Decisions, Decisions

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I walked onto our bus, and shut the door behind us.

"Is she okay?" Our driver asked.

"She's fine, you couldn't have hit a better person." I stated.

Wow that came out a lot different in my head.

I set her down on the couch, and went to grab something to help stop the bleeding when I heard someone coming out of the bunk room

"What the hell?" Eric exclaimed, coming out of the bunk room.

"She pulled out and we hit her from the back. Take a closer look though, notice anything?" I asked.

Eric walked over to her, kneeled down, and slowly brushed the hair away from her face.

"No way, no fucking way. We just found Bella." Eric chuckled.

"What's going on?" Jared groaned, waking up and walking out into the living area.

"We need to figure out what to do." I stated.

"I think it's pretty obvious, we take her back to Chris, Danny, and the guys." Eric said.

"Before we do anything, I think we need to talk this through." I told them.

"You know where we stand on this." Jared replied.

Yeah, they had made it pretty clear.


"I don't know Chris, it kind of sounds nuts." I said.

"It'll be fine Beau, we grab her and she's ours." Chris assured me.

"I know it's just that I'm not sure I can do that. I've got a feeling like I'd just be living with a guilty conscience." I admitted.

"I get it, I do." Chris said.

We walked back up the stairs and entered the kitchen area where the rest of my bands was waiting with Ronnie Radke, Kellin Quinn, and Austin Carlile.

"And?" Elliot inquired.

"I can't do it, you guys can do whatever you want but right now I don't think my head's in the right place for this." I told them.

"Damn it won't be as much fun without you." Kellin huffed.

"Sorry, just not right now. I'd be afraid of getting a guilty conscience and then just opening up the door to let her out." I exclaimed.

"Well the door's always open." Austin told me.


"Are you guys playing a show tonight?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah, we should get going pretty soon in order to make it." I informed them.

"When you get her, just text me and let me know what's up. I'd be delighted to come back and help." Eric told Chris.

"No problem, will do." Chris replied.

"Me too." Jared added.

They said their goodbyes and left to get into the bus.

"Well thanks again." I thanked Chris.

"No problem." He told me as we walked out towards the door.

"If it ever ends up that you really need help, just call, I'll be willing to help." I replied him.

"Will do, have a great show." Chris stated.

"See you." I called, loading into our bus.

Back to Present -

That was the last time that I had made contact with Chris until 2 or 3 days ago when he called letting me know that Bella was gone.

I told him I'd let him know if I saw anything. Looks like I'll be calling him later tonight.

"We should probably try to wake her up." Eric suggested.

"I'll work on it, why don't you go and wake Elliot and Matt up." I replied.

Jared and Eric went back to the bunk area, and I went back to Bella.

I moved the hair away from her face, and took her pulse. She was almost too relaxed, I took her pulse and luckily she was fine.

"Bella wake up, and open your eyes." I said, giving her shoulders a bit of a tap.


"Bella, open your eyes and wake up." I said a bit louder, and my grip getting a bit tighter.

After another minute she finally started to get up and open her eyes.

I sat back and let out a breath of relief.

"Where are we?" She whispered.

"We just started moving." I answered.

"What's going to happen?" She asked.

"First we're going to fix your face up, then we'll just keep you on the bus for the day, and tonight I'll talk to you alone and figure things out." I told her.

"Just kill me now." She groaned, covering her face with her hands.

She hissed in pain, and let her hands down.

"Can someone get me a cold, wet washcloth?" I called to the back.

"Yeah one second." Eric yelled back.

He came back out and handed me the washcloth.

"Thanks." I said.

I carefully took her head in one hand and attempted to wipe up all of the blood.

She hissed again, and turned away from me, facing the back of the couch.

She was a ball of joy.

"Bella." I cooed, rocking her back and forth.

I flipped her over, got on top and basically straddled her to make sure she couldn't move.

"Get off." She groaned.

"I'm trying to help you Bella, your face is bleeding a lot." I told her.

Finally she calmed down and let me wipe up all of the blood.

There was quite a bit, but once I was able to examine her a bit closer I realized that everything was fine, nothing was broken or anything like that.

The day went on, she slept, and we did our thing as normal.

The rest of the guys kept telling me to just call Chris or Danny, but I told them I was just waiting for tonight.

There was one point closer to the night when I went back in the bunk rooms to grab something and I heard a commotion up in front.

Turns out had somehow managed to get up and was banging on the door and screaming 'Help' as loud as possible. Elliott shut her up pretty fast.

Now it was about 1 am, Bella was sleeping, or passed out I wasn't really sure, and everyone else was asleep as well.

I pulled out my phone and finally did it.

"Beau how's it going?" Chris answered.

"Uh, interesting to say the least. Bella is on our bus right now." I told him.

"Are you serious?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, we accidently tail ended a car this morning, I went out to see if they were okay and it turned out to be Bella driving. No sign of anyone else." I explained.

"Is she okay?" He wondered.

"Appears to be, at first she was pretty bloody around the face but now she seems just fine." I replied.

"Are you able to bring her to the main house or do you need us to come and pick her up?" Chris questioned me.

"We can bring her back, we just finished tour so we're good to do that. We'll have her back sometime tomorrow around noon." I informed him.

"Awesome, thanks so much. I don't mean to push this onto you right now but have you changed your mind at all about being more involved?" Chris wondered.

"I've thought about it long and hard. Give me one more night, I'll let you know tomorrow when I see you." I told him.

"Sounds great. Thanks so much again, and I'll see you guys tomorrow." Chris said, and then hung up.

I threw my phone down on the table, and sighed.

They had done it, everything was under control.

Well besides from Bella getting out, but I doubt that mistake will be made again.

I trusted Chris and the other guys, and I know deep down inside I had the same desire that they did. I just wasn't as aggressive about it as they were.

I laid back on the other couch facing Bella and took in her almost angelic beauty.

I could see why she had them all worked up.

I got why they chose her.

"Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other." I whispered.

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