Rest Day, But Without The Relaxation

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"I don't know." James whispered.

"I'll go check." Ben stated and got out of bed.

I opened my eyes to notice I was still snuggled up next to James, but the bus was stopped.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know, just stay here." James said, then hopped out of bed and walked to the front behind Ben.

"What's going on?" Ben asked someone.

"Our bus ran out of gas and we decided it would be best to just stop for a day, get everything ready, leave tomorrow, and we'll still get to the venue on time." Someone replied.

Sam and Cameron got up and I started to as well but Cameron grabbed me, pushed me fully back onto the bunk and instructed me not to move until someone came and got me. Within two minutes Ricky walked into the room.

"Get dressed, and meet us outside." He told me.

I looked at the clothes and stopped Ricky on his way out by calling out "There's no way that I'm wearing this."

"Not an option." He replied.

"It's not happening." I stated once again.

"Bad move." He said, and then left.

I looked across the room from me, down a bunk and saw Danny still passed out sleeping in his bunk. What the hell had gone down last night with them? I guess it didn't matter as long as I wasn't involved in it. Pulling me out of my thoughts the door suddenly slammed open and Ryan Sitkowski came stomping into the room, and he was pissed.

"I'm going to give you five seconds to put that on or I'm doing it for you." Ryan threatened.

"No. I refuse to parade around like some slut. That's not who I am." I stated, standing my ground.

He grabbed a hold of the side railing, stepped on the bunk below mine, grabbed me around the waist and pulled me down into his arms and set me down on the bunk below me.

"We've warned you Bella." He grunted, attempting to keep my body underneath his.

He managed to get on top of me and before I could kick near his groin he pinned my legs down with his and gripped my arms as well.

"Get off!" I screamed.

"Shh, you might wake Danny up." He whispered.

"I don't care." I grumbled, trying to still get out of Ryan's grip.

He chuckled and put his face right up against mine "You're cute when you're angry." He chuckled.

"Go to hell." I snapped.

"I'm going to give you one last chance just because you're cute. You either put these clothes on or I'll take those off put the new ones on and then let Kuza come in and test out a few new pieces of leather. You decide." He whispered into my ear.

Damn him and his effective threats.

"Fine." I growled.

"'At a girl, now go get dressed in the bathroom and meet us outside." Ryan instructed.

I got off of the bed the second he released his grip and went straight into the bathroom, locking it behind me.

"No locks!" Ricky screamed.

"No locks." I muttered under my breath imitating him.

I made sure the one window's blinds were down, slipped the clothes I had on off and then unfortunately put the new ones on. I walked back to the bunk area where Danny was still passed out. I glanced over and noticed that there was something in his pocket. It was the unmistakable shape of a cell phone. Was I brave enough though?

You bet I was, I snuck over to his bunk quietly, and started to bring my hand over his pocket when he suddenly jolted awake and grabbed my hand.

"Fuck." I screamed, completely startled.

"Scare you?" Danny chuckled.

"What do you think?" I replied.

He looked down at my hand and said "If you want it love all you have to do is ask." He stated.

"Don't you have some desperate stripper that would do that?" I questioned him.

"There's plenty that would want to, but it would be a waste because we now have you." Danny explained.

"How lucky." I muttered, walking out of the door, and leaving Danny behind.

I walked out and the sun burnt my eyes a bit, but it felt so good to be out of AA's bus and actually outside. Even if there was nothing out there.

"Damn it, I was hoping you'd be naughty." Kuza whined.

"Sorry to disappoint." I muttered.

All of the guys from MIW and ETF were out here along with everyone but Danny in AA. We were on some deserted country road with a large field off to the left and they were setting up what appeared to be a baseball game. I found that a bit unbelievable, how could they go on normally knowing what they've done?

"Chris, Craig, Tyler, Sam, Ghost, Kuza, and Korel, you're with me." Balz shouted.

As they went out towards what I'd assume was the outfield I took a seat on the steps of AA's tour bus.

"Bella." Sam yelled.

"What?" I responded.

"What did Cameron teach you?" Robert said.

Oh my god, not this again.

"What, sir?" I hissed at Sam.

"Did Danny say he was coming out?" Sam asked.

"No." I answered.

"Great, then you can play." Sam said.

"Um I'd rather not." I stated.

"That wasn't an option." Chris told me.

I thought about it for a quick second and realized this might be fun. There's always some 'accidents' in baseball.

"Who am I playing for?" I smiled, knowing I could play them a bit even if I couldn't get out. Might as well have a bit of fun.

"You're pitching, sexy." Ghost told me, throwing me a ball.

"Oh boy." I muttered.

"Why is she pitching?" Thrasher whined.

"Don't tell me you're not interested in seeing what she can do." Chris replied.

"I am, but not on the field." Thrasher chuckled.

"Douchebag." I grumbled underneath my breath.

"Let's go." Ben whined from back by the guitarists and drummers.

"Fine, get ready to get your ass whipped." Craig said, getting him and the other guys ready behind me.

The guitarists and drummers on the other side of the 'field' towards the buses started to line up and Ryan was of course up first.

"Batter up." Chris screamed.

I gripped the ball tight, getting ready to through it but was stalled when Ryan and the other guys were talking to each other. I didn't want to do this in the first place and I wasn't going to wait around on them.

I chucked the ball towards Ryan and watched as it flew right past him.

"What the hell?" Ryan yelled.

"I don't want to be out here in the first place so I'm going to make this as fast as possible." I responded honestly.

"I'm the one with a bat in hand dear, watch it." Ryan warned me.

He finally got ready behind the makeshift plate and Ben threw me another ball.

Just as I was about to throw it Danny came out of the bus and said "Who put her in as pitcher?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm more than glad to give it to you." I replied, giving him the ball as he walked over to me.

I then went back over towards the buses and sat down behind the guys.

"Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Ricky chuckled.

"Burn in hell." I replied with a sweet smile on my face.

"Be careful who you piss off, you don't know who you're bunking with tonight." Ricky cautioned me, as I sat down on the ground next to Asking's tour bus.

They started playing and all I could think about was how easy it would to get out of here. Sure, I could try and run but so far my track record isn't the best. Then if I did get caught I had a feeling the punishment if caught would make me regret it for a long time. Sitting in silence was my best option.

The sun soon started to really beat down about an hour into their game, but it didn't bother me at first. After about the third hour though of watching their game in the intense heat I was about to pass out. Hopefully die, but I knew I wasn't that lucky.

"Nice game." Cameron hooted.

That made my head shoot up and I saw that they were all coming back over to the buses.

"Come on." Craig said grabbing my hand.

"Where?" I asked.

"You need to cool down, you look like you're about to pass out." Craig said.

I followed him into his own trailer and found that Ghost was trailing us. To my complete happiness the a/c was on along with some fans that were turned on.

Ghost and Craig went to go and sit on the 'couch' in the front of the bus, next to the kitchen. One thing caught my eye though. A single document laid out on the counter.

This one ~

"Holy shit." I whispered, realizing what it was.

It was a 3 month calendar with a list of names. I realized quickly though it appeared to be a sleeping list especially since the first day was Danny and the second was James. Tonight was Robert. Joy.

"You guys are really serious about this whole thing." I stated.

"Explain what you mean." Ghost said.

"I don't know, I guess it's just the fact that you put so much time and effort into this." I explained.

Craig chuckled.

"Well no offense dear, but there was a whole lot of time and effort that was placed into making this thing work." Craig replied.

"I don't want to get too nosey and quite frankly I want to know as little as possible about this whole things but who convinced you to be a part of this?" I wondered.

"Who says I didn't start this myself?" Craig asked.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and just assume it was Danny and Chris." I told him.

"She's smart." Ghost laughed.

"Of course she is, the perfect girl needs brains and beauty." Chris told them as he silently crept up behind me and snuck his arms around my waist making me jump a bit.

"The perfect kidnapper needs a bit of brawn with an even smaller amount of brains." I muttered under my breath.

Chris jammed his elbow back into my ribs, causing me to bend over in pain and groan.

"We're going to start grilling and then we'll pack up and start driving." Chris announced to Craig and Ghost.

"Sounds good to me." Craig stated.

Chris grabbed my arm and pulled me back outside.

"I would've thought that you had learned to be a bit more respectful by now." Chris told me.

I pulled my arm back away from him and took a step back.

"I was kidnapped by the few people I looked up to in life. I don't respect anyone anymore." I snarled.

"Bullshit." Chris snapped.

"Fine, but what about the opposite?" I questioned him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Chris asked.

"You know what never mind." I replied.

I started to walk back towards the other guys but once again Chris gripped my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Tell me." He growled.

"You don't get it Chris! You guys blab all fucking day about how I should respect you. That's the real bullshit. I've come to realize that I'm fucked. Thanks to you assholes I can't get out anytime soon or easily for that matter. So don't go thinking that I'm just going to bend at your every will and praise you with respect and honor or other shit. I get it though. You don't give a shit about me so why do you even bother to listen to a single fucking word I say." I screamed, in total rage surprising even myself.

"We'll talk about this later." Chris snarled to me.

We walked over to where Sam and Cameron were setting up a grill and Thrasher along with Vinny were getting the food ready.

"Just so we're all clear, who's driving tonight?" TJ asked.

"Angelo is taking ETF's bus, Brandon is driving ours, and Tyler is going to be driving Asking's." Chris replied.

I walked over to where Sam and Cameron were and sat down right next to the grill.

They started to pull out grilling tools and one of them was a knife.

"Cameron." I said.

"Yes love." He replied.

"I will do anything you want if you'll stab me to death." I told him.

Cameron put all of the tools down, came over to me and leaned right over me.

"It's not ever going to be that easy Bella. Also you should know what the lads and I can do whatever we want, whenever we want. We don't need you to make some compromise in order for it to work." Cameron whispered in my ear.

"Whatever." I scoffed, got up and walked over to the steps of ETF's bus.

"It's locked." Robert informed me, walking out from behind the bus.

"That's fine." I said, sitting down on the bottom step.

"You're really just going to sit there?" Robert questioned me.

"Yes, sir." I hissed.

"Soon enough you'll learn." Robert laughed, and then walked away.

6 ½ hours later

Finally they were packing up and getting ready to head back on the buses. I literally just had sat there for that entire time and watched them. Attempting to prove my strong stance, they still thought it was just a joke though.

"Ready to go?" Craig asked me, coming over with a key.

"Again is it really an option?" I asked.

With a gaze that said not funny I stood up, let him unlock the door and walked into the bus after him. I went and sat down in the far seat of the table near the kitchen area.

"You haven't eaten all day." Craig stated.

"Not hungry." I replied.

"Being difficult won't get you anywhere." Craig told me.

"Mm-hm." I muttered.

He rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch across from the bus door entrance. Within a few minutes Thrasher, TJ, and Robert had all gotten into the bus while Angelo had gotten into the driver's seat with the curtain pulled back so we could see through to him and the very front.

"We're ready to go if you are. We'll take the lead, Ang can follow and then Asking can trail behind." Chris says from over what seems to be some type of radio system.

"Sounds good to me." Ben announced over the system.

I put my head up against the cushion and everything was quiet for once. Nice yet unnerving. The road was nice and smooth so it felt like we were gliding right along. It would've actually been relaxing if you know the whole kidnapping thing hadn't been going on. It was about an hour of nice and quiet silence when I finally spoke up.

"Can I open the window?" I asked.

I turned around for an answer and got a glare from Robert.

"Sir." I added on.

"No." TJ snapped.

"Please. It's dark outside and there are no cars or people around." I pleaded.

"I don't see a problem with it." Thrasher said.

I looked at Craig for approval, and with a confirming nod yes I opened the blinds all the way up.

"You've got to be tougher on her." TJ stated.

"You're still pissed that I knocked you out." I mumbled under my breath.

The window slammed shut with a huge bang and Kuza hissed "Watch yourself."

I jumped not knowing he had even been on the bus.

"Let's find a movie to watch." Robert suggested.

"Sure." The rest of the guys agreed.

Insidious. Fucking Insidious. Were you kidding me? That was the movie they had to pick.

I have to deal with all of this other bullshit, why does everything have be so damn depressing and quite frankly scary. I would soon get to the breaking point and lose my cool. I looked up towards the front of the bus and saw Angelo motioning for me.

I was taken aback a second and thought maybe I was seeing things.

'Come up here.' Angelo mouthed to me and patted the seat besides him.

I slowly stood up and walked over to the passenger's seat where I sat down.

"What's wrong now?" I grumbled.

"Close the curtain." He instructed.

I turned around and closed it but not before TJ stopped me.

"Get back here." TJ growled.

"Don't worry about it, I've got her under control." Angelo said.

"Don't test me." TJ snarled sitting back down, and then I finished closing the curtain.

"Is he always this big of a dick?" I wondered.

Angelo glanced over at me and rolled his eyes, question answered.

"I heard your little conversation with Chris today." Angelo said.

"How was that?" I asked.

"Revealing. You're so easy to read, Bella. You're scared and even with the whole tough girl act you are beyond an open book." Angelo told me.

"So you needed me to come up here to just tell me what I've already figured out." I stated.

"Yes and no. I just wanted to talk to you a bit. Explain some things that I think haven't been explained as well. First off you seriously have to start following the rules and do as your told. Once you do that it'll be so much easier for everyone else. I guess just in sum then you need to calm down a bit and give them a break. You don't understand it now and probably won't until much later but you just need to trust at least me in saying that things will get better for you. Just face the fact that you can't and won't get out and accept your new life." Angelo said.

"My new life? I'm a slave for fuck's sake!" I stated.

"You're their submissive, not a slave." Angelo attempted to correct me.

"It's not consensual, so you know exactly what that makes it." I growled.

"I'm obviously not getting through to you but just know that tomorrow if you don't start getting your shit together you'll be in a world of hurt." Angelo cautioned me.

I got up, threw the curtain back, snuck past the guys on the couch and walked into the bunk room where I found Robert's bunk. I threw back his sheet and blanket, climbed up the bunk and crawled into bed snuggling myself up as tight as possible.

I tried to keep it together but I couldn't anymore. The tears started to pour down my face and the whimpers and cries of pain slipped out of my mouth. I'd never wanted my family or friends as much as I did now. But I knew I couldn't have them and that killed me. All I could do was wish for death, but even that hasn't worked.

I cried as silently as possible and it didn't stop. I hadn't realized how long it had gone on for until I heard the credits rolling from the other room and suddenly Robert was right in front of me.

In an attempt to make it seem like I was asleep I closed my eyes. He got a grip around my waist and rolled my body over so that it was facing him.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered.


It was all lies.

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