The Pieces of The Puzzle Are Starting to Align Themselves

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I glanced over at my GPS and saw that there was still about an hour and a half until we reached the house. Thrasher was in the passenger's seat and just waking up. We could've just got an airplane ticket, but all of the bands combined decided it would be best not to travel with any publicity. So we all ended up taking our tour buses or our own cars.

"Anything new happening?" Thrasher asked, finally getting up.

"Besides from Chance helping Bella escape, then no." I replied calmly.

"What?" He yelled.

"Relax, there. She was out for about 2 ½ hours, 2 of them being for travel time. She got to that cafe then Korel and Flyzik got her." I explained.

"What are they doing about it?" Thrasher wondered.

"Not too much about Bella, based on the fact that she hasn't woken up yet. Chance on the other hand is going to be held in the recording area and on Sunday we'll send him back with Taylor and Cassie." I answered.

"Is everyone there already?" Thrasher questioned.

"Nope. All of MIW, and AA are obviously there. Then today the rest of OMAM, BVB, PTV, and ATL arrived. Kuza, Craig, Max, Tyler and Robert are there as well with Justin Hills. BMTH will arrive tomorrow with the rest of SWS." I told him.

"Do you think this will work?" He asked.

"Which part?" I wondered.

"The whole idea of creating a Sub out of a girl and passing her around from band to band. Will it actually work?" Thrash asked.

"Of course. If she's not willing though right away you can bet your ass that Danny and Chris will snap her out of it and fast at that." I replied.

"Fantastic." Thrasher sighed leaning his head up against the headrest.

"Exactly." I replied, a huge smile forming on my face.

10:00 pm

"Wow." Thrasher muttered as we arrived in front of the huge building in front of us, or shall I say the castle.

"Fuck yeah." I chuckled.

"Let's go." He said.

I grabbed the key for the house and the two of us walked to the front door and let ourselves in.

"Lock the door behind you." Craig screamed from a room that seemed to be down the hall.

"I got it." Thrasher said, locking it.

We followed Craig's voice to a very large kitchen where he, Chris, Danny, Vic, Austin, Andy, and Alex were.

"Nice to see you here." Chris said, face beaming with an excited smile.

"Same, have to admit though that Thrasher and I wish we would've been here earlier." I told him.

"It's not been as fun as you'd think, but starting tomorrow we'll get what we were after." Danny stated.

"You can go see her if you want. She's down the hall in the last room on the left, still knocked out." Chris said.

"Hell yeah, Thrash do you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Not really, I'll wait until she's actually up," Thrasher responded.

"Not a bad idea." Danny muttered.

"I'll be back in a little bit." I told them and started off towards the room that Bella was in.

I found the room and entered, leading me to Bella. Wow was she beautiful, actually sexy was more like it. She was back in the outfit that Danny and Chris made her wear when she slept with them. I couldn't wait for my turn. Even in sleep I could see that she was pissed off and beyond non-submissive.

I'd enjoy being a part of breaking her in. One of the planning sessions we had planned for there to be 5 main trainers, besides from Danny and Chris of course, after all they were the ones to start this whole thing. Besides from me the other trainers would be Kuza, Mike F., Ryan, and James.

"Hello baby." I whispered, pulling the strands of hair out of her face so that I could see all of her sweet, and innocent face.

I took a closer look at her neck and realized what was around it. The collar 'necklace' that we had talked about was around her neck. Danny and Chris did a perfect job with picking the perfect one. Not only was it pretty but the symbolism was beyond fitting. A heart stuck in infinity, never able to escape, perfect.

"I'll see you tomorrow when you wake up love." I told her.

With a kiss to her forehead I got up and walked back to the kitchen where I was now greeted with Thrasher, Robert, Craig, Chris, Ricky, Danny, and Ben.

"What'd you think?" Ben wondered with a sly grin.

"I knew you'd do well, but I wasn't expecting perfection." I admitted.

"We need to figure out the first 3 months and then we can start preparing after tomorrow's party." Ben stated.

"So we know that our 3 bands are going on tour for those three months but we need to decide how it will happen and plans to keep her out of the public eye." Danny informed us all.

"I say we just switch it up, make sure each band gets 30 days with her but it doesn't need to be in a specific order. She should be kept on her toes, if she gets used to a specific schedule we could end up with another issue like today's." Craig suggested.

"I agree, and as far as the public goes we can just keep her out of sight. Either someone will stay on the bus or we can keep her locked up in a bus, either way would work." Chris said.

"Plans will change on the road though, depending on how fast she learns the rules and obeys them things will be a whole heck of a lot easier when we don't have to force her to obey and she just does it willingly." Ricky pointed out.

"This all sounds good, but what's the plan for tomorrow?" Robert asked.

"Oli and the rest of his band along with the rest of SWS will get here around 9 am, and we're planning on having our introductory party and if time and other variables allow I'd say we start packing as well as start getting some of the girls and guys back home." Ben answered.

"Nice, now who wants to stay with Bella for tonight?" Chris asked.

No one offered so I then did.

"I can do it." I stated.

"Thanks. There's just one thing, you can get as close as possible and touch but don't actually do something. There's a chance still that she might submit willingly so we're trying not to fully shatter her yet." Danny informed me.

"Don't worry, I can manage that." I told them.

"Let's go to bed and get this thing rolling tomorrow." Craig stated.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Ricky called, as he along with everyone else went their separate ways.

Danny was the only one who was walking in the same direction as me.

"This is going a lot smoother than planned." Danny stated.

"Good, we'll have to keep it that way." I replied as we reached the room that Bella was in.

"Be careful with her and take this with you. She'll probably try to fight so it's better to prevent it in the first place." Danny cautioned me while handing me two sets of handcuffs.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

I went into the room and was about to close the door when a question quickly popped into my head.

"You mentioned not wanting to shatter her, do you think we probably will have to later on?" I wondered.

"I'll let you answer that on your own once you see her awake for yourself." He told me.

"Fair enough." I chuckled as he continued down the hall and I took off my shirt and walked over to Bella's passed out form on the bed.

I grabbed the handcuffs and cuffed each one of her arms to the bed posts behind her head. I checked them by giving them a tug and there was no way in hell that she could get out of them. I threw the key in my pocket and got into bed, getting close to Bella's warm body. It was a miracle that she was still asleep, Josh Korel must've really knocked her out hard.

"In case you were wondering Bella what a gorgeous nightmare was, just take a look around you." I whispered to her.

It was true, if she thought it'd been shitty already, she had no idea what was going to come these next 3 months.

I'd shatter her myself if that's what it takes.

I'm not the only one either.

"Sleep tight while you can."

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