I Know How To Cope, Well, Sort Of

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"Come on in." James finally said, and stepped aside.

"Thanks." I muttered, walking in.
I've been blessed, no one else was awake.

Well besides from Brandon driving, but there was a curtain covering up the driving section.

Rich was sleeping on the couch so I was very cautious to be quiet, I hoped that James would do the same.

By a long run pretending to like, and even be willing to respect this band would be much harder than the others. They were a bit more, open, if you will.

James pulled out a bottle of booze and poured half of it into a cup, he handed me the other half that was still in the bottled.

"I thought this new Bella was just a myth." James laughed.

"I've figured out that coping is easier." I told him.

Holy shit.

"We've got an early show tonight and it's the biggest of this tour so we're stopping in an hour and then we'll start setting up." James informed me.

"You look tired, I think you should sleep until we get there." I suggested.

"Come with me?" He asked.

"I would but I'm not really tired." I admitted.

"Fair enough, see you in an hour." He said.

I pulled him in for a hug and whispered "Love you."

"You too." He called from the bunk area.


Coping gave me an idea. There was obviously a lot of booze on this bus. Alcohol and booze are said to numb things and emotions and it can make some things go easier. Why not my situation. As soon as I heard James go into his bunk I chugged the bottle of booze.

It burned so bad but with the little bit of booze inside of me I was already feeling a bit lightheaded. I needed to be full on shit faced to make this time go by faster.

I grabbed James' cup and slammed that back.

"Oh, this is going to suck." I groaned.

There was a bottle of some booze on the table and within ten minutes I had downed that.

At that point my throat was feeling a burning inferno, and my mind was swimming. I was feeling woozy.

I guess I underestimated how drunk I was.

I went to grab another bottle of alcohol, but I tripped and fell on my way there.

Once my head hit the ground I was out.


Cameron's POV -

There was a loud bang that came out from the living area, it woke me up, and stopped James from actually falling asleep.

"What the fuck?" He grumbled.

We both hopped down from our bunks and went in to see what was going on.

"Holy shit." I exclaimed, seeing the overly sexy outfit she was in, but then I realized what was going on.

Bella was on the floor face down, and Rich was still out.

I kneeled down besides her and instantly felt for a pulse.

"It hurts." She laughed as soon as I touched her.

"What happened, love?" I asked her.

"I think I know." James stated from behind me.

I looked back and he was holding up the two empty alcohol bottles, and a third that had just been opened.

"Oh no." I groaned.

I could already tell from her laughing and the fact that she wasn't worried she was going to be a bad drunk.

"Get her up, and talking, and I'll go get the others up, we're close enough anyways." James stated.

I nodded in agreement.

"Bella are you okay?" I asked, taking her face gently in my hands.

"I'm shit faced." She sung.

Yep, definitely drunk.

"I know, that was not your brightest move." I chuckled, getting a little kick out of this new drunker side of Bella.

Suddenly she sat up, and had a look of what could only be described as lust in her eyes.

"You know what sucks? Actually don't answer that, I will. You and all of your other band friends are so fucking sexy, but damn it you are also like the fucking devil." She hissed into my ear.

"I think you need to relax a bit sweetheart." I told her.

She was much more drunk than I had originally thought.

Bella went to go and undo her top, but my hands quickly grabbed hers.

"No." I stated.

"Who's the one who needs to relax now." She shot back at me.

"Sassy?" Ben asked, walking out.

"More like shit faced." She giggled.

"We're going to have to keep her in the venue tonight. She'll destroy the bus if we leave her in here." Sam stated, walking out into the living area.

I had forgotten that I had let go of her hands and I looked down to realize my shirt was halfway unbuttoned.

And the drunken Bella was still working on it.

"Bella stop." I demanded, attempting to grab her hands once again.

"Why it's what you want, it's what you all want." She challenged me.

"Yeah well you're drunk and vulnerable, we're not that stupid. Plus it's more fun to hunt when the prey is actually somewhat fucking coherent." I replied.

"How bad is this?" Danny asked joining the rest of us.

"As bad as your concert in Seattle." She laughed.

"She's really intoxicated." I answered him.

Bella hung her head down and I thought she was just relaxing, but then she bit my arm.

"You know you want it just as bad as I do." She seductively whispered into my ear.

"Bella shut up." I snapped.

Danny came over and thankfully took her from my arms, and brought her over to the kitchen table, and sat her down on his lap.

"Fuck your pretty face." She screamed and chuckled at the same time.

Oh boy, tonight should be fun.

"Shut up or I'm literally going to stab you." Danny warned her.

With a laugh we all just groaned.

Danny put his hand over her mouth and held it there until we finally reached the venue.

"Okay, ETF and MIW were delayed an hour due to getting caught up in traffic so someone has to stay behind while we soundcheck." James stated.

Obviously Sam, Danny, and James would have to stay behind.

"Not it." Ben yelled.

Damn it.

"She's yours until the other bands get here. For now just make sure she stays somewhat normal and or calm." Danny stated.

"Hear that, I'm all yours." She snickered.

"I'm going to gag you if you can't shut up from here to the venue." I threatened her.

She looked up at me, and nodded.

Finally she was quiet. Once the tour bus parked, everyone got out of the bus. Rich was going to come in and help with soundcheck and Brandon was going to be watching out for MIW and ETF.

We all walked in together, but once they got set up in the main venue I took Bella into the back room directly behind the stage.

I sat her down in a chair in the corner and sat down across from her.

For a few minutes she was quiet but suddenly the drums started up for 'Killing You' and she started to belt it out.

"What's killing me, is that I'm killing you!" She screamed, and got up.

Here we go again.

Once the song ended and her almost strip tease had ended she landed up on my lap and faced me head on and whispered "You loved me for all the wrong reasons." straight into my ear.

Then she passed out.

"Easy, that a girl." I told her, as I laid her body down across mine.

She stayed like that until the end of all three of our shows.

It was Sam's night with her so we were all walking back to our buses Sam carried her.

"Hey if she ever wakes up, double check that she didn't take any drugs with that, I don't need her to die of an overdose." Chris stated, about to exit our bus.

"Will do, I'm not sure she's that stupid though." Sam responded.

"Hopefully not, well I'll see you tomorrow." Chris said as he left.

"Bye." We all echoed.

"Great fucking show guys, we killed it." Danny congratulated us all.

"We did." Ben agreed.

"All I can think of is wondering why she did it." James admitted.

"Me too, it should be good though." I stated.

"I'm going to go put her to bed, I'll be back." Sam stated.

"Good luck." We all said.

He carried her back to the bunks, and I swear from the corner of my eye I saw a piece of paper being pulled out from underneath the main door.

It was late though, I was just seeing things.


S.' POV -

I ran back to the bus as fast as I could.

Hopefully they haven't noticed the letter yet, if so Bella was screwed.

I had not at all expected her to go and get drunk.

This was going to make them question her, and harshly.

She better be able to come up with a really good explanation or this whole plan goes down in flames.

I saw the bus and noticed that they all look preoccupied. I took my chance, and bolted over there, and grabbed the letter out from underneath the door.

I ran back to my car.

The plan was that in less than three weeks I could get her out.

Not if she kept pulling stuff like this.

I'd try to give her this letter soon, but I needed to make sure she was by herself.

Now, I could only hope she could sweet talk herself out of this problem tomorrow.

Knowing who she was dealing with, I had only a small bit of hope.

I hope she had more than me.

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