Visit From An Unexpected Visitor

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"Jaime, get your lazy butt up." Vic yelled, bringing a pillow down on my head.

"Stop throwing things." I groaned, getting up and sitting on the bed.

I looked around and noticed that Tony and Mike's bed were empty.

"They went to go and meet ATL at their studio and figure out more details on the tour." Vic explained.

Ah, tour planning. You had to love it.

I got out of bed and slipped on a tank top, and kept my mesh shorts on.

In three weeks we would be going on tour with All Time Low and Of Mice and Men. It would be a 2 month US tour and we would have Bella along with us for at least a month. If complications were to arise and it became a struggle then they'd ship her off to us earlier than planned.

Going off of what we've heard there is a good chance that she'll be with us for longer than expected, especially after her stunt with running off to that hotel. That put everyone on edge for a bit, thank goodness for Denis and Rich.

"What the plan for us today?" I wondered.

"Nothing really. Whatever you're up for I'm fine with." Vic told me.

"Open the fucking door now!" Someone screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked.

"No idea." Vic stated.

The two of us went to open up the door and we saw someone that we were not expecting to see.

Chance, and boy did he look pissed.

"Should I open it?" I wondered.

"Go for it, it might be fun." Vic chuckled.

I opened up the door and Chance came in swinging.

"Where the fuck is she?" Chance growled.

"Who?" Vic asked.

Before our eyes Chance shoved Vic up against the wall, and put his elbow up against Vic's next. There's that football player aggression.

"Back off there buddy." I told him, and pushed him off Vic.

"Where is Bella?" Chance asked once again.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that she's safe." Vic stated.

"Are you kidding me? First I get a call from some random California Hotel, then her mom gets the same call, actually answers it and it's Bella screaming for help and screaming that she's been kidnapped." Chance yelled , obviously pissed off.

"We're not going to stand around and scream. Let's sit down and talk this through." I suggested to both of them.

Chance luckily agreed, and we all went to the kitchen and sat down around the table.

"Just calm down and tell us what you want to know." Vic said.

"I need to know more about Bella, but I also need to know that Bella's mother is safe." He stated.

"Sorry but all we're telling you about Bella is that she's perfectly fine. As long as Bella's mom knows nothing more about the situation and doesn't go and look for further help than what's already given to her she'll be fine. But once she oversteps her bounds and goes further than she should then she should watch herself. I assume you can tell her that for us." I explained, and kind of warned him.

"Wait a second. You would've never let her call us." Chance stated.

He got up out of nowhere and started towards the front door again.

"What the hell?" I asked Vic.

"If she got out once she'll do it again." Chance stated, and then left the house.

"What the fuck?" Vic stated, as Chance started up his car and drove off.

"I don't know, but I think I should call Chris." I stated.

"Sounds like a good idea, I'll be downstairs if you need me." Vic told me.

I grabbed my phone, and called Chris, hopefully they were up by now.

It rang, and rang, and finally at the last second Chris answered.

"Hello?" Chris said.

"Hey Chris it's Jaime, got a second?" I wondered.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Well we just got a nice little visit from Chance." I told him.

"Oh fuck, what did he want?" Chris asked.

"He came in demanding to know about Bella. I guess her mom talked to Chance about the call she got from Bella. He wanted to make sure that they both were safe." I explained.

"Is he still there?" Chris asked again.

"No, he just left. He concluded that she must have gotten out to make the call. Then he stated that she could do it again, and he left." I informed him.

"Wait, he just got up and left?" Chris questioned me.

"Yeah, he got into his car and got the hell out of here." I said.

"Well thanks for letting me know." Chris thanked me.

"No problem, I'll keep you updated if anything seems to pop up." I promised him.

"Danny's calling me so I have to take it. I'll call you tomorrow, tonight we've got Bella. We'll figure out something more solid then." He said.

"Sounds awesome, talk to you later." I replied.

We both hung up, and I went down to the kitchen to fix myself a drink.

That had been way too weird.

Chance seemed to want to figure stuff out but he left so early.

He had been incredibly confident when he left that Bella would get out again.

Was there more to their conversation at the hotel?

Did Bella have another plan to get out.

For her safety, I'd hope not.

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