I Thought Mickey Mouse Was Supposed To Be A Happy Symbol

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"Bella wake up." Ben called really loudly.

I opened my eyes to see Ben standing at the foot of my bed. I wasn't in the mood, after all I wasn't going to comply to stupid stuff if it wasn't even going to help me get out.

"No, I'm stuck here anyways." I grumbled, sneaking under the covers.

"So that's why you pulled your stupid little stunt last night." Ben mused.

"Seriously, just leave me alone." I groaned, as Ben started to pull the covers back.

"Nope. You're going to get up now. If I was you I really wouldn't screw around, Chris is beyond pissed right now." Ben warned me.

"Well it looks like we have something in common then." I snipped, snuggling tighter into the blankets.

"Get up." Ben demanded, pulling me down towards the end of the bed by pulling my legs.

From the edge of the bed I looked down and noticed a shiny key hanging from Ben's belt. I was going to get that key from his belt no matter what.

"Let me go and I'll get up." I told him.

"Fine." Ben said letting go of my legs.

His mistake.

I pulled my leg back and kicked him as hard as possible in the center of his groin. He groaned and fell in pain and that's when I jumped up and unclipped the key from his belt.

"Ow." I screamed, as Ben started struggling to get back up and dug his fingernails into my thigh.

"Hand the keys back love." Ben growled attempting to stand up.

Once he was halfway up I once again kicked him but this time it was in the back of his head.

"Fuck!" Ben grumbled, crumbling to the ground.

I grabbed the keys, ran like hell out the door and locked it with the key I had just gotten.

I didn't care to make sure that the door was locked, I was in total panicked and adrenalized mood I just ran like hell. The main door that I remembered seeing was down a flight of stairs and to the left. That's exactly where I sprinted to.

"Bella!" Chris screamed from somewhere upstairs.

I didn't listen, I headed straight for the door and attempted to open it. It wouldn't open. Even with the key that fit perfectly into the lock, it wouldn't budge.

"Damn it." I huffed giving the kick one swift kick.

'Think Bella think, where would they least expect you?' I thought to myself.

Got it!

Instead of running this time I took a much stealthier and wiser approach and tiptoed back to the room that I had been in this morning. They were expecting me to run, not stay where I had been.

Luckily I passed none of them on my way back down and once I was in the room I relaxed a bit when I saw that Ben's body was no longer just laying on the ground. He'd be fine, unfortunately.

The bed was about 2 ½ feet above the floor, however the bed's bed skirt covered it up completely. I slowly slid in so that my face was looking out of the foot of the bed so I could see who, if anyone was going to come in the room.

Upstairs there was some obvious frustration with some yelling, unfortunately it was too far away to hear exactly what they were saying. I could guess though. At this moment the key's location was unknown, it wasn't helping me anyways and the sound of Chris' voice really freaked me out there for a second. I convinced myself though that it wouldn't matter, I'd get out no matter what.

Pairs of footsteps were starting to come towards the door so I made sure to be super quiet. The door opened and I held my breath.

"Do you think she got out?" Someone asked.

"No, she's still here." Danny replied.

That voice sounded, so familiar, whose was it though?

"There's a rumor going around that she's down by Kuza and the basement." Chance replied.

Wait, Chance?

What the hell was he doing with Danny?

"Stay still." Chance stated.

What the hell was going on?

Suddenly before my eyes Danny dropped onto the floor, unconscious. His head was towards the end of the bed.

"Chance?" I whimpered.

"It's okay, I promise. Please trust me." Chance said.

I crawled out from the bed and looked back down and Danny's body.

"They're going to kill me." I stated, looking at Chance.

"Listen to me and really closely. I'm going to leave this room and before I do I'm going to leave a key on the bed and I need you to pick it up and open the closest door that leads outside. You go and run then. Don't stop, don't tell anyone where you were, who you were with, or where you are going. Don't say your real name either, I'll come and find you in a few days." Chance instructed.

"Are you kidding me?" I sputtered, after collecting my thought.

"No. Oh, and if you see anyone band members stay far away, most likely they're involved with this." Chance answered.

"I don't know where to go or what to do though. Look at me, I'm still in what's practically lingerie!" I cried.

"Wear this, but don't take it off. It'll be a lot more comfortable and I'll be able to find you easier after a day or two." Chance told me, throwing me the leather jacket that Danny had been wearing.

"I can't do this." I freaked, realizing that I'd have no idea as to what to do or where to go once I got out.

"Well choose, either you can go and get free, or Kuza will come and find you and whip you until you're so close to death that you can smell it." Chance snipped.

"Okay I'll go, but please just promise me that I can trust what you're saying." I replied.

"Be safe." Chance whispered and handed me a key.

"Thank you." I replied and ran like hell out of the room and to the very first door that led outside and got out.

Just as I was told I ran as fast as I could and sprinted straight into the woods and kept going, despite how much pain I was in. Luckily Danny's jacket was keeping my upper half somewhat safe, but from my waist down my skin was starting to look like raw meat, all bloody and cut up. It hurt, but I knew I had to keep going and I did.

I ran through what seemed like the same exact scenery for about an hour and I was just starting to see actual city lights.


I stopped running simply because my legs couldn't stand it anymore and with another 30 minutes I found myself on a back road, only another mile and a half from a coffee shop. Normally I could run a mile in 8.5 minutes. Today it took me 25 minutes. I had just gotten close enough to see the cafe's sign.

How fitting, freedom in french. This must be a good sign. There weren't too many cars in the parking lot, maybe 7 cars in total. The one car that stuck out to me was a black minivan with a mickey mouse antenna. That was good, I mean how bad could anyone be who like Mickey Mouse, right?

I pulled down my short skirt/lingerie piece, zipped up the leather jacket and walked into the cafe. Mainly there were couples there drinking coffee and now giving me dirty looks. I didn't care, they couldn't hurt me anymore I'd already been hurt in ways beyond my imagination.

"I didn't realize pimps let their whores out by themselves." One guy chuckled.

Just as I was about to give him a piece of my mind a guy suddenly came up behind me and said "Leave her alone, she looks shook up."

The guy then took his girlfriend's hand and escorted her out.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"No problem." He replied with a bit of a smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

I looked up and got a better glance at him. He seemed to be around 6' tall, he had dark brown short hair, a lip piercing and both of his ears had small plugs in them.

"You look a little beat up, how about you come and sit down with my friend and I." He suggested.

I started to get nervous, could I trust them?

What did I have to lose?

"Sure." I whispered.

"I'm Matt, and this is Josh." He introduced me to him and his friend.

"Bella." I replied, shaking their hands.

"Do you want anything?" Josh asked me.

"No thanks." I answered.

"You don't seem like the type to wear that." Matt pointed out.

"Yeah, it's a long story. No offense but I'm not really going to get into it." I replied.

Suddenly I heard Danny's voice, and I internally freaked. Was he here.

"Oh that's just my ring tone." Josh stated.

That got me relaxed a bit, thankfully it wasn't actually him.

"Do you know Asking Alexandria?" Matt wondered.

"I just listen to their music." I said, not getting into much detail.

Once again The Death of Me started playing and Josh glanced quickly over at what I assumed was a new text message.

"We've got to go now." Josh told Matt.

"I should be leaving as well." I replied, getting up.

"Let us walk you out." Matt said.

"Sure." I said, a little bit unsure, but I didn't want to sound too scared and or nervous.

Once we got outside Josh said "What in the hell happened to your legs?"

"Oh nothing, I was just taking a hike and fell." I lied.

"That really bad, I'm taking you to a hospital." Matt told me, while walking forwards and grabbing onto my arm.

"Don't touch me." I yelled, yanking my hand out of his grip, which wasn't even that tight.

"Woah, sorry. I just would feel really guilty leaving you out here all alone with those injuries." Matt apologized.

I took a deep breath and said. "It's fine, I've just had a nightmare of a week or so and I don't know what to do."

"I can help you Bella. Just please let us take you to the hospital." Josh pleased.

I thought it over and weighed the cons and pros. I didn't have anywhere else to go so I figured it would a somewhat okay thing to do.

"Sure." I replied.

"Thank you, we're the mini van up there." Matt told me.

Thank goodness, the Mickey Mouse antenna van. They couldn't be that bad.

Matt got into the driver's seat and Josh helped me up into the passenger's seat and then got into the back seat himself.

We started driving in the opposite direction from where I came from and I felt an amazing rush of relief. I was safe.

Or so I had thought.

After about 5 minutes of small talk my gaze just so happened to fall to the floor and I noticed something that made my heart stop. Slightly poking out of the glove box I saw a picture of myself sleeping in between Chris and Danny. It looked more like a surveillance video picture though.

This was not good, these guys were in on this whole deal. I needed to get out and now.

"I'm sorry." I said, and then quickly kicked Matt in the stomach causing him to veer towards the side of the road.

He quickly regained control of the car and as I went in for another kick or punch Josh pulled me back off of Matt and tight against the seat.

"Get off!" I screamed as loud as possible.

My fist got free and socked Matt right in the side of the head. Before he could react or I could fit in another punch Josh slammed my head against the window which caused me to stop everything.

The light was starting to fade and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Before I knew it I was out and already back on the road to hell.

I guess liking Mickey Mouse doesn't always mean you're innocent.

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