Hangovers & Dissapointing News

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Fast heart rate, nausea, migraine, and blurry vision was what I woke up to.

The next second I was in the bathroom, vomiting.

Go ahead and add that to the list.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom, making sure to have a tight grip on the wall, or anything really.

"Please turn off the lights." I groaned, covering my eyes as I entered the room.

"Just come over here, love." James told me, from the couch next to Ben.

I somehow managed to stumble over to James, and when I finally did he lifted me up and sat me down between him and Ben, then helped me lay down so that my feet were resting over his lap and my head was resting in Ben's lao.

"How are you feeling?" Danny asked from near the table.

"The worst I've ever felt." I moaned, covering my eyes from the light.

Ben chuckled behind me.

I wasn't lying, I felt like death, but worse.

I didn't remember anything beyond drinking and that scared me, hopefully I just passed out.

"Don't worry, it doesn't last forever." James told me.

"It just feels like it." Ben stated.

"How the hell do you guys do this so often?" I groaned.

"Experience, darling, it's about getting used to it and embracing it." Cameron said, but I could hear the laughter in his voice.

"How bad was I?" I wondered.

"I don't think you want to know." Sam stated.

Oh no.

"Can I ask you something Bella?" Danny asked.

"No offense, sir, but I can barely remember my own name right now, would it be okay for it to wait a bit?" I questioned him.

"Of course, just get some more rest." He instructed me.

Ben and James threw a blanket over my body, and I found myself falling asleep almost instantly.

(5 hours later)

"She lives!" James screamed, as I opened my eyes.

I laughed, I didn't feel like my body was rejecting itself anymore, that was great to wake up realizing.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied.

With a bit of help from Ben, I was able to readjust myself on the couch so that I was sitting up. It felt nice now not to feel like the entire world was spinning on you.

"So question time. Why the hell did you drink that much?" Danny demanded to know.

Oh boy, now was the time for my bullshit lies to shine.

"Before I came onto this bus, TJ said that in order to prove that I was serious I had to wear this. To be honest I was a bit freaked out, this isn't exactly my normal attire. Robert told me not be shy, and I couldn't help it. I kind of figured that the booze would help me out a bit, but I think I may have drank a bit too much." I told them.

It sounded real, good enough for me.

"You wanted not shy, but you got more of sexually frustrated teenager." Cameron chuckled.

"Just tell me what happened, I need to know." I pleaded to know.

"Let's see you tried to get both of us naked, constantly made sexual remarks, and then during our soundcheck you did a little bit of a strip tease, mixed with a form of pole dance without the pole." Cameron admitted.

"Hey, at least I wasn't shy." I joked, making sure that everyone was in a bit of a lighter mood.

But on the inside I was cringing that I had gotten so, well I guess slutty with Cameron, and the guys.

"One serious question though, you didn't do any drugs or take any right?" Danny asked, trying to confirm it.

"No, absolutely not, I just drank." I told him honestly.

"Good, but next time before you go and get plastered, just come and talk to us." Danny told me.

"Don't worry, I will." I said, not lying at all.

"Do you want to stay here for our concerts tonight, or go in?" Sam asked.

"I'd like to stay in here, if that's okay." I replied.

"No drinking?" Cameron asked.

"No drinking." I promised.

They spent the rest of the drive sharing drunken stories, and I couldn't help but chuckle every now and again.

I hadn't heard from S yet, hopefully tonight I'd hear at least something from her.

Anxious was the least of my feelings.

We finally reached the venue, and it turns out that Chris wanted to talk to me in his bus.

Great, I can hardly wait!

Danny and the guys were walking to the venue and I hopped onto MIW's bus, where Chris was waiting for me.

"Come on in." Chris said, closing the door behind me.

"I guess you heard about last night." I realized.

"Yeah, hate to tell you this but I was a bit disappointed in you." He stated.

Don't hate saying that to me, there's much worse I'd love to say to you and I don't feel an ounce of remorse for it.

"I know, I'm sorry sir. I tried to relax and I kind of turned into a drunken slut." I apologized, with no real meaning behind it.

Before I knew it he had pinned against the wall with my hands above my head in one of his hands, and his other hand was carefully caressing my face.

"You are not a slut, not ever, do you understand that?" Chris growled.

To say I was honestly scared was again another understatement.

His grip got tighter and it started to hurt.

"Sir, please stop, you're scaring me." I squeaked out.

He let go, and thankfully both of the bottoms of my feet were back down on the ground.

"You are beautiful, beyond that actually. Just because for one night you wanted something you're too afraid to ask for does not make you a slut. It makes you human." He told me, in dangerous, yet soft voice.

I nodded my head, words not coming out of my mouth.

"You're to stay here until someone lets you out. Think about what I've just said and when I get back we'll talk again." Chris commanded, and then left me standing in shock as he exited and locked his tour bus.



S.' POV -

"No!" I screamed, chucking a bottle of booze at the wall.

It shattered, and went everywhere, kind of how I felt right now.

My plan was to get her out before she got hurt.

It failed, turns out no matter how hard I tried or who I talked to I couldn't save her before they could do any damage.

I felt like a failure, would she even want to attempt to get out later?

I hoped so, hopefully she listened to my advice about keeping her spirit up.

She'd need it know more than ever.

I'd exhausted all of my resources.

She was now in trouble, because I couldn't help her.


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