Can You Already See The Branch About To Snap?

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"Thank the lord!" Richard exclaimed after we realized Bella had fallen asleep.

We'd been driving for at least 7 hours by now and she's either been screaming her lungs out or kicking and punching the back of our seats. At a certain point it had gotten bad enough that we pulled over, but then she bit Richard almost down to the bone in his hand. That's when we switched drivers.

"How's your hand doing?" I asked.

"It finally stopped bleeding. I can drive if you want me to." He replied.

My phone ringing stopped the conversation, it was Ben.

"I'll put it on speaker." I told Rich.

"Hey guys how's it going?" Ben asked.

"Good I guess, she's in the car with us now and finally sleeping. After hours of kicking, screaming, and biting it's a bit of relief." I answered.

"Who the hell did she bite?" Ben wondered.

"That would be me, it's okay though now." Rich said.

"Just gag her the next time she tries to do that. Anyways I just wanted to call to figure out when you guys will be able to catch up with us." Ben stated.

"The plan was to drive all through the night and tomorrow, if everything goes right we'll meet you guys tomorrow night." I replied.

"Awesome, thanks so much for doing this." Ben thanked us.

"No problem, see you tomorrow." Rich said.

The phone hung up and Rich plugged it back in.

"Danny's going to lose his fucking mind when she gets back." I chuckled, already imagining it in my head.

"Yeah, they all are." Rich agreed.

"What do you want to do with her?" I asked him, finally pulling the car over.

"I'd say we bring her up here." Rich suggested.

"Are you sure you're okay with driving?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He responded.

We both got out of the car, he went around front to get in the driver's seat. I went around back, opened the door, and slowly picked her up, setting her onto my lap on the passenger's seat.

"Enjoy this love." I whispered to her.

Her head fell against my chest, I stayed up for about another hour listening to her deep, shallow breaths, finally I rested my head back up against and fell asleep with her.

9 am (About 10 hours later)

"Get off of me you asshole." Bella screamed.

What the fuck?

I opened my eyes up to see Rich attempting to get Bella in the back seats but she was putting up quite the fight.

I hopped out of my seat and went around to help him out.

"Good morning." Rich cheered once he saw me.

"Same to you." I chuckled, knowing he was getting a kick out of Bella's reaction.

"Bella I swear to god you kick me one more time and I'll break your fucking leg." He growled to her.

"Fuck you!" She screamed.

"Do you want to go around?" He asked me.

I nodded, and ran to the other side of the van, opened the door, and pulled Bella into the car where both Rich and I slammed the doors shut.

"Go to hell you fuckers!" She yelled.

"Oh yeah, I wanted some entertainment on the road." He chuckled.

"Don't tell her that, then she'll stop." I laughed along with him.

"Only ten more hours." He stated.

"Want to split it half and half?" I asked.

"Sounds perfect to me." He agreed.

We both got into the car, locked it all up, and I started the car.

She started shouting again like a crazed maniac, not screaming words, but just screaming for the hell of it.

Then she got real creative and started to kick both of our seats, one leg for each seat. Credit to her.

We agreed to ignore it and let it go. She kept going for hours on end, and finally when I switched spots with Rich she just went silent.

No screams, not even kicking, or hell even saying a word.

"What the hell?" I whispered to Rich.

"Don't know, but let's just leave it alone." He whispered back to me.

The first four hours were very quiet and peaceful, which was a big change, and an even bigger relief for all of us.

Out of nowhere from the back seats came loud and frantic breaths. It sounded like Bella was hyperventilating.

"Bella, what's wrong?" I asked cautiously.


"Pull the car over." Rich instructed.

I did exactly that, and we both ran to the back of the car to check on her.

"Bella, look at me. Tell me what's wrong." I demanded, grabbing a hold of both of her shoulders.

She started shaking and mumbling out words that didn't make sense.

"Bella, it's okay. No one's going to hurt you." Rich told her.

"Please, no." She cried silently over and over again.

She was not okay.

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