Feeling Green, Literally and Figuratively : Part 2

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I jolted up, leaned over and threw up violently. When I was done I sat up straight and felt someone standing behind me.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked me.

I looked back and saw the new guy who I didn't recognize.

"I feel a bit better." I told him.

"My name's Tyler Burgess." He introduced himself.

"I'm assuming you know who I am." I chuckled.

"You're a bit notorious. Craig's told me a lot about you from what he's been told." Tyler said.

"So are you with Escape the Fate?" I wondered.

"Kind of, I'm the touring bassist." He explained.

"How fun." I mused.

"It is, and after they told me about this and you I couldn't say no." He replied.

Trying to get off of that topic I asked "What time is it?"

"11:45, your first class is with Cameron and that's held in the kitchen." Tyler informed me.

"We're going to figure out what happened one way or another." Chris screamed, then entered the room with Tyler and I.

"Good morning sir." I chirped, attempting to sound happy.

"You are truly fascinating." Chris chuckled walking over to me and cupping my face in his hands.

"She just woke up a few minutes ago and got sick." Tyler stated.

"Pity. Do you want to tell me what happened?" Chris asked staring straight into my eyes.

I thought about it for a second. Chance told me to be good like I had planned, and right now in Chris' eyes being good meant telling the truth.

"Chance lied to Craig, took me outside, made me drink a water bottle filled with some liquid in it, and then he knocked me out with a needle." I replied.

"Did he tell you why?" Chris further interrogated me.

"No." I responded.

"Go and wait in the kitchen for classes to start." Chris told me.

I did as he asked, hopping down from the table and passing by Chris and Tyler until I sat down at the kitchen table by myself. I put my head back against the back of the chair, closed my eyes and felt a migraine pound at my skull. I knew today was going to be rough. It took a few minutes, but I felt a bit calmer and my body felt relaxed.

That is until Cameron walked in.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"My head's killing me." I told him.

"This will help." Cameron said, passing me two advil.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Everyone to class now." Danny announced from the PA system.

I grabbed the water bottle that Cameron had handed to me and was about to grab the pills when Cameron quickly took them away from me.

"What's that about?" I questioned him.

"You knew exactly who Chance was, consider it a warning and a lesson." Cameron replied.

I discreetly rolled my eyes, and scooted over as the three other girls and then Cassie walked into the room and sat in the seats next to me so that we were across from a standing Cameron.

"Don't start without me." Robert called, walking into the room.

"Great." I huffed so only I could hear it.

"With me today you will learn how to properly address your superiors and Robert will help me with this lesson. Proper addressal is one of those easy things, but it's often forgotten and that can end up being a 'snapping factor' if you will that leads up to a punishment. Someone tell me this, who has an idea as to what to call their superiors.?" Cameron asked us.

The five of us sat there quietly as Robert and Cameron crossed their arms almost simultaneously and glared at all of us.

"Someone start talking or you're getting a group punishment." Robert threatened us.

"Sir's a good one." I stated.

"Good job, anyone else?" Cameron further questioned us.

"We don't know." Cassie whispered.

"You will before you leave here in a few hours." Cameron told us.

"Sorry to interrupt." Angelo apologized, walking into the kitchen with two smaller boxes.

"No problem." Robert replied, taking the boxes from Angelo and tossing one to Cameron.

"You know what to do right?" Angelo wondered.

"Yep, we'll be there for the meeting as well." Robert answered him.

"See you then." Angelo called, leaving us as quickly as he had joined us.

"Okay so back to it. In basically all cases you will refer to us as one of two names. Sir, or master. Sir happens to be for the informal greetings or for regular questions such as wondering what the time is. Master is much more formal and sensual. I don't believe I have to explain myself further on that topic." Cameron said.

I zoned out for quite a while as Cameron and Robert droned on and on about how being called by the proper name is a sign of respect, and respect is a must have as a submissive. I could figure it out on my own, I didn't need them to explain this to me.

"Lydia?" Robert called, sounding a bit annoyed.

"What?" I asked.

Robert just sighed and Cameron looked a bit pissed off.

"If you're asking someone if you can change your clothes, do you address them as sir or master?" Cameron asked me impatiently.

"Sir." I guessed.

"Pay attention." Cameron snapped sassily to me.

That's how the rest of the class time with them. Cameron or Robert would throw out a situation and one of us would have to say what 'proper' name would have to be used. I tried, I swear I did but somehow I always ended up getting the trick questions. Robert and Cameron got quite a bit of a kick from that.

"Good job guys, go and take 15 for lunch." Robert said to us.

We all got up but then Cameron quickly called me back.

"What?" I asked, my voice laced with a bit too much anger.

"I'd suggest you start paying better attention in class." Cameron told me.

"Yes sir I understand but I tend to have my own way of paying attention and learning." I quickly lied to make it sound not as bad.

"Well learn to learn our way or you can learn from a whip." Cameron threatened me.

"Yes sir." I whispered, getting a bit nervous.

"You're excused." Cameron stated, and I took no time at all with getting out of that room as fast as possible.

I turned on the first corridor at the end of the wall, but was quickly pushed up against it.

"Be quiet. I'm sorry for before and I don't have anymore." Chance quickly told me.

"What the hell?" I angrily whispered at him, knowing Robert and Cameron weren't that far away.

"Come with me and I'll explain as much as I can." Chance said.

"Can I trust you?" I wondered.

"It's my word against the psychos." Chance countered.

I agreed with that logic and quickly ran behind him until we reached the top floor of the house. We reached what appeared to be a little lounge area and there was a door that lead out onto a balcony. I walked out onto it and realized that we were pretty high up.

"How many floors is this?" I asked.

"This is the fourth floor above ground, not counting the huge basement if you can even call it that." Chance informed me.

"Will you tell me what happened before?" I asked.

"Yeah in short I found out that you were with Craig and Max and there was talk of plans that might be done until school started so I was just trying to keep you safe for that period of time." Chance answered.

"Makes sense, I forgive you. Since you know certain things I just wanted to know....." I started to say but was quickly cut off by Chance.

"Get down and be quiet." He growled, pulling me down onto the floor, and halfway on the balcony while the other half was in the house.

I looked down at the grass and suddenly realized that there was a black car coming towards the house in our direction, it was pulling up towards the front of the house and it was about 100 feet away.

We both held our breath until the car came and parked about 10 feet away from the bottom of the balcony.

"Holy shit." I exclaimed, as I watched Rian Dawson, Kevin (Thrasher) Gruft, Jake Pitts, and Jacky Vincent hop out of the black car that just pulled up.

"It's only the beginning." Chance told me.

"I'm starting to worry that my being a sucking up won't work." I admitted.

"Keep it up, it's giving you a much better chance opposed to being a dick to them and just keep your conversations to them, and them alone." Chance replied.

"That's kind of hard." I said.

"I know but from what I've heard them say, you've got some ass kissing to do." Chance informed me.

"So I've been told or else I can just assume my ass will be kissed by a whip." I replied mocking Cameron's voice.

"Don't do that." Chance instructed with a giggle.

"You're no fun." I joked quietly as the four guys got out of the car but didn't go into the front door.

"I'm sure they won't be either." Chance whispered.

"Welcome." Danny cheered from below us.

I froze for a quick second thinking he was talking to us, but then remembering the four guys that had just pulled up.

"Thanks, this is an incredible place." Jake said.

"The girls are even better especially Bella." Danny replied.

"Fuck off!" I screamed on impulse, not even realizing how terrible that would be for me.

"You have 5 seconds to get down here now!" Danny hollered up towards me.

"Shit." I groaned, realizing how truly screwed I was now.

"Well that lasted fast." Chance muttered.

"I'm going to die." I whined.

"He won't kill you. Unfortunately that's all I can promise." Chance said.

"Bella get your ass down here now!" Chris screamed.

"Fuck." I cried, walking next to Chance who was walking with me.

"Last thing, tonight if you want to make up for every mistake you've made don't go to bed where they tell you. Go to the room first but then go back to Chris, Danny or whomever and ask to sleep with them. It'll give you major brownie points and they might go a bit easier on you tomorrow." Chance whispered.

"Thanks, I'll do that if I'm even alive." I replied.

"Good luck." Chance told me at the top of the stairs, turning around.

"Come with me." I urged him.

"I don't think that's a good idea for you or me." Chance said.

"Bella!" Chris screamed, a lot louder and more menacing.

"Bye." I quickly told Chance.

He ran down the hall and I made my way down the stairs and ran into a fuming Chris and Danny.

"You really screwed yourself over now." Danny growled.

He stepped in front of me and grabbed my arm so that his fingernails were digging into my flesh. It hurt like all hell, but I didn't even make a sound.

"Kuza's going to go wild on her later so we might as well save that for later." Chris told Danny.

"Go back in there and finish up, I'll take care of her until classes start." Danny said.

Chris turned around and walked away but quickly turned around and said "You'll regret that for a real long time."

I decided kissing up to Danny know would be a good idea, when we were alone in a hallway I said "Sir I'm really sorry for acting up. I shouldn't have done that."

"Shut the hell up." Danny barked, digging his nails in even deeper.

"Ow." I yipped in pain.

Danny just rolled his eyes and continued to drag me down a poorly lit hallway when suddenly he pushed me right into the arms of Balz.

"You heard about what happened?" Danny questioned him.

"Didn't need to. I heard it all the way from over in the backyard." Balz answered.

"Do me a favor and keep you with her for these extra three minutes. Go hard on her as well. We have to get all of the guys into the house and to each of their quarters and go over everything while the next session goes on." Danny said.

"Can do, I'll make sure to give her a run for her money." Balz chuckled as Danny left, but not without giving me one last warning/ death threat.

"Where are we going, sir?" I asked him.

"Outside." Balz answered.

"What are we doing?" I wondered.

"Ask another question and we're going to sew your mouth shut." Balz snapped, but somehow nicely.

Thankfully his grip was looser than Danny's but I still wasn't getting out of it. After about 5 minutes we reached a pair of intensely tinted doors and we then walked outside. He let go of me and instructed for me to walk over to the about 10 foot tall, 7 foot wide fence that had two small holes in it.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Turn around and place your arms through the holes." Balz told me.

I did as he said and suddenly my hands were handcuffed behind the fence as I was standing in front of it.

"Please don't hurt me." I quickly cried out as I got more and more nervous, especially as Balz's grin got a bit wider by the second.

"Trust my dear Bella, trust me." Balz whispered in my ear and then walked away, back inside.

"You did it now." I grumbled to myself.

I should've just kept my mouth shut, but no my anger got the best of me. How the hell could I be this unlucky?

I stood there and waited for a few minutes when Balz finally returned with Cassie and the three other girls.

"Stand here." Balz instructed the girls.

They did as he said, and they were all standing in a row, approximately 15 feet away from me. Balz kneeled on the ground and pulled something out of a small backpack. I then saw what it was and wanted to just die of anything right at that moment.

It was a gun.

"Please don't shoot me, I swear I'll do anything." I cried.

"Don't you even trust me a little bit?" Balz questioned me in a taunting tone.

"Not with a gun." I admitted sheepishly.

"That's a shame, I feel like I'm a pretty trustworthy guy." Balz replied.

He walked towards me so he was about maybe 9-10 feet from me and aimed the gun right at my head.

"Please!" I screamed, at this point desperate as all hell.

"Stop moving!" Balz screamed at me.

I finally gave in and just rested my whole body and head against the fence. I was ready for anything that happened next. My body untensed itself and my breathing returned to normal.

I heard the gun go off and was prepared to die.

I waited and waited, but there was no pain, or death. I was still handcuffed to the fence. I wearily opened my eyes and saw that Balz had put his gun down and was now walking towards me.

"What the hell?" I whimpered as he came over to me and started to unhandcuff me.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"You shot at me, I should be dead." I stated.

"I shot around you dear, and you should have more trust in me." Balz said.

Before I could question his last comment he pulled my hands through the hole and showed me the bullet lodged into the wood about 3 inches away from where the top of my head had been.

I just escaped death.

"Holy shit." Cassie whispered as I walked back to the girls and got in line.

She was at one end of the line and I was at the other. I couldn't help but trust Chance, he seemed genuinely worried and honest for me, and about the situation going on.

"In case you haven't figured it out yet I will be teaching you about trust. Trust is a huge and important role in every single Dom/Sub relationship. You have to trust each other or else someone ends up hurt, whether it be emotionally or worse physically. The Sub has to put in trust that her Dom will keep her safe, and secure, whereas the Dom needs to trust that the Sub will do as he says so that she doesn't end up hurt, or so that there is no misunderstandings of ANYTHING." Balz told us.

"Oh boy." The girl next to me muttered, only allowing me to hear it.

"Cassie get up here." Balz instructed.

She did as she was told and without question she walked up to the fence and placed her hands through the holes.

I noticed that there was a quick glance shared between Cassie and Balz but without any words Balz walked back towards his gun and picked it up.

"You can't tell me that I'm the only one slightly concerned about being shot, right?" I whispered to the girl next to me.

"I'm pretty scared." She responded.

"No talking." Balz yelled back to us, aiming the gun at Cassie's head, or shall I say 'around'?

The bullet went off and I jumped, Cassie just stood there, but not with fear. Something wasn't right. We continued to do this for another hour. We all took turns getting shot at by Balz. My along with the other 3 girl's fear of being shot in the head held us back a few times.

"Good job, you're starting to improve." Balz congratulated us.

"Thanks." Cassie whispered sarcastically.

"Bella you'll be first up with this second activity as well." Balz stated.

"Cool, what are we doing?" I wondered.

"Come with me, the rest of you follow." Balz instructed.

I followed after him and we eventually arrived at a hole in the ground with a casket above it.


"Get in." Balz barked.

"I can't." I admitted.

"Do it or I'll throw you in there." Balz threatened.

Kill me right fucking now!

"Fine." I grumbled, walking towards the coffin.

"Lay down." Balz instructed, tapping the coffin with his foot.

Chance you better be 110% positive about this, I thought to myself.

I put a foot into the coffin and quickly pulled it back.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." I apologized.

"How about now?" Balz asked, pulling a shock stick out of his back pocket.

Damn it.

Without replying I got down in the coffin, fast, and laid down. This was so wrong.

Suddenly I felt the coffin start to vibrate with small motions, back and forth.

"Balz it's shaking." I stated, completely freaked out.

In response the coffin's lid was shut tight and I felt myself being lowered.

"I know sweetheart, and it's master to you!" He called down to me.

"Get me out!" I screamed, over and over again punching, kicking, scratching, and hell even trying to bite my way out of the coffin but nothing worked.

About 30 minutes later I gave up and gave my tired and sore limbs a break, as well as my now lost voice.

The coffin had never stopped vibrating, there was always a bit of a sway, it was making me sick. There were other ways to teach us that we could trust them not to kill us. I put my head back and just laid there, waiting for someone to come and get me.

(What felt like an eternity later.)

Suddenly the coffin started jolting back and forth, I got freaked out and tried to sit up to the best of my ability. That's when I realized why you are laying in a coffin and not sitting, it's impossible.

But I quickly figured out that I was being lifted up. Seconds later the coffin stopped moving and I was greeted with Ghost opening up the coffin's top.

"Trust us now?" Ghost chuckled.

"Yes sir, just please let get me out." I pleaded.

"Fine." Ghost groaned, and then extended his hands, which I took and pulled myself up.

"What time is it?" I wondered as I realized it was pretty dark outside.

"8." Ghost replied casually.

"Oh my god." I muttered to myself.

"Come on let's get you inside." Ghost said, walking me back into the house.

"Is that going to be a normal routine?" I wondered.

"Who knows? Go change into this." Ghost commanded, throwing me a bag with clothes inside.

I took the bag and went into a bathroom where I pulled the clothes out.

It was still pretty skimpy for me, especially being around all of these guys, but hey at least it wasn't just a bra and underwear. I slipped it on and walked back to the kitchen where I heard Ghost and a few others talking.

"Aww, I liked the other outfit." Ben whined.

He along with Chris, Vinny, James, and Kuza were sitting around the table.

"Come and eat." Chris stated, patting the chair next to him.

"I'm not really hungry sir." I sheepishly stated.

"Oh my god!" James stated, I assumed referencing to my use of the 'proper addressal'.

"Relax, it won't last long." Kuza replied with a sly grin on his face that said I dare you to screw with me.

"She's fine. You can go to bed in the auditorium with the other girls tonight." Chris told me.

"Thank you." I thanked him and then left the kitchen, not headed for the auditorium but rather the bathroom.

I had to find a way to get them to let me stay with one of them for the night. I just planned on using some total bullshit excuse, and make it a bit sappy. It was disgusting but I knew it would work. I sat down in front of the door with the lights off until a little less than an hour had passed.

I got back up and walked quietly to the auditorium and then to the kitchen. I didn't want them curious as to why I went a different route.

"Sir." I called out, walking back into the kitchen.

"I thought I told you to go to bed." Chris stated, setting down his mug of coffee on the table.

"I know I tried." I told him.

"What's up?" Chris whispered in my ear, thankfully most everybody had looked away.

"I just haven't slept by myself this entire time and I don't feel comfortable alone in that room." I lied.

"Are you asking to sleep with me?" Chris chuckled.

"Yes, Master." I cooed, trying to be seductive.

It seemed to have worked.

"I should've had you take Cameron's class a whole hell of a lot earlier." He whispered in my ear.

"So is that a yes?" I questioned him.

"Let me think about it." Chris mewled.

Suddenly his hand came down on my ass and it HURT!

"Ow!" I screamed/ yipped in a really high tone.

I looked over and saw that no one was looking over to see what had caused my little yip. I guess that was good but then I also realized that it meant that this and other things were probably looked at normal, even though they were really psychotic.

"Shhh, we wouldn't want to disturb anyone now would we?" Chris rhetorically asked me.

"I guess that's what I get for screaming "Fuck off"." I replied.

"Exactly, you're learning fast. Now back to your question, both Danny and I are busy tonight but I think I know someone that would be willing. Plus it would also suit us because in a sense it would be a punishment." Chris told me.

"Who would that be?" I wondered.

"Go down into the room that we were in last night and he'll be there in a few." Chris instructed.

"Okay, goodnight, Sir." I said.

He nodded and I walked back down to the room that I had slept in last night with both Chris and Danny. Once I got there I found myself alone so I pulled the quilt back a bit and slipped into the bed. I turned of the lights with a remote and cuddled in. I finally just got comfy when I felt someone slide in next to me and pull me close to his clothed body and his head was right behind mine.

"So we meet again." Max chuckled.

I quickly turned around and saw that he had changed into a slipknot tank top and he had black basketball shorts on. What really scared me though was the look of lust and desire in his eyes. I had to please him though, it was my only chance.

"Why yes sir, it appears we do." I replied with a grin on my face.

"I'm so glad that I got to come here." Max whispered.

"Well I'm lucky that you got to come here as well." I practically purred, feeling disgusting on the inside and out.

"I think I'm going to have to call you Kitten. But for now, we're going to sleep." Max told me.

"Okay. Goodnight." I said.

"Night Kitten." Max replied and then snuggled up right next to me.

As I was starting to get drowsy I suddenly felt a hand slide over my stomach and start to get a bit too close to my chest, if you know what I mean.

"Woah." I quickly muttered, trying to move nicely so that I could at least get his hand off of me.

It didn't work.

"Don't worry about it pet, you'll be fine." Max soothed.

I shut up and just tried to ignore his grip on me and my chest but it didn't work. I think from overall exhaustion though I was just ready to pass out, and boy did I.


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