Feeling Green, Literally and Figuratively

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"Bella, wakey wakey." Danny woke me up, while shaking me a bit.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, looking around at my surroundings. I was still in the room, wearing the underwear and bra, the only thing different was that Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"What's going on?" I grumbled.

"Classes are starting late. They'll start at noon and right now it's 7:30." Danny replied.

"Am I staying here?" I asked.

"No, you're going to go and eat outside with some of the other guys and girls." Danny told me.

"I can't go out there wearing this." I exclaimed.

"That's what you've been told to wear so that's what you're going to wear." Danny stated.

"Do I have any options?" I wondered.

"Yeah, go outside in that or stay with us in that as well." Danny said.

I thought it over and couldn't bring myself to go outside wearing this so I replied "I'll just stay here."

"Fine, go upstairs and stay with the guys." Danny instructed me.

I walked past him and out the door, all the way up to the kitchen. 5 more days I kept telling myself over, and over again in my head. When I arrived in the kitchen I was greeted with Balz, Ryan, Sam, Cameron, Craig, and Robert. Luckily Chris and Kuza were nowhere to be found.

"Good morning." Balz chirped.

"Hi." I whispered, leaning up against the wall.

"Please tell me she hasn't had your class yet Cameron." Craig stated, with obvious disappointment in his tone.

"Not yet, but I think she'll be with me first today." Cameron replied.

"Come over here, and tell me who you have been with." Craig instructed me.

I carefully walked over to where Craig was, and sat down in the chair next to him as he told me to do.

"The first day I was with James, and Vinny, then yesterday I was with Ricky." I told him with a shaky voice.

"Why did she only go to one yesterday?" Craig asked.

"She was refusing to go, but as you can see based on her outfit she already learned part of Ghost's lesson." Ryan explained.

"How long have you been wearing that?" Craig wondered.

"I've been in this since last night." I replied.

"She was also put into lingerie after she attempted to run, and then shoot Ben with a gun, and then slept with both Ben and Danny for the night." Sam explained.

"God he's going to love you." Craig chuckled.

Oh no, another person. There should've been a limit to amount of people allowed.

"We haven't seen him in quite a while, I'm glad that he joined your band though out of all of them available." Ghost stated with a little giggle.

"TJ." I whispered, suddenly connecting the dots.

"What was that?" Robert asked.

"TJ's coming.?" I stated, but kind of in a question form.

"Absolutely, and Thrasher *." Craig responded.

Shit, this was not good at all. I already knew that there was at least one person here from ATL, BVB, SWS, PTV, OMAM, and of course ETF, MIW, and AA. I had to wonder if that meant that everyone from those bands would eventually be here at a point in time.

"Who else is coming?" I wondered.

"That curiosity is going to get you in trouble." Balz informed me.

"Give her a break, she'll learn eventually. Who do you think is coming?" Craig asked me.

"I'd assume all of the bands that people are here from, and probably Falling in Reverse." I answered.

"Why would you say them?" Craig further questioned me.

"I just know that your band has a lot of ties with them, especially after the Bury The Hatchet Tour." I explained.

"Interesting, you won't know for sure though until Saturday and or Sunday." Craig said.

Of course not, I thought to myself.

Suddenly there were a pair of arms around my body and a deep voice whispered in my ear "Hello little sexy bunny."

I turned around, and was shocked at who I saw. The one and only, infamous Max Green. My jaw hit the damn floor. Behind him was an unfamiliar man, however it was very apparent that he fit into the scene. He had long black hair, black jeans, and a tight fitting black shirt on with a white skeleton outline on it. He also was very built and looked like he could inflict some damage, just like all of the others.

"Ryan, Sam, Balz, Cameron, we need you down in the auditorium." Kuza shouted from aways away.

They got up and left me with Craig, Robert, Max, and the new guy.

"I thought you weren't in any bands." I said to Max, feeling a need to say something.

"I think you shouldn't question me." Max replied with a threatening smile on his face.
They went and sat down, when out of nowhere Chance came bursting through the door.

"I need to see you outside now." He growled, gripping onto my hand.

"Easy buddy, who gave you that permission." Robert wondered.

With his free hand Chance pulled out a card and showed it to Craig. Something changed in Craig's face, but I wasn't there long enough to figure it out because within seconds Chance was dragging me out of the kitchen area until we were finally outside.

"What the hell was that?" I basically yelled.

"I may or may not have broken into their printer and printed myself an ID that stated I'm a real dom that works here, and considering those guys are knew I hoped that they'd fall for it." Chance explained to me and then tossed me a water bottle.

"What's in it?" I wondered.

"Trust me it will make you feel better." Chance said.

I trusted him and drank the bitter, yet fruit 16 ounces.

"I've got a plan. I'm basically going to behave to the best of my ability around all of the guys and with that I'm assuming that I'll be let go." I told him.

"Nice, it's a great idea but are you sure you can do it?" He asked me.

"I'm trying to not bash their faces in." I admitted, with a slight chuckle.

We walked over and sat up against the wall, facing the forest which was about 100 feet away and he whispered "I need you to trust me. Once you wake up you can't talk to anyone but Chris and all of those guys. No talking to classmates, or friends, just the psychos and be nice to them."

"When I wake up?" I questioned him.

"I'm sorry." Chance muttered, pulling a needle from his pocket.

"Chance put that down." I stated in a cautioning voice, as I got up and slowly started to back up from him.

"It's for your own good." He replied.

I took off in a sprint back towards the kitchen, but after about 10 feet I was tackled to the ground.

"Help." I screamed, but Chance's left hand quickly covered my mouth, leaving me only to mumble out cries telling him to stop.

Suddenly the needle pierced my neck, and I felt an icy liquid fill my veins. Once my body shut down and I couldn't scream anymore Chance got off of my, lightly kissed my cheek and walked off back towards the other side of the house.

God I didn't feel good, I felt like I was going to vomit up everything I had ever ate.

"Help." I whimpered.

But no one came, and when darkness took me with him I was alone.

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