.

"Yeah, him, Mike, AA, and MIW. That's all we've actually seen but they've even told us that they're are more people." Chance replied.

"How'd they get you here?" I questioned him.

"A solid punch to the skull with brass knuckles did me in." Chance admitted.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Don't be, you didn't call these guys and tell them to fight and then kidnap us." Chance comforted me with his words and then a hug.

"We need to find Taylor." I declared.

Chance and Cassie agreed with me and we took off in the other direction, back to the other side of the hallway and down the other staircase. Finally we ended up in front of an two elevators. One said Dom above it and the other said Sub.

"Those sick son of a bitches." Chance growled.

"Which one do we choose?" Cassie pondered.

"I'd say Dom. The reason being is that I've got a feeling if we go down to the Sub area we'll see some disturbing things. Don't get me wrong, the Dom area will probably be messed up to but based on my assumptions of Kuza, he's a Dom so we'll find him and Taylor ." I explained.

"Sounds good to me, but I want you two to follow behind me." Chance said.

Cassie and I agreed. Chance opened up the elevator, made sure that no one was in it and then he ushered us in. We realized once we got in that the two sides to the left and right of us in the elevator were glass so we could see through them. Suddenly the elevator jerked a bit and finally started to take us down. The only thing that we passed was a empty room with one bare bed on it and suddenly we were in a very formal business office of sorts. The elevator door opened and I followed behind Chance right next to Cassie.

"This is not what I was expecting." Cassie whispered.

"Help!" Someone screamed from down the hall.

I didn't even think, I just bolted like hell towards where we heard the scream.

"Bella, don't." Chance screamed.

It was too late, I kept running until I finally reached a giant auditorium, I opened the door and found that spread throughout the entire auditorium there were 47 girls and 47 boys, well they were high schoolers.

Suddenly Chance and Cassie were next to me and obviously pissed that I'd gone and just ran into the room without thinking at all. I then realized that there was one distressed girl cry screaming with another teen behind her, trying to comfort her.

"Stay here, and keep a look out." I whispered to Chance and Cassie.

They listened to me and I went up to the stage and pulled her hands away from her face, revealing a tear stained mess.

"We're all slaves." She cried.

"Don't cry, no matter what happens, or what goes on we can not show them weakness." I told her.

"I'm so scared though." She bawled.

"We all are, but we'll be a hell of a lot stronger force if we all fight together." I said.

I helped her up onto her feet and faced the many scattered, terrified looking students.

"One at a time, if anyone knows anything about our situation shout it out." I announced to the teens.

A girl, around the age of 17 came up and said "All of the girls here are under 18 and virgins. The guys have all had at least one major fight in their lives."

"They took 2 high schoolers from each of the lower 48 states, one boy and one girl." A buffed up guy said.

"How long have you been here?" I asked the crowd.

I ended up getting responses ranging from 1 day to 2 weeks. I also found out that for different situations other bands had gone and taken the kids. However the people from those states weren't into these types of bands so they couldn't identify them.

"We should go as one big group right now and try to run. They shouldn't be able to get us when we're all working together." Chance suggested, coming closer to me on the stage.

"It's locked." The girl that I had helped said, thankfully she had stopped crying and seemed much more confident.

"I've got a bobby pin." One girl shouted.

"I can pick a lock." I said.

She came up to the stage and handed me the bobby pin.

"I need a fourth of the guys to get in front with me, the girls will go behind them, then another fourth of the guys to go behind them. Finally the last half of you will split up and go on either side of the girls. They need to be more protected than us." Chance stated.

The guys started getting into formation and finally the girls went and stood behind them. I knew I had to find Taylor and no matter what happened I'd find him. I got situated closer to the back of the girls and then Chance opened up the door that I had picked its lock.

That's when we started to sprint, down the hall and then to our unhappiness an alarm went off. We all kept taking twists and turns and suddenly we got to a door where we could see the outside. That's when I stopped running and let all of the guys run behind me. When half of the people were out the door I heard someone scream. It was Sam Bettley. I quickly ducked into a closet that was kitty corner from the door and I watched as the rest of the kids ran out of the house, Chance and Cassie included.

Running full speed I watched as every member of MIW and AA, along with Kuza, and Mike run out the door and chase after the high schoolers. When they were no longer in sight I bolted down the hall and found many rooms labeled with many different names. Kuza's name was on the third door.

"Taylor?" I silently called out.

"Bells please help me." Taylor cried.

I kicked in the door and found Taylor on the ground without a shirt and three whip marks down his back which were bleeding.

"Tay." I exclaimed as I went over to him and helped him up, trying to hurt him the least amount possible.

"We've got to go." He said as he gained a bit of strength and picked me up.

"You're going to hurt yourself." I told him.

"I'm faster than you, even hurt. We need to get out of here now." Taylor stated.

I agreed and then he took off with me in his arms and ran through another door attached to Kuza's room. It was a large gymnasium, with a workout area in the second tier. There was a locked concrete door.

"We're screwed." I groaned.

"I stole a key." Taylor said in a sing-song voice.

"Bad ass." I scoffed.

He unlocked the door and ran like wind past the building. I didn't even look back at the building, about fifteen minutes later we were stopped at the forest's edge.

"I can't go any further, my back's killing me." Taylor said.

He set me down and he kneeled on the ground. Panting in pain.

"Cassie and Chance told me that they'd go around and eventually find us. While they're doing that explain to me what happened." I said.

"Okay so once I woke up I was with Cassie and Chance. Kuza came in and told me that I had to come with you or he'd hurt you. I followed him and he started asking me all of these weird, basically sexual questions. He kept talking about the same subject though. He wanted to know if I liked to dominate or be dominated. I said I didn't know. Then he brought in this girl and said that if I wanted to stay here with you I'd have to learn to dominate. Kuza gave me this whip and told me to punish her." Taylor cried.

I hugged him close and whispered "It's okay."

"No it's not, Bells. I didn't do it so Kuza took the whip and just bloodied her up so badly she kept screaming and looking me in the eyes begging me to make it stop. Then he asked me once again to do it and I didn't. He then turned the whip to me and struck me three times. He kept saying that it was all your fault." Taylor continued.

"I'm so sorry." I bawled, crying.

This started to feel more and more like my fault. They seem to always be referring to me and now Kuza's even told Taylor that it is my fault. Why me of all people.

"It's okay, just when Chance and Cassie get back we should stop somewhere and get some disinfectant." Taylor told me.

We walked just a tad bit deeper into the forest and then I sat down against a tree. Taylor sat down on my lap, his back facing away. I sat up and took off my shirt, handing it to Taylor.

"Here." I said.

"Don't, put it back on now. If they find us, I don't want you to be found or even seen without any article of clothing. I don't know what they'll do to you, but I'll try to keep you safe from every possible thing that they will think of." Taylor promised me.

We then sat in silence and watched as the sky slowly started to darken. It had now been 2 and ½ hours since everyone got out. Suddenly one noise blared throughout the entire forest. A girl's scream. It sounded so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

"Shit!" I shouted a minute later.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"That's Cassie." I cried.

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