Part 12

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"Let's see..." Ryumi muses, looking around for familiar faces. She just can't seem to find the court where Seigaku will be playing. But... "Ah! Score."

She approaches him from behind to see him glaring at the backs of several Seigaku regulars. "Morning, Yuuta-kun." she greets, startling him.

"It's you! What are you doing here?" he questions, looking annoyed.

Ryumi tilts her head. "Cheer Seigaku on. What else?" she shrugs.

"That's not what I meant. I meant what are you doing here? Talking to me?" he nearly growls. He looks pretty riled up.

"Am I not allowed to?" she asks innocently, looking hurt.

"Huh? W-well...." he starts to stammer, looking taken aback.

She smiles up at him suddenly. "Don't worry Yuuta-kun. You'll do well, I can see you're focused. I'll cheer for you too okay?" she tells him before making her way to her friends, leaving him taken aback and blushing.

"Who was that?" he hears Mizuki ask from behind him. "A fan?"

Yuuta scoffs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Hardly."


"What do you mean, he isn't here yet?"

"We thought he would come with you." Momoshiro tells Ryumi.

She shakes her head in denial. "I had an appointment early this morning. Mom just dropped me off."

"Seventeen minutes ago to be precise. You got lost again." Inui points out, receiving a glare.

"If you noticed, you could have come to get me." she complains. "Anyway, I can't believe he's late, today of all days. I set his alarm for him! Ugh, when I see him..." she growls annoyed. How can Ryoma keep oversleeping?! "So what now? I don't have a cell phone..."

"If we don't register with eight people by 10 a.m., we'll be disqualified." Fuji sighs.

Kawamura looks around worriedly. "Th-That'll be bad..."

"This sucks." Momo sighs.

"What about Oishi?" Tezuka cuts in, noting Ryumi look more and more uncomfortable. "Has he managed to contact Echizen yet?"

"Doesn't seem like it." Eiji mutters before smiling awkwardly when Ryumi starts banging her head against his arm softly. He pats her head affectionately.

"So ashamed..." she breathes.

"Huh? What's up, pre-game meeting?" a voice asks, pulling their attention to a man and a woman. Ryumi is sure she saw them around before. "If you don't register soon, you'll get disqualified you know." he points out.

"Inoue-san. Well, you see... Ryoma-kun isn't..." first-year Katsuo tries to explain to the reporter before Oishi comes running up.

"Hey! I contacted Echizen!" he calls before coming to a stop by them. "Seems like he helped a pregnant woman who was in labor get to the hospital." he explains.

Ryumi looks at him skeptically. 'There is no way...' Seems no one else is buying that fib either. "I'm taping that alarm to his head tonight."

"If we wait for him, we won't meet the deadline." Ryuzaki-sensei speaks up. "He'll get his scolding later..." she tells them before pulling a cap from her bag. "We'll have to register somehow...." before turning around and holding out the cap to Horio, who looks startled.

Soon he has Kaidoh's jersey on and the cap on his head. "Okay, go register yourself, otouto-san~." Ryumi teases as she pushes the shaking Horio after the regulars.

"Otouto-san? Wait, you're Echizen Ryumi?" the man, Inoue asks, making her look up at him.

"Yeah, Inoue-san wasn't it? Hey! Aren't you the guy that's been pestering my dad for an interview?" she asks in realization, making him look shocked.

"Pestering?" he repeats while the young woman next to him laughs at him behind her hand.

Inoue clears his throat, managing a smile. "Anyway, it's nice to see you here. Cheering your brother on?" he asks, earning a nod. "That's good. He's lucky to have you here. Did you practice together? He must be learning a lot from you." he then continues, unbeknownst to him turning the conversation in the wrong direction.

Ryumi knows he means well, but... "I suppose." she mutters her mood turning sour, making him blink surprised. "Excuse me, my throat is a bit dry." she excuses herself before shuffling off.

"Mmh." Ryuzaki hums in thought as she watches the girl go.


A dark pit; that is what she landed herself in. It happens sometimes, and this is one of those times. She just can't find anything positive to think about. It usually means she needs a moment to gather herself; that, or have someone pull her out.

She flattens the now empty ponta can in her hands with her palms before tossing it at the trashcan, but missing. It doesn't hit the ground however when a racket catches it and hits it in the bin after.

"What are you looking so moody for? How can you cheer anybody on like that?" Yuuta asks, resting his racket on his shoulder.

Ryumi shrugs. "Can't always walk around with a smile on my face, can I? It gets tiring."

"Sure." he replies, but not really believing it. He looks around awkwardly for a moment before sighing. "Look, if something is bothering you, it's not good to stay on your own like this. Besides, your brother just arrived. Heard he was looking for you." he tells her.

"Oh?" she murmurs, reluctantly getting to her feet. "I need to kick his ass for being late."

Yuuta nods. "You do that." he says, watching her go. He can't help but wonder what made her look so down when she was so cheerful only a while earlier.


"Nani?" Eiji asks when Fuji elbows him. He looks over where they see Ryumi return, a familiar look in her eyes.

Eiji puffs up his cheeks. "Mou, who went and said something stupid now?" he pouts as they watch her scold Ryoma for being late, but not really putting her heart in it, making Ryoma too notice that something is up.

"Rescue mission, 8B?" Fuji suggests. They have been taking it upon themselves to do something about it when their friend feels down as both can't stand it to see her linger in this state when she does.

Eiji nods determinately in agreement. "Take the lead." Fuji suggests.

"Hoi hoi!"

He dashes up towards Ryumi, pulling out his cell phone. "Ryumi-chan~. Come on, let's take a picture!" he suggests. "For o-chibi's first Prefectual tournament with Seigaku."

He pulls her and Ryoma in, squashing the three of them together before starting to snap selfies.

"Why do you have to be in them senpai?" Ryoma complains, his right cheek right up to Eiji's left.

"If I'm taking pictures, I should at least be in them." is Eiji's logic. "Now smile!" he urges.

Ryoma only frowns deeper. "I don't wanna."

"Mom would like a picture..." Ryumi mutters, making Ryoma sigh before relenting, managing one single smile for a picture.

"Take a look!" Eiji motions to his phone and pumps his fist in success when Ryumi manages a smile, meaning she has been distracted from whatever negative thought ran trough her head.

"You are so handsome chibisuke!" she coos, making her brother blush in embarrassment.

Eiji nods in agreement. "I'll have it printed okay?"

Ryumi nods. "Thanks Eiji." she tells him, making him grin and put up a victory sign.

"Echizen!" Tezuka calls, making them look over. "Your match is starting."

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now