Have We Made a Decision?

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I sat outside on the porch downing my second beer, it was beyond relaxing. Things had been working out, we got Bella and so far to our knowledge no one has any idea as to where any of these girls or boys were. We planned to keep it that way.

More and more of the guys were arriving tonight, and by Sunday everyone would be here. It would be quite the packed place. Then we could all celebrate finally after having to put up with all of these bullshit 'classes'. The only reason we had the damn things was to waste some time until everyone could arrive. Then we'll take our prizes and let all the others go. Until then they were to act like Subs towards us.

Only one person hadn't done that. Sweet little Bella Noel. I could only imagine the things that I could do to that sweet, innocent girl. For the past day and a half she's been trying to kiss ass but she wasn't fooling me, the others, possibly, but I had her all figured out. She should watch herself because for every move she's thinking of making I've got one to knock her back down on her ass.

"Danny?" He called.

"Front porch." I yelled back.

Looks like one of my defenses were here.

"Everything that you said was spot on. I'd love to help you." He replied.

"Good, I knew you'd come around. Now why don't you tell me a bit more about Bella and what exactly she's been up to?" I said.

"Just as you thought, she's trying her hardest to get on everyone's good side. I even heard that she came back from the auditorium and asked Chris to sleep with her." He told me.

"He can't be that stupid." I stated, tossing the empty bottle into the trash can about 5 feet away.

"He didn't end up sleeping with her though, he had Max take care of that." He informed me.

I chuckled, luckily Chris wasn't as stupid as I thought for a split second.

"That's good, if he was falling for it he would've slept with her himself, having Max sleep with her is a sure sign of a punishment." I told him.

"Anything else you want to know?" He asked.

"No, I'm good." I replied.

He nodded and went back into the house. I was beydon glad that he was here helping us.

"What's up mate?" Ben asked coming out of the house and sitting on the chair next to mine.

"Nothing much, just relaxing. Have a beer with me." I stated, tossing him one from the outside cooler.

"You just missed the best news ever." Ben told me.

"What would that be?" I wondered.

"The final decision's been made, we're keeping Bella." Ben answered.

A grin formed on my face, this was the best news.

"When are we planning on telling her?" I questioned him.

"We're not, it'll just kind of happen." Ben replied.

"That's fantastic." I whispered, throwing my empty bottle into the garbage.

"Where are you going?" Ben asked me.

"We can't let our pet walk around without her collar, she might get lost." I chuckled walking back into the house.

"See you tomorrow." He called to me.

I went straight to Chris and I's office and opened up the top drawer and pulled out the small box. In it was a small and delicate necklace with a heart and an infinity sign around it. I grabbed it and then headed down to where Max and Bella were sleeping.

When I got down there I saw Bella passed out, curled up like a baby and Max was on his phone.

"Hey man, Ronnie just called and he and Derek will be here tomorrow morning." Max told me.

"Awesome, I just wanted to get this on her and then I think I'm going to run into town and pick up some things." I replied.

"Nice, I'm just glad we made it official." Max said.

"Tell me about it." I chuckled.

I walked over to the bed and kneeled in front of it, right in front of Bella's sleeping face. I softly slipped the necklace behind her head and clasped it so that it hung down perfectly on her throat.

"Do you need anything right now?" Max asked me.

"Nope I'm good." I told him.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." Max stated.

"Yep, and my love I'll be seeing you as well." I whispered into Bella's ear.

She didn't even move or flinch, it was as if she was a corpse. That wouldn't happen though, she might want to believe it but we wouldn't let that occur.

I got back up and walked upstairs to the garage where Kuza was already in the driver's seat.

"Ready?" He questioned me.

"Let's do this." I replied.

The car started up and we were on our way into town.

Bella better watch her back.

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