Rules & Regulations

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I groggily awoke to an obnoxious snore and something tickling my nose. I opened my eyes and screamed bloody murder. I was laying down wearing lingerie in the middle of the bed in between Danny and Ben. A few seconds later Ben's hand shut over my mouth and all that came out were a few muffled grunts.

"Be quiet." Ben snapped

"I'm not putting up with this." I replied.

Suddenly Ben rolled over from where he was so that half of his body was on top of mine and weighing me down into the bed. Danny did the same so that I was pinned down by the both of them.

"Go back to bed, it's 5 am and we're not getting up until 10 am." Danny commanded.

"Can you get off?" I huffed.

"Yes, but we don't want to so we won't." Ben chuckled into my ear.

I sighed and realized that there was no way out of this. I couldn't even get out of Ben's grip, let alone Ben and Danny's grip. To my complete luck they both rolled off of me a little bit but their grip was beyond undeniable. Danny pulled me tightly to his chest so that my back was against him and his head was nuzzled into my neck. I was expecting to smell some sort of trace of liquor on him but there was none. That concerned me a lot.

"Go to sleep angel." Danny whispered.

I kept my eyes open and I was faced towards Ben who soon realized that I wasn't asleep.

"It's not going to be said again. Go to bed." Ben commanded.

"Okay, sorry." I whispered.

Danny snuggled even closer to me, which I thought was near impossible, but he managed and I closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep, I just thought. I wondered long and hard as to how I got myself into this predicament and I couldn't figure it out. Nearing an hour later both Danny and Ben were snoring, and by the looks of their faces they were in a deep sleep. I had to go.

I carefully and gently pulled Danny's hands off of me, but he quickly stirred. Thinking on my feet I got up and pushed Ben to where I had been sleeping so that Danny thought I was still there, the same goes with Ben. When I was content that they wouldn't wake up I jumped out of bed and tiptoed past James', Cameron, and Sam's bed with them all in it. The three of them showed no signs at all of waking up.

The door luckily opened with no problems or sound at all allowing me to just slip out. I knew that Balz had taken Taylor back towards the direction of the kitchen, so I walked that way. When I arrived at the kitchen I full force ran into Ghost.

"What in the hell are you doing down here?" Ghost growled.

"Danny wanted me to come down and make him a drink." I quickly lied.

"Why did you looked so freaked out?" Ghost wondered.

"In general I'm kind of in a freaky situation." I explained.

"Fair enough, make him his drink and go back to bed." Ghost stated.

I nodded my head in agreement and to my utter surprise and happiness Ghost left. When I could no longer hear any footsteps I bolted back to Asking Alexandria's room where to my thankfulness the door was still unlocked. James, Cameron, and Sam were still sleeping, but Danny and Ben weren't.

"Where were you." Ben growled picking me up and throwing me down in the bed next to Danny.

"The bathroom, I had to go and I didn't want to wake you." I reasoned.

"We'll let it go for now, but don't ever leave a room if you've been told to stay in it without asking." Danny told me.

"Okay." I whispered.

Danny once again pulled me tight to him and Ben warned me to sleep. This time I actually listened, and I was out before either one of them.
"Wake up, Bella." Same screamed, hitting my leg with his arm.

I opened my eyes and realized that it was just Sam and I in the room last night. Looking down I realized that I was in a new outfit of lingerie and Sam was wearing a black tank with black jeans.

"What's going on?" I groaned.

"It's time to get up, some people are coming over and everyone needs to be on their best behavior. You included." Sam replied.

"I need to change, I'm not going out there with anyone seeing me like this. I'm pissed off enough at the fact that one of you asses changed me." I screamed.

"You don't have a choice so get out of bed before I pull you out." Sam threatened.

He meant what he said. With a sigh I got out of the bed and he grabbed my hand, leading me down into the kitchen.

"Thanks for getting her." Balz thanked him.

"No problem." Sam said, handing me off to Balz.

"Where's Taylor?" I asked him.

"He's fine." Balz said, finally bringing me to a dining room where Ricky, Ben, James, Ryan, Vinny, Cameron, Chris and Danny were around a large table, with one spot open. Again, it was obvious as to what I was supposed to do.

"Good morning, Bella." Chris cheered.

How in the hell was he so cheery.

"Whatever." I grumbled, still standing up.

"Lose the attitude love." Cameron warned me.

Ryan pulled out the empty chair in between him and James and patted it.

"Sit down and join us, love." Danny told me.

I sat down in the chair and glared at Danny.

"I hope you know that we're not staying here. As soon as we can get out, we're gone. You'll never be able to find us." I stated.

"Change in mood much?" Ghost exclaimed as he walked into the room.

"What changed? She got bitchier?" Chris stated.

I rolled my eyes. Way to go Chris, way to keep it nice and mature.

"Well she seemed eager and almost happy making Danny a drink this morning around 6:30 am." Ghost said.

Oh god, the cat's out of the bag now. I looked over and Danny was clearly amazed at what I had done, same went for the other members of Asking Alexandria. Motionless in White was still confused.

"That's funny, because I didn't ask for a drink. This happened only an hour after we she had woken up and tried to get out." Danny said.

If looks could kill, then technically Chris had brutally murdered me about 1,000 times over. It was the definition of a nightmare.

"Things are going to change around here. Respect and following the rules are something you need to work on, or else." Chris growled, animalistically.

"I want Kuza to deal with this." Danny stated.

"Not yet, the others are arriving and we need to start our meeting." Chris replied.

Everyone got up from the table and started to walk out of the door, Danny and Ben were the last two people, besides from me.

"Not a smart choice Bella." Ben whispered.

"The easiest part of your punishment will be sleeping with us again tonight." Danny informed me.


"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I think you'll have to wait and see." Danny replied.

Whatever. They kept walking until we finally had reached the auditorium. The doors were opened and revealed all of the other kids that were here. Ben pushed me in, and the doors were then shut and locked behind me.

"Bella!" Chance screamed, once he saw me.

The next thing I knew, I was getting crushed in a group hug from Cassie, Chance, and even Taylor.

"Thank god you're okay. I would've killed someone if you weren't." Taylor said.

"Where were you?" Cassie asked.

"Sleeping in between Danny and Ben." I told them, in a disgusted tone of voice.

"I'm going to kill those assholes." Taylor growled.

"No you're not, if anyone gets to I'm taking the first shot." I said.

"Silence please, girls take a seat on the left hand side and boys please be seated to the right." Ricky announced from center stage with everyone from Motionless in White and Asking Alexandria behind him.

"Let's just sit through this and then we can find a way to figure some more stuff out." I suggested.

Cassie and I sat in the middle row of girls, whereas Taylor and Chance took a more defensive position by sitting closer to the stage in the very front row.

"For any of you who don't know who we are, first of all it's a true shame. Cameron, James, Sam, Ben, and I make up a band called Asking Alexandria. Chris to the right of me along with Ryan, Ghost, Balz, Vinny, and Ricky make up Motionless in white." Danny stated.

"We won't cut corners anymore. We'll just get straight to the point. This my dear children is The Academy. In this place you will be taught in the way of one lifestyle or another. Starting today (Monday) until Friday night you will be enrolled in two classes per day. The schedules will alternate and there will be 5 girls in each class taught for them, and the same goes for the guys." Chris stated.

It finally all clicked together. Two lifestyles, boys and girls, underage virgins. The girl that I helped stop crying on the stage was right, we were slaves.

"The guys will be trained as dominants, and the girls will be taught to live as a submissive. However this place wasn't built to keep all 98 of you here. At the very end of this all of the bands will vote and decide on the one girl they want to keep as their submissive. There also will be one guy who is taught in the ways of a true dominant and he will continue to train and live in this house. Two days after this Friday we will vote and there will be two girls and two guys that stay with us and the next 6 months they will be put through rigorous training to become the best doms or subs possible. After 6 months are up we'll choose the final girl and boy and everyone else will be taken back to their homes." Ben explained.

Disbelief, sadness, helplessness, fear, worry, you pick the words and it described what everyone was feeling. The girl that I had helped was once again sobbing her eyes out. My heart broke looking at her. Cassie reached over and held my hand tightly, at this point it felt like my only lifeline. I looked over to the boys side of the room and Chance looked over at me with a sad smile, he was trying to keep positive and I gave him tons of credit for it. Then there was Taylor, looking straightforward with looks that could kill.

"You know what we are now right?" Cassie whispered to me.

"We're not just slaves Cas, we're personal slaves." I replied, with terror on my tongue.

"As for rules, you will learn them at different times, based on what classes you have but after classes on Friday you are fully expected to obey all of the rules. Your class with Kuza will give you a greater insight on what punishment will be." Balz said to all of us.

"You're excused for now, go into the main dining room and eat breakfast." Cameron dismissed us.

Taylor and Chance were the first people to actually stand up and walk over to our side. The look of pain and anger on Taylor's face was painful to look at. He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me, along with Cassie towards the hallway. Chance took off his hoodie and gave it to me.

"I don't want you to get hurt, because they made you wear that." Chance explained.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"This is some sick and twisted game. No one should have to deal with this." Taylor hissed as I slipped on Chance's hoodie.

"We'll get out before the end of the week. The only thing that we need is everyone together and this time we need a stronger plan." I explained.

"Let's go eat." Cassie suggested.

The four of us walked into the huge kitchen and were surprised when we saw everyone sitting around the table in complete silence.

Finally the girl that had been crying stood up and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"We want you to be our leader." She whispered.

"Is everyone aware of this?" I asked the table.

"Yeah." Everyone replied.

We heard footsteps fast approaching and I quickly told everyone "Just be good for today and do what they tell you to."

They all agreed.

The annoying click of boots were heard feet away and suddenly James appeared in the doorway.

"Cassie, Lauren, Kayla, Amber, and Bella, I need you to come with me." James stated.

Really out of everyone available I had to be with James? For god's sake I knocked him out with a fire extinguisher and he obviously still holds that against me. I just prayed that it wouldn't be as bad as I was thinking it might be.

"See you later." Taylor whispered, quickly giving me one last quick hug.

He gave me a little nudge and I followed the three other girls, along side Cassie who were all following behind James.

"There is to be no shown or felt affection towards anyone else of the opposite sex except for us." Ben snapped.

I rolled my eyes.

This ought to be fun.

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