Part 19

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"I'm home!" Ryoma calls stepping inside and throwing his wet shoes off. It's been raining for a while.

"Hi chibisuke!" Ryumi greets from the porch. She has been resting at home the whole day, too sore to go to school.

Ryoma walks over, dumping a stack of papers next to her on the table where she is watching the small TV, keeping track of the Grand Slam tournament in Paris. She always likes matches on gravel more.

"Homework." Ryoma states dully before sitting down next to her.

"Thanks. Hey, I heard you played a match against Fujiko today." she states.

Ryoma raises a brow. "Since when do you call him Fujiko?"

She shrugs in reply. "I hear Eiji say it so often, it rubbed off on me. So how was it?"

"It was okay." he shrugs. "How do you even know about it?" he wonders since it just happened.

She whips out a mobile phone. "Mom gave me her old phone, so I can call. You know, just in case. I'm in a group chat with Eiji, Oishi, Fujiko, Inui and Tezuka. The others don't have a cell phone, though I suspect Kaidoh has, but he doesn't want to give his number." she explains.

"Even Tezuka-buchou?" Ryoma questions surprised.

Ryumi nods. "Though he never says anything."

"Mmh." Ryoma hums. "Hey Ryumi-nee?" he questions.


"During the match... Why did Fuji-senpai say he has a date with you after the tournament finishes?" he asks, looking at her with a penetrating gaze.

Ryumi rolls her eyes. "That guy..." she sighs. "It's not a date. He just likes to rile you up. If you don't pay attention to it, he'll stop. We're just planning to hang out somewhere. Though don't tell dad, or he'll be all over my case."

Ryoma looks at her skeptically. "Promise me." she urges and he finally relents.

"Only if you tell me what you are going to be doing." he bargains.

Ryumi looks hesitant before succumbing. Anything is better than her dad knowing. "Practice." she states.

"Practice?" he repeats, surprised.

She nods in confirmation, thinking back to the day before, before she met up with Eiji.

"Fujiko. Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asks when he enters the school grounds.

"Huh? Sure. What is it?" he asks curiously, sensing this is about something serious.

Ryumi takes a deep breath. "Fujiko... Would you like to... Coach me?" she asks, catching him by surprise.

"Coach you?" he asks, making sure he heard right.

Ryumi nods. "Yesterday, Tezuka-kun showed me that I can start playing again, if I learn the right move." she explains.

"Ah." he breathes. "You mean the Tezuka Zone?"

"That's right. I need someone who I can practice with." she tells him.

"I see." he muses. "But why me?"

"Because I trust you not to tell anyone who will start to worry. Besides, I can tell you'll be strict and keep me from doing something stupid, like overexerting myself." she explains.

Fuji nods. "I understand."

"So, will you? Please? You don't have to of course, if you don't want to, but..." she gets cut off by a hand patting the top of her head.

"Saa, I don't mind Ryumi-chan." he says smiling. "I'm glad you asked. At least now I can keep an eye out to make sure you don't do anything stupid, like you said."

Ryumi smiles up at him. "Thanks coach. I'll listen diligently." she promises, making him nod satisfied.

"So it's like that?" Ryoma hums after listening to the story.

"You understand right, that if I practice with you, dad is more likely to find out. When I'm able, I want to surprise him." she states.

"I get it. But are you ready to start again?" he wonders unsurely.

"I think so." she replies. "It just feels like now is the right time. My leg is okay after yesterday, no damage done. The stiffness will be long over after the tournament. There is no reason to wait."

"Wait with what?" a voice asks from behind them, making them stiffen.

"Nothing!" the two reply in unison to their dad.

"Huh?" he muses, raising a brow before scowling. "Fine, don't tell your old man. You ungrateful brats." he pouts, stomping off.

Ryumi and Ryoma sigh in relief. "Not a word." Ryumi warns, making Ryoma nod. He knows he can't stop her now.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now