This Was Their Plan, Mission Accomplished

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"Bella get ready we're going soon enough." Zack Merrick called to me.

Finally after three weeks I was being trusted to go back out of the house, and go to the studio with All Time Low and Matt Flyzik would be joining us.

The past three weeks had been hell, but I soon came to realize that was my new life, this is what they have been waiting for from the very first day they came to my high school.

I looked at myself in the mirror and finished getting ready.

I slipped a random band tank top, and some mesh shorts on over the slutty clothes that I had originally been in last night.

"Hey sexy." TJ cooed, coming up behind me.

"I'm trying to get ready sir." I said as nice as possible, as TJ started running his hands down my legs.

"What, no round two?" He questioned me, with a pout on his face.

For the past three weeks starting with Danny I'd been basically passed around each night. Let's just put it this way, they didn't just want a sleeping partner.

That was really all of it.

During the day I really didn't do too much. I hung around the house, did the occasional chore I was asked to, and 'be nice and respectful' to the guys. I've had a few slipups these past few weeks, but can you blame me?

I got pulled back to the present when TJ hiked up my shorts.

I saw the clear outline of TJ's hand on my right thigh along with countless fingernail marks.

Gentle was not a word in TJ Bell's vocab.

"TJ, I have to go." I told him, pulling my shorts back down, and grabbing my small personal makeup kit I'd been so 'graciously' given.

I quickly left the bathroom, but was stopped when TJ pulled me back.

"See there you go again and make this whole thing feel like a one night stand." TJ groaned.

"That's what it is." I stated, and tried to leave the room again.

He went to lean in, and trap me against the bathroom sink, but I ducked under his arms and ran down the hallway.

I looked back behind me, and I ran straight into someone.

"Woah." Phil Manansala exclaimed, as it was him that I ran into.

"Sorry, sir." I apologized.

"Are you supposed to be running?" Phil asked.

"No, but." I started.

"You're going out for the first time, don't screw it up." Phil warned me.

"Yes, sir." I replied.

He let me go, and I took a deep breath, that was way too close.

I walked down to the living room closest to the front door and found some of the guys.

Danny, Robert, Tino, Alan, Justin, Ghost, Jack Barakat, and Jaime were all down there.

"What would you consider a one night stand?" I asked.

"I feel obligated not to answer that." Danny told me.

"Fine, then can you at least tell me if a one night stand involves actual feelings?" I wondered.

"One night stands don't involve real feelings. Now tell me why you wanted to know." Ghost stated.

"Proving TJ wrong." I exclaimed.

"Well he's right so, you're wrong." Robert told me.

"So why isn't it a one night stand?" I questioned him.

"Cause it's not a one time deal." TJ whispered, coming up behind me, and started then to place kisses up and down my neck.

"Hey, go get something for breakfast, and then we'll go." Alex G. instructed, walking into the room.

"You have to let me go." I said to TJ.

"I know, I'll see you later." Tj replied, and let me go.

I walked back to the kitchen and found Vinny and Craig.

"Morning." Craig said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"There's bacon and eggs on the stove." Vinny told me.

The thought made my stomach churn, that sounded so gross right now.

"No thanks, do we have tomato juice?" I asked, digging through the fridge.

"I thought you hated that." Craig chuckled.

"Yeah, well there was also a time where I thought TJ was attractive, sir." I replied.

"Funny." Craig said, with absolute no humor in his voice.

"Ah." I exclaimed once I found a drinking can of tomato juice.

"Have fun." Vinny called to me as I left.

Zack M. met me in the hall along with Matt Flyzik and they ended up taking me straight outside and to the car.

We waited for about 10 minutes and then Rian, Jack, and Alex came out, and met us.

"Tomato juice?" Jack questioned me.

"Yeah, is it a crime?" I questioned him.

"No, but being sassy is." Jack told me.

"Let's just get in and go." Alex stated.

Matt got into the driver's seat with Zack next to him, the rest of the guys got into the back with Alex in the middle, Rian on the left, and Jack on the right, I however was instructed to lay down across the three of them, and then I was blindfolded.

"We can't take any chances." Rian said, as he put it on me.

He had a valid point, but still.

"Let's go!" Jack screamed.

The car started up, and soon enough we were on the road to the studio.

If only I knew that what was about to come would be this huge.

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