Part 29

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"Every time... there is something..." Ryumi moans in frustration as she walks back to the guys. Here they are, ready to get the regional tournament going, but now Oishi was nowhere to be found. So she called and... Jeesh!

"What did he say?" Tezuka asks as soon as he sees her. He takes note of the unnatural twitch in her eye.

She sighs. "Pregnant lady..." she breathes, explaining all.

"No way!" Ryoma scoffs in disbelief, making her roll her eyes.

"I believe him. He isn't one to make up stupid excuses, unlike someone else I know." Ryumi tells him, eying her little brother pointedly as he pulls his cap further over his eyes. Momoshiro snickers at his expense, leaning a huge flag on his shoulder.

Momo has been really hyped up, having made headbands for the freshman all night long.

Ryumi looks over her shoulder to see that within the minute, Eiji and Momo have already dressed up Katsuo as Oishi. Poor kid.

"Anyway, I don't think he's going to make it. He told me he didn't want to leave the lady on her own." she explains to Tezuka. "Some predicament...." Tezuka hums in agreement.

Momo steps up suddenly. "I could go to the hospital and take his place. If I'm quick enough, we might make it in time for registration." he suggests. "Where is it?" he asks hurriedly.

"At central, two blocks from here." Ryumi tells him and he's off like lightning.

"Let's hope he makes it." coach Ryuzaki sighs.


"Hey Momo, come quick!" Eiji urges when the junior reappears. Oishi called to tell them he injured his wrist and leaves his spot open for Momoshiro to take. With only a minute left to enlist, they have to hurry.

"Looks like you've already done your warming up." Tezuka states, regarding the panting boy. Momo himself still looks a bit startled that he's even participating.

They quickly enlist before it's too late. But Oishi not being here, means Eiji and Momo will be playing together in doubles two. There is no guessing how that will work out.

Ryuzaki makes sure that the two unlikely doubles pairs, the other being Inui and Kaidoh, know what is at stake. If they happen to lose, their chances are slimmed down drastically.

Kawamura looks a bit insecure about facing Kabaji in singles three. Momo played against him before and he's all brute strength. There is no way Ryoma could face him, being still so short.

"I wonder if it's okay..." he hums.

"It'll be okay." Fuji quickly tells him. "Taka-san, you have been training hard for this day, right?" he reminds his teammate as he hands him his bright yellow racket.

"Do your best." he adds.

Kawamura smiles a little, not noticing everyone eying him as he stays calm. "Yeah." he commits, feeling better.

Suddenly his face starts to contort is different ways and Ryumi quickly hides behind Eiji. "He's gonna blow!"

No sooner than she said it, Kawamura unleashes his fury, "I'm BURNING!!!" he shouts, shocking everyone within close range.

"I'm getting heated up!! Come on! I. AM. GREAT!! Kaba-whatever or whoever.... Doesn't matter...." he starts to rent uncontrollably, causing Eiji to snicker in his hand. He always is greatly amused at Kawamura's outbursts. Just like Fuji, who is often the instigator, though he somehow always manages to keep a straight face.

Meanwhile, Ryoma sips his ponta uncaringly. He is too bummed out not to be selected this time around.

"Now," Tezuka starts as the teams are requested to get on the court. "Let's play without regrets!"



"This is insane." Ryumi breathes, observing the chanting crowd that has gathered to cheer Hyotei on. Those cheering for Seigaku are just about completely drowned out by the noise.

The Ichinen trio and Sakuno give if everything they've got though. They don't want to be outmatched. Eiji and Momo look rather put off as they stand on the court though.

Facing them are Oshitari Yuushi and Muhaki Gakuto. The first is a bespectacled boy with dark blue hair and a smirk on his face while the second is perhaps just a little taller than Ryoma with a dark shade of red hair. Muhaki is at the net with Eiji.

The boy startles everyone by showing off his own acrobatic play right of the bat. Heck, it's impressive. Eiji takes the return either way, but then there is Oshitari.... They work well together.

Over the course of the match, Muhaki seems to have it out for Eiji, set to prove he's better. And he is really good, shattering Eiji's confidence piece by piece. It's worrying.

Ryumi hates seeing someone beat Eiji down like that, taunting him. And he's already in a tough spot without Oishi who usually leads the game. He has Momo depending on him now. That on top of Oshitari being able to make returns like Fuji can and all these Hyotei guys cheering so loudly. It's bothering her.

When they go change courts again she takes her chance and runs over to the discarded flagpole. "Jeesh! It's heavy." she mutters, hauling the thing upright with much difficulty.

"Here, let me help." someone offers, making her look up to see none other than Oishi.

"Oishi!" she smiles, pleasantly surprised. "Careful, you're wrist!" she warns.

He nods and together they lift the great flag. "Seigaku! Fight!" they shout in unison at the top of their lungs, making the boys look up at them in surprise.

Eiji and Momo gaze at them a while longer before turning to each other with a nod. They won't give up.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now