A Closer Observation Of Hell

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"Cameron, what in the bloody hell is that?" Ben grumbled.

I woke up and realized that there was a strange banging noise coming from the floor above us.

"All of Motionless is up there, and that's where Danny is staying for the night." James replied.

A long string of the loud banging was suddenly interrupted by a knock on our door. Before James opened the door someone came in, but I didn't see the face due to the fact that I slipped further down in the bed. Cameron quickly threw back the sheets so that I was exposed and could see who was at the door. It was Ricky.

"What is going on?" Cameron groaned.

"It's fine now, but Ben we need you to check something out." Ricky said.

Ben hopped out of bed, grabbed his shirt and grabbed his bag before walking out towards Ricky. I took the chance and rolled to the other side of the bed so that I was far away from Cameron.

"Ha." I muttered to myself.

"Oh, and James, Chris wants you to take Ben's place tonight." Ricky stated before he left with Ben.

"No." I moaned quietly as I extended my legs out off the bed so that I could attempt to keep James away from me.

James came up to the bed and started tapping on my leg. Getting pissed off I took my leg, pulled it back, and kicked James as hard as possible right in the groin.

"Oh, you little bitch!" He exclaimed, catching his breath.

"That was stupid." Cameron grunted, leaning over, picking me up, and finally sliding me towards him so that I was being covered by his body.

I take my legs and get them high enough so that I could kick down and hurt them again, but it didn't work. Cameron caught on right away and pinned my legs down with his. I quickly realized though that I had a much better chance with Cameron than I did with James. The left side of the bed sunk down a bit and I felt someone groping my waist. I tried my hardest to scoot even further towards Cameron, and at first it worked. I figured that Cameron thought as long as I was going to be willing he'd take it.

It didn't last for long though. About five minutes later Cameron switched positions so that he was more next to me and that's when James slowly crawled over so that I was squished in between the both of them.

"Night love, you better hope I'm not feeling touchy tonight." James whispered.

"You better hope I don't kill you." I snapped.

"Be quiet or I'm joining you." Sam threatened.

With that I shut up and fell asleep with fear that I was going to be hurt during the middle of the night.

God help me.

That's what was dumped over my head suddenly so that I jolted up from where I was sleeping and shook from the cold.

"Go make me a iced mocha." Ricky demanded once I sat up and realize that I was with Cassie and the three other girls that I had been with yesterday.

"No." I replied.

"That's not how it works. Remember? You get told what to do, and then you do it." Ricky yelled, his voice echoing throughout the room.

"Fine." I muttered, getting up and doing what he told me.

I could fight and I would, however I needed to plan my attack well and starting a fight over a mocha did not fit into the plan real well.

"This morning you will learn how to happily serve your superiors and do it well. During lunch you will not be eating with the others, but rather you will serve lunch to some of our guests. Then you will proceed to your second class." Ricky explained.

He came over to me and was watching me over my shoulder, like a hawk. It was incredibly irritating, but again I just went along with it. About 5 minutes later I was done and I set it down, and walked around the counter, sitting down next to Cassie.

"What?" I asked Ricky, as he stood and stared at me.

"You're not done. You did what James taught you, now I'm going to teach you. Go and find Ashley and bring him that." Ricky told me, pointing to the mocha.

"That's all I have to do?" I questioned him.

"For now." Ricky replied.

With a huff I grabbed the mocha and started walking down the hall and I attempted to find Ashley. I had to think about what he liked, there was sex and music. Those two things actually seemed to sum up just about everything here. There were a whole bunch of musicians and they all seemed to have some creepy lust for sexual things.

I decided that going down to the room that the dom elevator took you to would be a good place to start. When I arrived there I found not Ashley, but rather Chris. Not just Chris, but Chris with a long whip in his hands that he was twisting, and observing in his hands. As soon as I got in there I went to get out and leave, but was stopped when Chris told me to stay.

"I can't, I have to go and find Ashley." I told him.

"Well I told you to stay here." Chris said.

"I'm supposed to be following what Ricky tells me to do this morning." I stated, walking out of the room.

Just as I was about to leave Chris grabbed me from behind, pushed me up against the wall and glared directly into my eyes.

"Isn't it terrible to be forced to choose between masters? Both are right, but yet you can never do both things." Chris questioned me.

"No one is my, let along anyone's master." I growled, starting to get defensive.

"Really, you're wearing lingerie, just made a drink on demand, and now you've got a shock collar on? I'd be willing to say that makes someone a master over you." Chris replied.

"I don't think this situation is as black and white as it appears." I told him.

"I can make your ass black and blue, if that helps clear things up." Chris threatened me.

"Do it." I challenged him, testing him.

"Not yet, soon, however the time isn't right. In order to break such a rebellious girl, such as yourself there's a finess to it, it's a very careful and time cautious process." Chris explained.

"You are so psychotic." I chuckled, amazed at how nuts this whole thing was.

"l wouldn't say that too soon, because soon enough you'll be begging for me." Chris informed me.

"In your dreams, Cerulli." I snapped.

That got him pissed off, something in his eyes changed and became ferocious and very sinister. He pushed me up even further against the wall and growled "Never call me that again, you haven't learned this yet dear but there are certain titles that you must adress all of us as, titles that show and prove our superiority over you, and my dear, sweet Bella, there are severe consequences for the breaking of rules, or the showing of disrespect."

"Where's Ashley?" I asked.

Without saying anything Chris pointed past him, and down hall, and as soon as he left his grip off of me I walked away calmly, just to show him that he didn't scare me but the truth was that I truly was terrified at what might be coming for me in my future.

About three doors later I looked in a room, and found Ashley in it. The room had four red walls and there was one big round table in the middle of it. I silently walked closer to see what was on the table and all I saw was a picture of Chance, Cassie, Taylor, and I laying at the beach tanning in our bathing suits. There were tons more papers, and photos, but Ashley popped up and blocked my view of them right away.

"Do you have anything for me, pet?" Ashley wondered.

"Why yes asshole, I do." I replied with a grin.

"Watch your mouth, keep it open and who knows what someone might put in there." Ashley said.

I set the mocha on the table, and walked out the door. Anything I would've said would have gave him some sort of pleasure so I took off down the hall and ran back to the room Ricky was in. I walked in to see the other girls across the room and Ricky was standing against the wall with his arms crossed.

"How'd it go?" Ricky asked as I sat down.

"I did what I was told." I replied.

"Care to go into detail?" Ricky asked me.

"No thanks." I answered.

"We'll be going over the basic steps and regulations for serving someone, after that we'll have Ashley come in and evaluate how Miss Noel did. Ater that you will all be assigned one or two people to serve, and you will be expected to do it as you were taught." Ricky instructed us.

"Oh joy." Cassie muttered sarcastically.

Ricky slammed down his fist on the table and screamed "Enough of the disrespect, we've had it up to here with your shit. In a few days you won't just get yelled at or given a slap, you'll be whipped until there's blood on the floor and you can't even get up" Ricky screamed.

That got us all to shut up, and fast.

"Sorry." Cassie whispered.

"Don't do it again. Okay so the first rule that there is, is that there should be no eye contact between you and the people you are serving." Ricky started.

"Why"?" One of the girls asked.

"I don't need to explain myself, and I won't. Again, you do as any of us say with no questions asked. On to the next rule, there should be a grace and elegance to yourself. If you're not, you get clumsy, fall, and then you won't be able to walk for a week. Not only will you bring them what you were originally asked to, but any and I mean ANY other requests and you are to do them with no complaints and or questions." Ricky told us.

"Bella, you me, in the bed now." Someone snapped from the doorway.

I looked back, and my face paled in horror, no pun with Ricky in the room. It was Danny.

"Welcome to class, what do you need.?" Ricky asked him.

"I guess I don't need Bella right now, I just really, really want her. On the other hand I just wanted to pop in and let you know that A is here and he wanted to know if he could help Kuza out." Danny stated.

Ricky thought for a minute, he kept looking back at me and then Danny as if he was contemplating the question at hand with me in mind.

"That's fine, but not when she's with him." Ricky replied pointing at me.

"Come on, that would be so much fun to watch." Danny whined.

"Don't worry, there's no doubt that he won't get an oppurtunity to do what Kuza will. I decided though that she'll serve him in a little bit." Ricky told him.

"Awesome, that's something I'll need front row tickets for." Danny exclaimed, with wild excitement in his eyes that really freaked me out.

"We'll all be there watching." Ricky chuckled with a sinister tone.

"Goodbye my love, we'll see eachother reall soon." Danny called to me with an air kiss.

"Bye, just be careful there might be some baseball bats around." I sassily cautioned him.

He turned around and said "I'll remember that when I see you later."

He then walked out the door and left us alone with Ricky once again. Ricky went on to talk about a few more obvious rules about serving, such as being kind, courteous, and being able to tend to each person's needs. All I could think about though was who was A?

"Okay there's 10 minutes left of class and then your 15 minute lunch, where you will be serving. Bella you'll go first, because your location is furthest away. All I'll tell is that you are with A, and someone else but we'll leave that as a surprise to you. You'll take this tray and you are going down to the observation room." Ricky told me.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Drop the atitude!" Ricky yelled.

"I asked a question." I murmered, not understanding how that was a bad attitude.

He lucky though gave me directions and then had me grab a hold of the waitress' tray which had two plates that both contained a burger of some sort, and two tall glasses filled with Whiskey and a bit of water.

"Remember your corteous serving." Ricky said.

I turned around and replied "Right, middle finger up and curse a lot."

"Not funny." Ricky shouted at me as I finally exited the door.

That was a shame, I thought it was pretty funny. Now I had one question on my mind that would not let up, who was A?

Was it Ashley Purdy?
Alex Gaskarth?
Andy Biersack?

The list could've went on, but at the moment my mind was drawing a blank, those were the only A's I could think of for now.

Then I realized I didn't even know what the observation room was. Lord knows that I could just assume it was bad and I'd most likely get a sense of fear from it. I finally passed the last room in the hall closest to the observation room, took a right and there it was. The whole wall was one solid door, whereas on the other side of the hall there were 4 smaller rooms. With my heart beating loudly, showing my nervousness I marched straight up to the doors and opened it.

Austin Carlile.

He was A.

"Welcome, please come in and join us." Austin greeted me.

Us? That's when I remembered that there were two people, but who was the second guy?

Against what I'd been told I got nosey and peeked around Austin's bigger body structure and I saw none other than the one and only Justin Hills sitting on a bench intently watching something going on in the room, down from this one and over a bit.

"Look who decided to show up. Go and put the tray on the table." Justin told me.

I did as I was told, but couldn't help myself from attempting to sneak a peak at what he had just been looking at.

"Interested?" Austin wondered.

"Yeah." I replied, completely tossing out the eyes down rule. It was just stupid.

"She hasn't been with Cameron yet, has she?" Justin wondered.

"She hasn't, but even if she had it would be hard to tell. She tends not to follow the rules." Austin replied.

"I can tell, especially based on her eye contact." Justin chuckled.

"Is that a problem for you?" I asked.

As soon as it came out, I realized just how sassy and challenging it sounded. Well, I figure that I'm in enough trouble, why stop now?

"I'll let you figure that out on your own but for now I'll let you take a sneak peek of something really cool." Austin told me.

"Will it give me nightmares?" I questioned him.

"No, it will be your actual nightmare." Justin informed me.

Oh great, I thought to myself.

Justin extended his hand to me, and I reluctantly took it. He pulled me close towards him and walked us both over to the row of benches and I looked down and across at the room and was shocked.

You know those things that you see and you are just hoping that you were hallucinating? That was right now. The wall directly across from us was lined with whips, long, short, whide, skinny, things on the end, leather, non leather, black, red. You name it and it was there. My stomach dropped and I wanted to be sick. This was a whole new level of hell, Dante had it wrong.

That's all I saw and I turned around, attempting to get it out of my mind and sight.

Justin grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him, but I tugged away and quickly.

"Not so tough now?" Austin kind of taunted me.

"Have you seen what's on that wall?" I asked him, in full on terror.

"Yeah, and there's three more walls of fun toys for all of us to play with. You haven't seen anything yet." Justin warned me.

"Lunch will be over in a minute, you are expected to your next class in 3 minutes from now." Chris announced over the PAC system.

I took a really deep breath, exhaled and grabbed the tray getting ready to leave the room.

"Leave it here. We wouldn't want you to be late, and you don't want to be left down there for a few hours with one of us." Austin told me, pointing back down to the room.

"Thanks. Where am I going?" I wondered.

"Ghost, and he's down in the auditorium." Justin said.

I exited the room and bolted down the hallway towards the auditorium. Since I was so close to it I entered the auditorium and found Ghost standing on stage, no other girls were back.

"You might as well get a bit of a headstart for this class while the others start coming in." Ghost said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked him.

"Undress." He stated, with a straight face.

You had got to be kidding me.

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