Stop Fighting & Submit

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Screw that, I thought to myself.

I turned around and walked out the door, slamming it before Ghost even had a chance to yell and or scream at me. I walked down the hall and I ran into the other four girls.

"Why are you leaving?" Cassie wondered.

"Ghost asked me to undress, I figured it was time to go." I told her.

"Shit." They all muttered.

"Get to class." Chris commanded, walking towards us.

"I'm not doing that." I stated, simply refusing.

Chris came right up to me, grabbed my wrist, and practically dragged me back into the auditorium as the other girls followed him in. Ghost was still on stage, but now there were a few boxes up there as well. Who knew what was in there.

"Observing class today?" Ghost asked Chris.

"It depends. I was actually just making sure that this little angelic demon gets to class." Chris stated.

"Angelic demon, you've got to do better than that." I growled to him.

"She already was, then she left." Ghost explained to him.

"What happened?" Chris demanded to know.

Ghost was going to start talking, but Chris quickly told him to stop. Chris wanted to hear it from me.

"He wanted me to undress." I snarled.

"Continue class with the rest of the girls please, Ghost. I think between Danny and I this will be a lesson that we'll privately teach Miss Noel." Chris told Ghost.

"Will do. If you need me afterwards I'll be more than willing to help." Ghost said.

With that Chris dug his nails into my arm and dragged me down the hall.

"Get off of me!" I screamed, punching him in the face with my fist.

That's when Chris took my arm, pinned it behind me and shoved me up against the wall.

"Stop fighting, and submit. We both know that's what you want, and need so stop playing this tough girl role. I know what you're really like on the inside." Chris stated, louder than normal, but still not screaming.

I quickly realized what I needed to do to get both me along with my friends out of this mess. Chris was right, if I submitted I'd be doing what he wanted me to do. It wouldn't be a game anymore, there'd be no punishments or corrections if I did as I was told to do. If I submitted until Sunday along with Cassie, we should be able to get out. I just had to make them happy. Lucky for me I could act the part, I knew what they wanted.

"I'm sorry, sir." I apologized, and hung my head so that I was gazing at the floor.

"Good girl, it's not that hard to behave. I'm also glad to hear that you've figured out more appropriate names for us." Chris praised me.

"I'm also sorry for not listening to Ghost. I can go back to class, and do as he asks." I told Chris.

"That won't be necessary, I think you've in a sense already learned the lesson. It's more about the proper attire for different occasions, or for punishments and since you're already in it I think you're good." Chris explained.

"Why'd he want me to undress?" I asked.

"Now you're getting too curious sweetie, and that's not a good quality for a submissive to have." Chris cautioned me.

"Sorry." I muttered.

He finally took his grip off of me, and released me from the wall. I looked down and there were clear fingernail indents, bleeding on my arm. This was going to be a few rough days.

"I'm going to have you go and shower." Chris told me.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Follow me, but don't say anything to anyone that we pass. Second that just be quiet, and don't say anything until we reach the bathing rooms." Chris instructed.

I nodded to show that I understood what he meant, and then he lead me all the way down the hall and in the direction of Asking Alexandria's room. Before we passed their room, we took the door to the left of theirs and walked through it. The floor was tiled and there were about ten little sectioned off areas in the main room. I didn't notice any showers, and I found that suspicious.

"Hello?" Danny called, entering from the other side of the room.

"Just Bella and I." Chris replied, due to the fact that we couldn't actually see Danny past all of the little areas.

Finally Danny turned the corner and he seemed to be inspecting my body with his eyes. He gave a slight grunt, almost in approval and then said "On Saturday, we'll be able to give you your missed lesson from today Miss Bella."

"Are the sleeping plans, the same as planned this morning?" Chris asked.

"Of course, I'm getting anxious for them." Danny stated, walking forward and then stroking my cheek.

It took every ounce of determination, self restraint, and self preservation to not slap his face, or his hands away.

He finally backed off, said goodbye to the both of us, and walked out the door that we entered in. Chris brought me to one of the areas, and I was surprised to see what was inside. In the little area there was a curtain that went around the whole area, and in the very middle was a large tub, and a chair next to it.

Shit, that meant that I wasn't bathing alone.

"Since this is your first time, I'll give you a special deal. I'll let you undress by yourself, but you have two minutes to do that, and then I'll come in and help you." Chris said.

"Thank you." I nearly growled, through clenched teeth.

He left the room, and out of panic I was having difficulty getting the tight lingerie off of my body but as Chris told me I had 30 seconds left I went faster, got the clothes off and wrapped the towel around my body.

"Time's up." Chris stated, and walked back into the room.

He walked straight towards the bathtub and turned on the water. He took off his jacket, which left him in a misfits shirt and he had black jeans on. About 3 minutes later he grabbed the plug and put it in the tub, so the water started filling up in the tub. I gripped onto my towel tighter and tighter, especially when he motioned for me to walk over to the tub.

"Get in." Chris instructed.

I panicked, there was no way that I was willingly going to get naked in front of him. I did the worst possible thing that I could think of, and I ran. I went straight out the doors that we came in from, dragged a chair in front of the door so that it wouldn't open and bolted like the wind down the staircase.

"Bella!" Chris screamed over, and over again pounding at the doors.

I made damn sure that the towel was on tight and that my grip on it was strong, so as I ran down the halls it didn't fall down. I was know sprinting through the main entrance hallway, and so far I hadn't heard anyone behind me. Finally reaching the front door I opened it, and I wish I hadn't.

Brandon Rage was standing up against the side of the house, looking amused and possibly a bit bored. I backed up a few steps and ran into a strong, and tattooed pair of arms that wrapped around me.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty." The man behind me clicked.

I turned around, and was faced with Angelo Parente. Could this possibly get any worse? The answer would be yes. I turned back around at the sound of footsteps and saw Danny Worsnop approaching us.

"Take her back downstairs, and make sure that she can't get out." Danny commanded.

"Will do." Brandon replied.

Angelo swooped me up in his arms, and carried me towards a basement door that I haven't been in before. I tried to fight hard but nothing was working. I screamed, punched, hit, kicked, scratched, but I was still being dragged towards the door. Getting fed up and running out of options, I craned my neck and bit down hard into his skin.

"Knock it off." Angelo growled, tightening his grip on my arm to the point where it felt like it was going to shatter.

I whimpered, as a way to show him that it really hurt but it was obvious that he didn't care. Brandon opened the door for us and Angelo walked me down into a giant room with a huge bathroom to the left and in the middle of the room there was a magnificent bed. Then there was a cage that was big enough to fit a grown man in each corner of the room, and that scared me.

"You're to put this on, and then lay on the bed. If you do anything else we will know and you'll end up with quite a few of us in the room you saw with Justin today." Brandon warned me, handing me a bra and underwear.

They followed each other up the stairs, closed the door, and then the heavy noise of the door being barricaded and locked echoed throughout the room. I ran into the bathroom, quickly got dressed, and slipped myself into the bed. That's the last thing I remember

11 Hours Later

"Time to wake up!" Chris screamed, throwing on a lamp next to the bed.

I opened my eyes and realized that I had fallen asleep on the bed and now Danny was on one side of the bed and Chris was on the other side.

"What the hell is going on?" I grumbled.

"We're going to try this again, but this time you're not going to run." Chris answered.

Before I knew it Danny lifted me up in his arms and was walking back towards the bathing room. Damn it. I so badly wanted to get out, and now I knew the only way to do that was to go through with this. Within minutes we were back into the same exact area of the bathing room, and this time the bath was already full with water. I got quite the surprise when Danny just set me in the tub while I was still wearing the bra and underwear, instead of making me undress. Although I quickly realized that was a good thing.

"You're lucky it's late. But next time love, you're going in with nothing on." Danny warned me.

If the plan goes well I won't be here for a next time, I thought to myself. Danny went and sat on a bench up against the wall, and Chris took a seat on the chair next to the tub and started to put shampoo in my hair. This was beyond demeaning, at that exact moment I didn't even feel human, it was more like I was property.

"Close your eyes." Chris barked.

I did as he told me, and I felt a bowl of water being poured over my head, and that's when the soap starting dripping down my neck and back.

"Chris, Danny, we need you now!" I believe it was James who screamed that.

"You're to stay here and finish washing up, use this and find someone and they'll direct you to the room that you were in before." Danny told me, throwing me a bottle of strawberry scented body wash.

Both him and Chris quickly left, leaving me frazzled in the tub. I quickly did though what Danny told me to do, and jumped out of the tub and threw the towel around my body so that I was fully covered.

"Where are clothes?" I whispered to myself, looking around and trying to find some.

After about 10 minutes of searching for clothes I gave up and just accepted the fact that I'd be going back out in the now damp bra and underwear. I exited the bathing areas and walked out, attempting to find someone to direct me back to the room but no one was around.

I had checked in the gym, Asking Alexandria's room and the kitchen and no one was there. One last place popped into my head though, the large open room that had the 10 stair cases, the place where I had tried to shoot Ben. They might be in there. I walked towards where I knew the entrance was, close to the kitchen.

"They're arriving late Friday night, there were just a few strings to be tied up." A man said, his voice familiar but I couldn't pin it at the moment.

My lucky guess would be to go with a singer, or a member of one of my favorite bands. It seemed to be the common thing happening lately.

I took a deep breath, and finally worked up the courage to walk into the room. I froze when I walked in there. Chris, Danny, Ricky, Ben, and Kuza were all there but there were two more new faces in the group. Craig Mabbitt and Robert Ortiz, the voice that I had heard was Craig's.

"Don't be shy, come on in." Craig stated, waving me over.

"No thanks." I muttered, just wanting someone to bring me back to the room so that I could just sleep and escape for a few hours.

"Fine then we can talk from here." Craig replied, and turned his chair towards me.

"I just came down to go to bed." I stated, no emotion in my voice.

"As long as you guys have it covered, I'll go up with her and get her to bed." Chris said, getting up from the table.

"Yeah, we're fine. I'll be up in an hour or two." Danny replied.

Chris walked over to me, grabbed my hand and walked me out of the room and back towards the kitchen, and finally brought me back to the room that Angelo and Brandon had brought me to.

"Get in bed, you're sleeping in the middle." Chris informed me.

I did as he said, and after he took off his shirt he climbed into bed next to me. My heart once again was racing like crazy and thoughts were running in and out of my mind. Questions were driving me crazy and as I started to feel on the verge of a panic attack I broke the calm and started crying.

"Please don't hurt me." I sobbed.

"Bella, get yourself together now." Chris told me.

"I don't want to die, or get whipped, or submit to anyone. I want to go home and be safe." I cried.

"If you can't calm down, I'm bringing Kuza in here." Chris threatened.

"No, no, no." I whined, over and over again, the tears still coming down.

"Come on, come here. I know you're scared, but you can't act up like that. I'll make you a deal, I'll let you know a bit about what's going on but then you have to promise me that you'll get your stuff together and behave for the rest of the night." Chris suggested, pulling me up into his lap.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I need a verbal agreement sweetheart." Chris said.

"That'd be fine." I whispered.

"Good, let's start out with something easy, whipping. You seem to be concerned about that. It's true, it will happen, however it's much more of punishment opposed to everyday happenings. Except for Kuza's class which you'll have on friday." Chris told me.

Great, how wonderful to know.

"How bad will it hurt?" I asked.

"Depends, however some people tend to find pleasure in the pain." Chris stated.

"Why?" I wondered.

"Submission comes natural to some people, they just love and embrace it." Chris answered.

"I'm not a submissive though, I'm just a teenage girl who likes to write and listen to music who happens to be a virgin and I've never had a boyfriend. I'm not meant for this." I told him.

"Bella, it's not just about that. It's a two way relationship, yes you will perform certain acts for me as well as the others but there's also a trust between the dom and sub and we make sure to take care of you." Chris explained.

"I can see how whipping, slapping, and threatening someone really bonds a relationship and makes one feel safe." I said.

"I said we could talk, I didn't say you could get sassy with me." Chris replied, with a smack to my butt.

"Someone's getting sassy?" Danny exclaimed, walking into the room.

"A little bit, not as bad as before though." Chris told him.

"Shame." Danny whined, walking into the bathroom.

"Can I ask you one last question?" I asked.

"I'll say yes for now, but it's a rare occasion." Chris said.

"I know that you guys said that on Sunday you'll pick two girls to stay. I can't help but recognize the obvious and I know that the other girls don't sleep with any of the guys, wear lingerie, or get out of classes. I honestly want to know does that mean that I've already got a permanent spot here?" I questioned him.

"Of course not, you just seemed to be someone who needed to be more tamed in order to just get through regular training. You've still got the same chance of staying here as any of the other girls." Chris explained to me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Be good tomorrow and pay attention, especially to your first lesson." Chris stated.

I nodded my head in agreement. Danny came back with a tank top and shorts on and snuck into bed to the left of me while Chris was on the right. I had sweetened up to Chris already, so I figured I had to do the same with Danny. The lights turned out, Chris and Danny got under the covers, which covered me up and I scooted really close to Danny. I cuddled up right next to Danny so my full body was pressed up against him, and that was it.

"You have to share love." Danny whispered to me.

I had to think about that for a second by Chris answered that question for me when he rolled over and squished up against me. I faced Chris, about to protest but I was greeted with just another spanking.

"Ow, that actually hurts." I whined.

"I don't care. Suck it up and go to bed." Chris snapped.

"Let's see that inner submissive." Danny cooed.

I shifted my body so that I was looking up at the ceiling and I could only hope and pray that Chris had told me the truth. Tomorrow I'd really have to suck up as well. It would suck and totally blow, but at the end when I get out it'd all be worth it.

"One side or the other Bella, no looking straight up." Chris told me.

"Sorry." I grumbled, totally not meaning it.

"Attitude check!" Danny cooed.

This was going to suck.

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