We Need A Plan

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It was eight days later, and finally Bella had relaxed a lot more.

At the moment all of ETF, MIW, AA, OMAM, PTV, SWS, and ATL were all hanging out in the large movie theatre in one of the lower levels of the house.

Near the middle of the seats I noticed that Bella was sitting on Ryan's lap, resting her head on his chest and her legs were lying on Ricky's lap.

These past 8 days had been a huge struggle. After the incident with Bella having what was basically a mental breakdown.

We struggled for the longest time to even get her to talk to us, even after over 20 of us attempted to talk to her.

Ryan decided that he'd go and try, just as a last chance ditch effort.

Low and behold a few hours later he was at least able to bring her out of the room, I guess she got tired of us continually coming in and trying to get her to talk.

He sat her down in a chair in the living room, and out of the blue she started to whimper, and shake.

Chris, Danny, and Craig came in to the room, and tried to get her to calm down. She didn't stop the shaking and we ended up having to knock her out with some drugs.

That was the moment that we knew we needed to start over and try a whole nother approach. If we kept up without having an intervention of some sort Bella would not be okay, emotionally. We didn't need her shattered as we said before, just a bit broken.

At that moment that was when we knew we needed a plan.

8 days ago (After Bella was drugged) ~

"What's going on?" I asked as I entered the room that Bella had been originally in.

I along with Cameron had just arrived, due to the fact that we had been searching for her on the opposite side of the country.

"Mental breakdown I'd say." Tony stated.

"We need a plan to get her back down to where she's calm. I'd say within a week so that we can start up again." Tino suggested.

"I agree with you completely. We just need to find that perfect way, and then it should be fine." James said.

"Well she's down, sleeping in Kuza's room." Chris told us, walking into the room.

"Ideas?" Jack wondered.

"We're going to have to back down a lot on her, which means for the next week she'll choose who she's with for the night, but sleep is going to be the only thing that happens. If that isn't enough then if it gets bad enough I guess we just keep drugging her. I don't know what else to do, so it's the best we got." Chris explained.

"Does she look like she's doing fine?" James asked.

"Yeah, we checked her vitals, she's good." Chris asked.

Bella, Bella, Bella, why did you have to make it this hard?

"We'll just wait and see what happens when she wakes up." Tony replied.

"I've got faith." I stated.

I trusted that she's be fine, given some time.

I was right.

Back to Future -

From back where I was I could read Bella's body language, it was calm, and almost comfortable.

Thank the lord, we'd gone through days and nights of having to drug her, calming her down, and making sure she didn't have mental breakdowns.

With no surprise to me she had chose to stay with me through all of those nights.

I thought she would maybe talk to me at night about something, anything.

But no, I got a half assed "Good Night" and that was it.

Now looking down and actually seeing her being around two of the guys she was most freaked out by made me feel a lot more relaxed.

"Are you seeing that or have I gone nuts?" Chris asked me, sitting down next to me, and pointing towards Bella, Ricky, and Ryan.

"That's real, how I don't know, but it is." I replied.

"Well good job, on your part." Chris congratulated me.

"No problem, I think we're all in the clear now to go ahead with the plan." I told him.

"Yeah I agree, I have my own ideas in my head but what are you thinking about who she should go with tonight?" Chris asked me.

"Danny, easily Danny." I replied with no doubt in my mind.

"Awesome, that was just what I was thinking." Chris stated.

"Want to wait, or should we get her now?" I wondered.

"Let's wait, I'll go talk to Danny and make sure we're on the same page." Chris told me.

"I'll be here if you need me." I replied.

"Awesome, see you later." He said, and left the theatre.

As the movie title screen started up I noticed Bella was looking around, almost nervously. It was like she knew something was going to happen.

Hopefully tonight she'd behave, and keep her cool with Danny.

Tonight would set the mood for the next 3 weeks.

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