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"Bella, wake up." Someone said right next to my ear.

I slowly got up and opened my eyes, only to see the one and only Beau Bokan.

"Where are we?" I mumbled.

"Home." Beau stated.

I instantly sat up, and pulled the window blinds open.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no!

This could not be happening.

I had to run, do something, fight, kick.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door was opened, I froze at the sight of Vinny walking into the bus.

"She ready?" Vinny asked.

"All yours." Beau replied.

"Are you going to be stupid or can I trust you to walk in there without a problem?" Vinny questioned me.

Do it, and then run. I told myself.

"I won't cause a problem." I lied to him.

"Good let's go then." Vinny stated, holding his hand out to me.

I grabbed it, and followed him out of the bus.

When we were about halfway to the house/mansion that we had all been in before I got out of his grip and ran like hell away.

"Bella, stop!" Vinny screamed.

No, I couldn't.

I pushed my legs harder and faster than I ever had and I felt myself just whipping through the wind.

I was headed straight for the wooded area when I collided into a brick wall.

Oh shit, that wall was Mike Fuentes.

"Come on." He groaned.

I was thrown over his shoulder and carried back into the house.

I fought though, and hard. Kicking, screaming, biting, punching, kicking, everything but he was not about to waver one bit.

"No!" I screamed, it almost coming out as a cry.

"Where do they want her?" Mike groaned, walking past a room with Balz and Jared Warth.

"Basement, need help?" Balz wondered.

"Yeah, I'll need help getting her set up." Mike answered.

I kept fighting but it was very obvious I was not getting out.

Balz opened up a door, and the next thing I knew I was being carried down a large staircase.

"Let me go!" I screeched.

"You're in enough shit, don't give us any more issues." Mike growled.

Before I knew it I was down it well I guess a basement.

It was black and grey walls with multiple whips and other joyful tools were hung up. I went to look at the other walls, but there was a blindfold quickly placed over my eyes.

This was going more and more downhill than I originally though.

Someone, I assume Mike based on his height went around my back and gripped tightly around my waist.

A second later some type of metal cuff attached to my ankles. I tried to move my feet but they were tied down, and tight at that.

"No, please don't. I swear I'll do anything." I pleaded with them.

My words turned into mumbles when a ball gag was shoved into my mouth, and tightened around my head.

I tried to keep talking and pleading but it all came out a garbled mess.

My wrists were then shackled each to a chain, but then cuffed together in the middle.

"Good luck, Bella." Balz chuckled, as the grip was released from my waist.

Yeah right, the luckiest I'd be right now at this moment would be getting shot in the head, but no that's too much to ask for.

I heard the door open and close.

They were gone, and I was alone in this room vulnerable as all hell.

Not even the feeling of Chance's ring could calm me down.

I kept trying to kick my legs around or get some leverage with my hands being cuffed, but I knew it was no use. After half an hour I gave up.

This was punishment enough for me with all of the embarrassment, but inside I knew the truth and it was not good. This was only the start of what would be a very painful both physically and mentally day.

Can't wait.

I was in there for what seemed like an eternity, and my limbs were starting to hurt. My mind was running rampant with disturbing thoughts on what might happen to me. The whole not being able to see part played a lot into that.

That's when the door opened.

I held my breath, and went absolutely silent.

No movement, no sound, no nothing.

I heard two pairs of footsteps come into the door, and then shut it behind them.

Really, why couldn't this just be a one man job.

I'm pretty positive one of them could exert a whole hell of a lot of pain.

The footsteps got closer, and my heart was going nuts, I could feel it in my throat, and at this point it was the loudest noise in the room.

Suddenly one of the people were right in front of me.

I squinted my eyes closed even underneath the blindfold, and felt as they carefully unhooked the gag, and threw it down on the floor.

My body so wanted to cough and get it out, but my mind told it to just shut up.

The person's hands went back behind my head and grabbed the blindfold.

It was quickly pulled up and over my head, and I was face to face with Ryan Sitkowski.


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