The First Step To Freedom

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I was awoken to the hotel phone ringing.

Chris was still passed out so I answered it.

"Bella, this is me, when you check out you need to go to the bathroom in the lobby. Do that, go to the furthest stall and go out of that window. Please have faith in me." S instructed me.

I slammed the phone down, as I realized Chris was waking up.

Behind the disgust I still felt from what happened last now, I felt hope.

More than hope, I was actually relieved.

He rolled over to touch me, but I rolled right out of bed and away from him.

"Bella, don't be like that." Chris groaned.

"Chris I want to go back, and now." I stated calmly, getting up and throwing on my clothes.

"Bella." Chris called to me, as I walked away.

No, this was not something you just called me back to apologize for.

I sat down on the couch, and waited for him to come out.

About a minute and a half later Chris came back out fully dressed.

Hopefully I'd never have to see him ever again, clothed or not.

"Please, I don't even want to talk about it." I shut him down as he was about to open his mouth.

"Let's go downstairs and check out." Chris suggested.

I just nodded and followed him, neither of us saying a word.

"Did you have a good stay? The receptionist asked.

"Yes, thank you." Chris said.

"I have to use the bathroom." I whispered to Chris.

"You should've gone in the room." Chris replied back.

"Sorry, I kind of just wanted to get out." I snapped.

"Fine, you've got 3 minutes." Chris stated.

"Thanks, asshole." I muttered, entering the bathroom.

I went straight to the last stall, and saw that there was a sizeable window on the wall. It was opened, I put the seat down on the toilet, stood up on it, and pulled and pushed myself, and woolah I was out and on the grass.

"Bella come one!" She screamed, from across the parking lot.

Holy shit this was real!

I ran like fucking hell across the parking lot and I jumped into the back of her GMC envoy.

She embraced me in a deep hug in the back of the seats and I let everything go, including the ocean of tears I had yet to cry.

Samantha Bruce's POV -

"Kylie, go on ahead." I stated, and she pulled the car out of the parking lot and we were on the road.

"Thank you." Bella bawled, embracing me into a bone crushing hug.

Kylie Devin, Ghost Sola's girlfriend had agreed to help me at the very last second, she was gracious enough to let us use her car.

Bella had a death grip on me and was crying her eyes out.

"I'm so, so sorry, I tried to get you out so bad." I cried, not even being able to imagine the true physical and emotional pain she was going through.

She started to almost scream through her tears of pain, and all I could do was hold her tighter, and tighter.

It sucked because I knew no matter how hard I tried to comfort her, she wasn't going to feel any better, at least for today. Probably for a few days.

I could only imagine what was going on now between MIW, ETF, and Asking. Truth is I didn't care.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She cried over and over again, shaking as the sobs racked her body.

After a few more minutes, she got to the point where she just cried and shook, not making any real noises.

"Sam, you did the best you could. No one could've stopped what happened, this has been planned for way too long." Kylie attempted to comfort me.

"I know, but just look at her Kylie, she's fucking ruined." I stated.

"I can see that, but we can fix her. We can take away that pain, we can give her her old life back." Kylie told me.

"I don't know." I whispered, looking at the shaking, mess of a child in my arms.

"I don't know."

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