Ed is _____ ___________.

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Denis Shaforostov.

Who the fuck was Denis Shaforostov?

I could not even begin to believe that he had lied to me.

I left his ID on the table and ran upstairs to my room in the vain attempt that if he came back looking for it he'd see that I missed it and still think he's Ed.

I entered my room, locked it, and sat down in front of the computer that was situated in my room.

Google would be my true friend today.

Denis Shaforostov , I typed into google.

Imagine that! Denis is a musician, a lead singer to make it even better.

Ukrainian, not Russian. Was in a band called Make Me Famous and now sings for Down and Dirty.

Wow all of the good band names must have been taken.

Why would he want me though and lie about himself?

Once I clicked on google images I found my answer. There was a picture there of Danny and him. Shit, he actually was apart of this whole thing.

Great, that meant I wasn't free yet. I just had to get past Denis.

The sound of an engine screeching sounded from outside of the window near the parking lot. I went over to see what it was and nearly died when I actually saw it. Denis 'Ed' was parking his car in the parking lot and walking up towards the entrance.

"Shit." I gasped.

I had to call for help now.

Running over to the phone I picked it up and with shaking hands and vision I managed to come up and typed in Chance's phone number. After the 5th ring I hung up, time was not something I had extra of as of now.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Mom, it's Bella." I cried.

"Baby! Oh god sweetie where are you?" She wondered, already in tears.

"I'm at a hotel somewhere in California. I was kidnapped." I yelled, starting to panic.

"Sweetie who took you?" She asked me.

I was about to blurt it out but I heard the door unlock and my main concern was keeping Denis out.

I ran over to the door, letting the phone drop and just as I was about to lock the door it was pushed open and I fell backwards.

"Mom call the police." I screamed.

"Shh, someone might hear you." Denis whispered, coming towards me.

"Get the hell away from me." I snarled, backing up towards the kitchen.

I got to the kitchen, and watched as Denis unplugged the phone from the wall.

Shit, there that went.

I grabbed a knife from the knife rack and stabilized myself up against the counter.

"That's cute." Denis chuckled, stalking towards me like a predator hunts his prey.

"I .. I'll ...s...stab...y...you." I stuttered.

Shit he's making me nervous, I've never stuttered before.

"Well that's a bit different from wanting to kiss me just last night." Denis told me.

I gripped the knife tightly and did the only thing I could think of, run. I ran past Denis, slightly cutting him with the knife and got to the door.

"Going somewhere, sweetcheeks?" A man asked , from right outside my door.

Attempting to close the door, I was outpowered and he came and walked into the room.

"All it takes is a scream and someone will come here." I warned the new guy.

Before he said anything Denis wrapped a hand around my mouth and shut me up.

I tried screaming or biting Denis' hand but nothing was working.

"How rude of us. Bella this is Richard Vargo, guitar tech for MIW. Let's go." Denis said.

"Here's the bag." Richard said.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him with a giant suitcase.

"No." I mumbled under Denis's hand, my lame ass attempt at screaming for help.

Suddenly Denis lifted me up and started carrying me towards what I saw was a huge and open suitcase.


They're trying to put me in a FUCKING SUITCASE.

"No, No, No!!!!" I screamed, as Denis quickly released his hand from my mouth and shoved me into the suitcase.

I tried to struggle and get out but with "Ed" and the miw tool I couldn't.

My body suddenly was airborne as the bag was lifted, with no words I was carried down a hallway and down a few flights of stairs, when I finally felt the cool air from outside.

"Help!" I screamed, but before it all even got out I was thrown into a vehicle.

I'm fucked, I am so fucked, I fretted internally.

Doors slammed shut and I heard an engine start up.

"Let me out!" I screeched scratching at the inside of the suitcase.

"I will if you just calm down." Denis said, in a somewhat stressed voice.

"Fine." I grumbled, just wanting to get the hell out of the suitcase.

The zipper was unzipped, I crawled out of the suitcase and found myself in white van with Richard driving and Denis in the passenger seat.

I sat down on the chair and I let out a blood curdling scream.

I screamed to agitate them.

I screamed because my two best friends had betrayed me.

I screamed for Chance, wherever he was.

I screamed because I knew how truly terrified my mother was for me.

I screamed out of fear for my life.

However, I cried because I wasn't free.

That small glimmer of freedom had been an illusion.

This pain was not.

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