Time Flies By, & No Help Is Seen

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It's been 18 days now that have passed, and well life still sucks majorly.

Right now I was in a van with Chris headed, well I don't really know where.

I've heard nothing from S, ever since that first letter. At first I feared that Danny or someone had found out about or or actually got their hands on a letter, but it was never brought up.

Now that I know them even more, if they had even heard of a letter like that my ass was in deep.

I had asked Chris now about 50 times where we were going, all he kept telling me was to shut up, and just let it happen, he told me I had nothing to worry about.

Enough about that, I guess I'll tell you a bit about these last 18 days.

The very first week was kind of stressful, Chris had told everyone about the convos that he and Ben had with me, and I kind of had to rebuild what I had already built over the last few days.

I was with Cameron first and then Danny. During those two days I was basically being interrogated by them, and when they weren't nailing me with questions I was being felt up by them, and hell James and Cameron proved to be worse than Danny.

My respect grew for Sam though, even though he was still obviously on their side he was a bit nicer, and not as harsh with me. If I needed my space, he knew it before I said so, and would let me go and take a bit of personal space.

That space was of course though always quickly interrupted by someone else.

The night with Cameron was horrendous, not only was he feeling me up, and whispering sexual things to me, we were driving through the worst thunderstorm I'd ever experienced. Driving a dagger through my heart wouldn't have even made it better.

The next night with Danny was a bit better in respect of the weather, but once again it was hours of being groped.

The next night I was with TJ, and that went fantastic. He was incredibly tired and passed out with the rest of them, so in the middle of the night I climbed down and slept on the couch next to Tyler. He was against it at first, but then said it was my ass if I got caught.

Another week passed after that, nothing much happened. I had been in all three of their buses, and as per usual was felt up all through the night, Ghost surprised me as well. He was a bit more into it than I originally thought, by far though the biggest break was Sam.

12 days then after that went by, those had sucked the most. I was with the more aggressive people if you will, and everyone became happier.

That's good right?

Absolutely not.

Them being nice meant something was about to go down, and something not good.

I was finally being given a bit more appropriate clothing, but don't worry it was still slutty enough for them.

For the past 3 shows I've actually been allowed to stand side stage, of course that meant that no fans were allowed back there, and I had to stand so that no one could see me and wear a bit of a disguise.

That was kind of fun, as much as it pained me to admit.

I loved their music, that was something that would never change.

Looking up to them, now that was a whole nother story.

"Bella, we're here." Chris announced, pulling me out of my thoughts on the past few days.

"Why are we at a hotel, sir?" I questioned him.

"Don't worry so much, remember just trust us." Chris told me, and kissed me on top of my head.

"Am I actually coming in with you?" I asked.

"Of course, but just wait until I check us in." Chris instructed me.

"Okay, see you in a few," I kissed him goodbye.

As soon as he was in the hotel, I spit out the window and wiped my lips.

I was so done.

"Come on S, I need you now." I whined, as my legs bobbed up and down with impatience.

"Please, please, please." I whispered.

S' POV -

"You know what I need you to do?" I asked.

"Yep, just go on ahead and park across from the hotel." I got instructed.

I drove around back and parked across from the hotel.

Within a few minutes, my helper came back out.

"They're already here, he's just coming back from check in and he almost saw me." My friend told me.

Shit, shit, shit.

"If he's taking her up to the room, we're fucked, we can't get her out now." I groaned.

I laid my head down in my hands.

"I'm sorry Bella."

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